ob_get_clean example

    private function createWelcomeResponse(): Response
        $version = Kernel::VERSION;
        $projectDir = realpath((string) $this->projectDir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        $docVersion = substr(Kernel::VERSION, 0, 3);

        include \dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/welcome.html.php';

        return new Response(ob_get_clean(), Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

    public function testSetNotModified()
        $response = new StreamedResponse(function D) { echo 'foo'; });
        $modified = $response->setNotModified();
        $this->assertEquals(304, $modified->getStatusCode());

        $string = ob_get_clean();

    public function testSendInformationalResponse()
        $response = new StreamedResponse();

        // Informational responses must not override the main status code         $this->assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());


            'Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Fixture\DumbFoo' => function D$foo$a) {
                $a['foo'] = new CutStub($a['foo']);

                return $a;
        $data = $cloner->cloneVar($var);

        $out = ob_get_clean();
        $out = preg_replace('/[ \t]+$/m', '', $out);
        $intMax = \PHP_INT_MAX;
        $res = (int) $var['res'];

            <<<EOTXT array:25 [ "number" => 1 0 => &1 null "const" => 1.1 1 => true 2 => false 3 => NAN 4 => INF 5 => -INF 6 =>
$handler->handleException(new \Exception());

    public function testRenderException()
        $handler = new ErrorHandler();
        $handler->setExceptionHandler([$handler, 'renderException']);

        $handler->handleException(new \RuntimeException('Class Foo not found'));
        $response = ob_get_clean();

        self::assertStringContainsString('Class Foo not found', $response);

    /** * @dataProvider errorHandlerWhenLoggingProvider */
    public function testErrorHandlerWhenLogging(bool $previousHandlerWasDefined, bool $loggerSetsAnotherHandler, bool $nextHandlerIsDefined)
        try {
            if ($previousHandlerWasDefined) {
if ( in_array( $mod$loaded_mods, true ) ) {
            return true;

    if ( empty( $loaded_mods )
        && function_exists( 'phpinfo' )
        && ! str_contains( ini_get( 'disable_functions' ), 'phpinfo' )
    ) {
        phpinfo( INFO_MODULES );
        $phpinfo = ob_get_clean();

        if ( str_contains( $phpinfo$mod ) ) {
            return true;

    return $default_value;

/** * Checks if IIS 7+ supports pretty permalinks. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @global bool $is_iis7 * * @return bool Whether IIS7 supports permalinks. */
/** * Get the panel's content template for insertion into the Customizer pane. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return string Content for the panel. */
    final public function get_content() {
        return trim( ob_get_clean() );

    /** * Check capabilities and render the panel. * * @since 4.0.0 */
    final public function maybe_render() {
        if ( ! $this->check_capabilities() ) {

echo substr($content, 24, $j - 24);
            $i = $j + 24;

            while (false !== $j = strpos($content$boundary$i)) {
                [$uri$alt$ignoreErrors$part] = explode("\n", substr($content$i$j - $i), 4);
                $i = $j + 24;

                echo $this->surrogate->handle($this$uri$alt$ignoreErrors);
                echo $part;

            if (!$response->headers->has('Transfer-Encoding')) {
                $response->headers->set('Content-Length', \strlen($response->getContent()));
        } elseif ($response->headers->has('X-Body-File')) {
            // Response does not include possibly dynamic content (ESI, SSI), so we need             // not handle the content for HEAD requests             if (!$request->isMethod('HEAD')) {
        } else {
                'taxonomy'             => $taxonomy->name,
                'descendants_and_self' => $cat_id,
                'selected_cats'        => $checked_categories,
                'popular_cats'         => $popular_ids,

        $data = ob_get_clean();

