getExpressionLanguage example

while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
                $id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);

            if (null !== $this->referenceVariables && isset($this->referenceVariables[$id])) {
                return $this->dumpValue($this->referenceVariables[$id]$interpolate);

            return $this->getServiceCall($id$value);
        } elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
            return $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile((string) $value['this' => 'container']);
        } elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) {
            return $this->dumpParameter($value);
        } elseif (true === $interpolate && \is_string($value)) {
            if (preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value$match)) {
                // we do this to deal with non string values (Boolean, integer, ...)                 // the preg_replace_callback converts them to strings                 return $this->dumpParameter($match[1]);
            } else {
                $replaceParameters = function D$match) {
                    return "'.".$this->dumpParameter($match[2]).".'";

public function validate(mixed $value, Constraint $constraint): void
        if (!$constraint instanceof When) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, When::class);

        $context = $this->context;
        $variables = $constraint->values;
        $variables['value'] = $value;
        $variables['this'] = $context->getObject();

        if ($this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($constraint->expression, $variables)) {

    private function getExpressionLanguage(): ExpressionLanguage
        if (!class_exists(ExpressionLanguage::class)) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "symfony/expression-language" component is required to use the "%s" validator. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".', __CLASS__));

$arguments = ['...'];

                if ($callable instanceof Reference || $callable instanceof Definition) {
                    $callable = [$callable, '__invoke'];

            if (\is_string($callable) && str_starts_with($callable, '@=')) {
                return $return.sprintf('(($args = %s) ? (%s) : null)',
                    $this->dumpValue(new ServiceLocatorArgument($definition->getArguments())),
                    $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile(substr($callable, 2)['container' => 'container', 'args' => 'args'])

            if (!\is_array($callable)) {
                return $return.sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($callable))$arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '').$tail;

            if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $callable[1])) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s).', $callable[1] ?: 'n/a'));

public function validate(mixed $value, Constraint $constraint)
        if (!$constraint instanceof Expression) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, Expression::class);

        $variables = $constraint->values;
        $variables['value'] = $value;
        $variables['this'] = $this->context->getObject();
        $variables['context'] = $this->context;

        if ($constraint->negate xor $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($constraint->expression, $variables)) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value, self::OBJECT_TO_STRING))

    private function getExpressionLanguage(): ExpressionLanguage
        if (!isset($this->expressionLanguage)) {
            $this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage();

    private function compileRoute(Route $route, string $name, string|array|null $vars, bool $hasTrailingSlash, bool $hasTrailingVar, array &$conditions): array
        $defaults = $route->getDefaults();

        if (isset($defaults['_canonical_route'])) {
            $name = $defaults['_canonical_route'];

        if ($condition = $route->getCondition()) {
            $condition = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile($condition['context', 'request', 'params']);
            $condition = $conditions[$condition] ??= (str_contains($condition, '$request') ? 1 : -1) * \count($conditions);
        } else {
            $condition = null;

        return [
            ['_route' => $name] + $defaults,
            array_flip($route->getMethods()) ?: null,
            array_flip($route->getSchemes()) ?: null,
require_once $parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getFile());

        $arguments = $definition->getArguments();

        if (null !== $factory = $definition->getFactory()) {
            if (\is_array($factory)) {
                $factory = [$this->doResolveServices($parameterBag->resolveValue($factory[0])$inlineServices$isConstructorArgument)$factory[1]];
            } elseif (!\is_string($factory)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot create service "%s" because of invalid factory.', $id));
            } elseif (str_starts_with($factory, '@=')) {
                $factory = fn (ServiceLocator $arguments) => $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate(substr($factory, 2)['container' => $this, 'args' => $arguments]);
                $arguments = [new ServiceLocatorArgument($arguments)];

        $arguments = $this->doResolveServices($parameterBag->unescapeValue($parameterBag->resolveValue($arguments))$inlineServices$isConstructorArgument);

        if (null !== $id && $definition->isShared() && (isset($this->services[$id]) || isset($this->privates[$id])) && (true === $tryProxy || !$definition->isLazy())) {
            return $this->services[$id] ?? $this->privates[$id];

        if (!array_is_list($arguments)) {
                    $this->currentId = $k;
                if ($v !== $processedValue = $this->processValue($v$isRoot)) {
                    $value[$k] = $processedValue;
        } elseif ($value instanceof ArgumentInterface) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof Expression && $this->processExpressions) {
            $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile((string) $value['this' => 'container', 'args' => 'args']);
        } elseif ($value instanceof Definition) {

            $changes = $value->getChanges();
            if (isset($changes['factory'])) {
                if (\is_string($factory = $value->getFactory()) && str_starts_with($factory, '@=')) {
                    if (!class_exists(Expression::class)) {
                        throw new LogicException('Expressions cannot be used in service factories without the ExpressionLanguage component. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".');
$class = $value->getClass();

            if ($class && isset(self::BUILTIN_TYPES[strtolower($class)])) {
                $class = strtolower($class);
            } elseif (!$class || (!$this->autoload && !class_exists($class, false) && !interface_exists($class, false))) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) {
            $value = $this->container->getParameter($value);
        } elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
            try {
                $value = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($value['container' => $this->container]);
            } catch (\Exception) {
                // If a service from the expression cannot be fetched from the container, we skip the validation.                 return;
        } elseif (\is_string($value)) {
            if ('%' === ($value[0] ?? '') && preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value$match)) {
                $value = $this->container->getParameter(substr($value, 1, -1));

            if ($envPlaceholderUniquePrefix && \is_string($value) && str_contains($value, 'env_')) {
                // If the value is an env placeholder that is either mixed with a string or with another env placeholder, then its resolved value will always be a string, so we don't need to resolve it.

