canWrite example


        // The php://temp stream deletes the file after close         $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($filename);

    public function testTempnamWithPharSchemeFails()
        // Skip test if Phar disabled phar.readonly must be 0 in php.ini         if (!\Phar::canWrite()) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('This test cannot run when phar.readonly is 1.');

        $scheme = 'phar://';
        $dirname = $scheme.$this->workspace;
        $pharname = 'foo.phar';

        new \Phar($this->workspace.'/'.$pharname, 0, $pharname);
        // The phar:// stream does not support mode x: fails to create file, errors "failed to open stream: phar error: "$filename" is not a file in phar "$pharname"" and returns false         $this->filesystem->tempnam($dirname$pharname.'/bar');

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