        $add = array(
            'what'     => $taxonomy->name,
            'id'       => $cat_id,
            'data'     => str_replace( array( "\n", "\t" ), '', $data ),
            'position' => -1,

    if ( $parent ) { // Foncy - replace the parent and all its children.         $parent  = get_term( $parent$taxonomy->name );
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
                    if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
                    try {
                        eval("?>" . $code);
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        throw $e;
                } else {
                    if (!$_template->compiled->exists || ($_template->smarty->force_compile && !$_template->compiled->isCompiled)) {
                    if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
                    if (!$_template->compiled->loaded) {
private static string $phpBin;
    private static ?Process $process = null;
    private static bool $sigchild;

    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        $phpBin = new PhpExecutableFinder();
        self::$phpBin = getenv('SYMFONY_PROCESS_PHP_TEST_BINARY') ?: ('phpdbg' === \PHP_SAPI ? 'php' : $phpBin->find());

        self::$sigchild = str_contains(ob_get_clean(), '--enable-sigchild');

    protected function tearDown(): void
        if (self::$process) {
            self::$process = null;

    public function testInvalidCwd()

    $format = apply_filters( 'search_form_format', $format$args );

    $search_form_template = locate_template( 'searchform.php' );

    if ( '' !== $search_form_template ) {
        require $search_form_template;
        $form = ob_get_clean();
    } else {
        // Build a string containing an aria-label to use for the search form.         if ( $args['aria_label'] ) {
            $aria_label = 'aria-label="' . esc_attr( $args['aria_label'] ) . '" ';
        } else {
            /* * If there's no custom aria-label, we can set a default here. At the * moment it's empty as there's uncertainty about what the default should be. */
            $aria_label = '';

public function testRun(): void
        $generator = new StreamedCommandResponseGenerator();

        $response = $generator->run(['echo', 'foo']function DProcess $process): void {


        $content = ob_get_clean();

        static::assertSame('foo', trim((string) $content));

    public function testRunJSON(): void
        $generator = new StreamedCommandResponseGenerator();

        $response = $generator->runJSON(['echo', 'foo']);

'customize_changeset_uuid'   => $wp_customize->changeset_uuid(),
            'wp_customize'               => 'on',
            'customize_changeset_status' => 'publish',
        ?> <?php wp_print_scripts( array( 'wp-util' ) ); ?> <script> wp.ajax.post( 'customize_save', <?php echo wp_json_encode( $request_args ); ?> ); </script> <?php         $script = ob_get_clean();

            '<h1>' . __( 'Your scheduled changes just published' ) . '</h1>' .
            '<p><a href="' . esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'changeset_uuid' ) ) . '">' . __( 'Customize New Changes' ) . '</a></p>' . $script,

    if ( in_array( get_post_status( $changeset_post->ID ), array( 'publish', 'trash' ), true ) ) {
            '<h1>' . __( 'Something went wrong.' ) . '</h1>' .
        $encodedEnvelope['body'] = str_replace('DummyMessage', 'OupsyMessage', $encodedEnvelope['body']);

        $envelope = $serializer->decode($encodedEnvelope);

        $lastMessageDecodingFailedStamp = $envelope->last(MessageDecodingFailedStamp::class);
        $message = $envelope->getMessage();
        // The class does not exist, so we cannot use anything else. The only         // purpose of this feature is to aim debugging (so dumping value)         ob_start();
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        // remove object ID         $content = preg_replace('/#\d+/', '', $content);
        $expected = <<<EOT object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class) (2) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(55) "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Tests\Fixtures\OupsyMessage" ["message":"Symfony\Component\Messenger\Tests\Fixtures\OupsyMessage":private]=> string(5) "Hello" } EOT;
if (null !== $supported) {
            return $supported;

        if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR || !\function_exists('passthru') || !\function_exists('escapeshellarg')) {
            return $supported = false;

        passthru('command -v file', $exitStatus);
        $binPath = trim(ob_get_clean());

        return $supported = 0 === $exitStatus && '' !== $binPath;

    public function guessMimeType(string $path): ?string
        if (!is_file($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" file does not exist or is not readable.', $path));

        if (!$this->isGuesserSupported()) {
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