    public function validate(mixed $value, Constraint $constraint)
        if (!$constraint instanceof Expression) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, Expression::class);

        $variables = $constraint->values;
        $variables['value'] = $value;
        $variables['this'] = $this->context->getObject();

        if ($constraint->negate xor $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($constraint->expression, $variables)) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value, self::OBJECT_TO_STRING))

    private function getExpressionLanguage(): ExpressionLanguage
        return $this->expressionLanguage ??= new ExpressionLanguage();
require_once $parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getFile());

        $arguments = $definition->getArguments();

        if (null !== $factory = $definition->getFactory()) {
            if (\is_array($factory)) {
                $factory = [$this->doResolveServices($parameterBag->resolveValue($factory[0])$inlineServices$isConstructorArgument)$factory[1]];
            } elseif (!\is_string($factory)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot create service "%s" because of invalid factory.', $id));
            } elseif (str_starts_with($factory, '@=')) {
                $factory = fn (ServiceLocator $arguments) => $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate(substr($factory, 2)['container' => $this, 'args' => $arguments]);
                $arguments = [new ServiceLocatorArgument($arguments)];

        $arguments = $this->doResolveServices($parameterBag->unescapeValue($parameterBag->resolveValue($arguments))$inlineServices$isConstructorArgument);

        if (null !== $id && $definition->isShared() && (isset($this->services[$id]) || isset($this->privates[$id])) && (true === $tryProxy || !$definition->isLazy())) {
            return $this->services[$id] ?? $this->privates[$id];

        if (!array_is_list($arguments)) {
$arguments = ['...'];

                if ($callable instanceof Reference || $callable instanceof Definition) {
                    $callable = [$callable, '__invoke'];

            if (\is_string($callable) && str_starts_with($callable, '@=')) {
                return $return.sprintf('(($args = %s) ? (%s) : null)',
                    $this->dumpValue(new ServiceLocatorArgument($definition->getArguments())),
                    $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile(substr($callable, 2)['container' => 'container', 'args' => 'args'])

            if (!\is_array($callable)) {
                return $return.sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($callable))$arguments ? implode(', ', $arguments) : '').$tail;

            if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $callable[1])) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s).', $callable[1] ?: 'n/a'));


    private function compileRoute(Route $route, string $name, string|array|null $vars, bool $hasTrailingSlash, bool $hasTrailingVar, array &$conditions): array
        $defaults = $route->getDefaults();

        if (isset($defaults['_canonical_route'])) {
            $name = $defaults['_canonical_route'];

        if ($condition = $route->getCondition()) {
            $condition = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile($condition['context', 'request', 'params']);
            $condition = $conditions[$condition] ??= (str_contains($condition, '$request') ? 1 : -1) * \count($conditions);
        } else {
            $condition = null;

        return [
            ['_route' => $name] + $defaults,
            array_flip($route->getMethods()) ?: null,
            array_flip($route->getSchemes()) ?: null,
public function validate(mixed $value, Constraint $constraint): void
        if (!$constraint instanceof When) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, When::class);

        $context = $this->context;
        $variables = $constraint->values;
        $variables['value'] = $value;
        $variables['this'] = $context->getObject();

        if ($this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($constraint->expression, $variables)) {

    private function getExpressionLanguage(): ExpressionLanguage
        if (!class_exists(ExpressionLanguage::class)) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('The "symfony/expression-language" component is required to use the "%s" validator. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".', __CLASS__));

$class = $value->getClass();

            if ($class && isset(self::BUILTIN_TYPES[strtolower($class)])) {
                $class = strtolower($class);
            } elseif (!$class || (!$this->autoload && !class_exists($class, false) && !interface_exists($class, false))) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) {
            $value = $this->container->getParameter($value);
        } elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
            try {
                $value = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($value['container' => $this->container]);
            } catch (\Exception) {
                // If a service from the expression cannot be fetched from the container, we skip the validation.                 return;
        } elseif (\is_string($value)) {
            if ('%' === ($value[0] ?? '') && preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value$match)) {
                $value = $this->container->getParameter(substr($value, 1, -1));

            if ($envPlaceholderUniquePrefix && \is_string($value) && str_contains($value, 'env_')) {
                // If the value is an env placeholder that is either mixed with a string or with another env placeholder, then its resolved value will always be a string, so we don't need to resolve it.

        $request->attributes->set('_cache', $attributes);
        $response = null;
        $lastModified = null;
        $etag = null;

        /** @var Cache[] $attributes */
        foreach ($attributes as $cache) {
            if (null !== $cache->lastModified) {
                $lastModified = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($cache->lastModified, array_merge($request->attributes->all()$event->getNamedArguments()));
                ($response ??= new Response())->setLastModified($lastModified);

            if (null !== $cache->etag) {
                $etag = hash('sha256', $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($cache->etag, array_merge($request->attributes->all()$event->getNamedArguments())));
                ($response ??= new Response())->setEtag($etag);

        if ($response?->isNotModified($request)) {
            $event->setController(static fn () => $response);
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