The php Function Easter_Date
The php function easter_date is used to get the Easter midnight timestamp(Unix) for the specified year. Easter Day is the Sunday after the first full moon that falls on or after the Spring Equinox (21st March).
The easter_date() function returns the Unix timestamp corresponding to the Easter date for a given year. The year argument is optional, if it is not provided it will default to the current year. This function will generate a warning if the passed year is outside the range of valid Unix timestamps (i.e before 1970 or after 2037 on 32bit systems).
In this article, we will discuss about the php function easter_date along with its usage and syntax. The easter_date() function is a built-in function that can easily discover the Unix timestamp of Easter Sunday(a major holiday in the Christian calendar). This will help developers to programmatically establish the date of Easter rather than relying on other sources or making tedious calculations.
The easter_date() function uses your system's C library time functions, so it may not be compatible with all PHP environments. It is recommended to recompile PHP with --enable-calendar in order to use these functions. This function also relies on the TZ environment variable to determine its own time zone. If the TZ variable is not set, this function will return the current time zone's offset from UTC. If you want to change the time zone offset of this function, you should use the timezone_to_localtime() function.