PhpProcess example

            , $dumped);

    private function getServerProcess(): Process
        $process = new PhpProcess(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/dump_server.php'), null, [
            'COMPONENT_ROOT' => __DIR__.'/../../',

        return $process->setTimeout('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? 19 : 9);
$serializer = $this->createSerializer();

        $connection = Connection::fromDsn(getenv('MESSENGER_AMQP_DSN'));

        $sender = new AmqpSender($connection$serializer);
        $sender->send(new Envelope(new DummyMessage('Hello')));

        $amqpReadTimeout = 30;
        $dsn = getenv('MESSENGER_AMQP_DSN').'?read_timeout='.$amqpReadTimeout;
        $process = new PhpProcess(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/long_receiver.php'), null, [
            'COMPONENT_ROOT' => __DIR__.'/../../',
            'DSN' => $dsn,


        $this->waitForOutput($process$expectedOutput = "Receiving messages...\n");

        $signalTime = microtime(true);
        $timedOutTime = time() + 10;

if ($io->isVerbose()) {
      $io->writeln("<info>Browser command:</info> $cmd");

    // Need to escape double quotes in the command so the PHP will work.     $cmd = str_replace('"', '\"', $cmd);
    // Sleep for 2 seconds before opening the browser. This allows the command     // to start up the PHP built-in webserver in the meantime. We use a     // PhpProcess so that Windows powershell users also get a browser opened     // for them.     $php = "<?php sleep(2); passthru(\"$cmd\"); ?>";
    $process = new PhpProcess($php);

  /** * Gets a one time login URL for user 1. * * @return string * The one time login URL for user 1. */
  protected function getOneTimeLoginUrl() {
    $user = User::load(1);

    // We need to override the current working directory for invocations from     // to work properly.     $process = new PhpProcess($script$this->root);

    // Assert the output strings as unrelated errors (like the log-exit.php     // script throwing a PHP error) would still pass the final assertion.     $this->assertEquals("kernel test: This is a test message in test_function (line 456 of test.module).\n", $process->getOutput());
    $this->assertEquals("kernel test: This is a test message in test.module on line 456 backtrace\n", $process->getErrorOutput());


    protected function doRequestInProcess(object $request)
        $deprecationsFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'deprec');
        $_ENV['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_SERIALIZE'] = $deprecationsFile;
        $process = new PhpProcess($this->getScript($request), null, null);

        if (file_exists($deprecationsFile)) {
            $deprecations = file_get_contents($deprecationsFile);
            foreach ($deprecations ? unserialize($deprecations) : [] as $deprecation) {
                if ($deprecation[0]) {
                    // unsilenced on purpose                     trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                } else {
                    @trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpProcess;

class PhpProcessTest extends TestCase
    public function testNonBlockingWorks()
        $expected = 'hello world!';
        $process = new PhpProcess(<<<PHP <?php echo '$expected'; PHP

    public function testCommandLine()
        $process = new PhpProcess(<<<'PHP'

        $cloner = new VarCloner();
        $data = $cloner->cloneVar('foo');
        $connection = new Connection(self::VAR_DUMPER_SERVER);
        $start = microtime(true);
        $this->assertLessThan(4, microtime(true) - $start);

    private function getServerProcess(): Process
        $process = new PhpProcess(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/dump_server.php'), null, [
            'COMPONENT_ROOT' => __DIR__.'/../../',

        return $process->setTimeout(9);
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