PHP Function Ftp_Cdup
FTP is a standard network protocol which allows transferring files from one host to another over a TCP-based network. PHP is a server side programming language that can connect to remote servers that support the FTP protocol and transfer files between them. PHP has an inbuilt FTP extension that provides several functions to allow a program access to a file server. These functions include a login function, which takes the address of an actual FTP server and a user ID to authenticate the connection. Once the connection is established, other functions can be run against the server.
One of these functions is ftp_cdup, which changes the current directory on the FTP server to the parent of that directory. This is useful when working with files on a remote server because it makes it easier to navigate between directories.
Other FTP functions that can be used are ftp_login, ftp_get, and ftp_put. These are meant to give the developer detailed access to the server and can be used to upload and download files, rename them, delete them, and get information on the contents of a file server.
The FTP functions in PHP became available with version 3 and can be useful for providing a more detailed level of access to a file server than just using wrapper ftp:// and simple filesystem functions. They are a valuable tool to have for any developer who works with remote file servers. However, if your requirements are for simply reading from or writing to a file on a file server, then the wrapper ftp:// and simpler filesystem functions will be just fine.