generateHash example

    public function acceptSignatureHash(string $userIdentifier, int $expires, string $hash): void
        if ($expires < time()) {
            throw new ExpiredSignatureException('Signature has expired.');
        $hmac = substr($hash, 0, 44);
        $payload = substr($hash, 44).':'.$expires.':'.$userIdentifier;

        if (!hash_equals($hmac$this->generateHash($payload))) {
            throw new InvalidSignatureException('Invalid or expired signature.');

    /** * Verifies the hash using the provided user and expire time. * * @param int $expires The expiry time as a unix timestamp * @param string $hash The plaintext hash provided by the request * * @throws InvalidSignatureException If the signature does not match the provided parameters * @throws ExpiredSignatureException If the signature is no longer valid */

        if ($filter instanceof Cache\ChoiceFilter) {
            $filter = $filter->getOption();
        } elseif ($filter) {
            $cache = false;

        if (!$cache) {
            return $this->decoratedFactory->createListFromChoices($choices$value$filter);

        $hash = self::generateHash([$choices$value$filter], 'fromChoices');

        if (!isset($this->lists[$hash])) {
            $this->lists[$hash] = $this->decoratedFactory->createListFromChoices($choices$value$filter);

        return $this->lists[$hash];

    public function createListFromLoader(ChoiceLoaderInterface $loader, mixed $value = null, mixed $filter = null): ChoiceListInterface
        $cache = true;

/** * @return void */
    public function reset()
        $this->idReaders = [];
        $this->entityLoaders = [];

    private function getCachedIdReader(ObjectManager $manager, string $class): ?IdReader
        $hash = CachingFactoryDecorator::generateHash([$manager$class]);

        if (isset($this->idReaders[$hash])) {
            return $this->idReaders[$hash];

        $idReader = new IdReader($manager$manager->getClassMetadata($class));

        // don't cache the instance for composite ids that cannot be optimized         return $this->idReaders[$hash] = $idReader->isSingleId() ? $idReader : null;


    private static array $options = [];

    private bool|string|array|\Closure|ChoiceLoaderInterface $option;

    /** * @param mixed $option Any pseudo callable, array, string or bool to define a choice list option * @param mixed $vary Dynamic data used to compute a unique hash when caching the option */
    final public function __construct(FormTypeInterface|FormTypeExtensionInterface $formType, mixed $option, mixed $vary = null)
        $hash = CachingFactoryDecorator::generateHash([static::class$formType$vary]);

        $this->option = self::$options[$hash] ??= $option instanceof \Closure || \is_string($option) || \is_bool($option) || $option instanceof ChoiceLoaderInterface || !\is_callable($option) ? $option : $option(...);

    final public function getOption(): mixed
        return $this->option;

    final public static function reset(): void
        } else {
            // Session based CSRF protection             $this->configureSession();

        $this->request      = Services::request();
        $this->hashInCookie = $this->request->getCookie($this->cookieName);

        if ($this->hash === null) {

    private function isCSRFCookie(): bool
        return $this->config->csrfProtection === self::CSRF_PROTECTION_COOKIE;

    private function configureSession(): void
        $this->session = Services::session();

      switch ($css_group['type']) {
        case 'file':
          // No preprocessing, single CSS asset: just use the existing URI.           if (!$css_group['preprocess']) {
            $uri = $css_group['items'][0]['data'];
            $css_assets[$order]['data'] = $uri;
          // Preprocess (aggregate), unless the aggregate file already exists.           else {
            $key = $this->generateHash($css_group);
            $uri = '';
            if (isset($map[$key])) {
              $uri = $map[$key];
            if (empty($uri) || !file_exists($uri)) {
              // Optimize each asset within the group.               $data = '';
              $current_license = FALSE;
              foreach ($css_group['items'] as $css_asset) {
                // Ensure license information is available as a comment after                 // optimization.

      switch ($js_group['type']) {
        case 'file':
          // No preprocessing, single JS asset: just use the existing URI.           if (!$js_group['preprocess']) {
            $uri = $js_group['items'][0]['data'];
            $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $uri;
          // Preprocess (aggregate), unless the aggregate file already exists.           else {
            $key = $this->generateHash($js_group);
            $uri = '';
            if (isset($map[$key])) {
              $uri = $map[$key];
            if (empty($uri) || !file_exists($uri)) {
              // Concatenate each asset within the group.               $data = '';
              $current_license = FALSE;
              foreach ($js_group['items'] as $js_asset) {
                // Ensure license information is available as a comment after                 // optimization.
// Generate a URL for the group, but do not process it inline, this is       // done by \Drupal\system\controller\JsAssetController.       foreach ($js_assets as $order => $js_asset) {
        if (!empty($js_asset['preprocessed'])) {
          $query = [
            'scope' => $js_asset['scope'] === 'header' ? 'header' : 'footer',
            'delta' => "$order",
          ] + $query_args;
          // Add a filename prefix to mitigate ad blockers which can block           // any script beginning with 'ad'.           $filename = 'js_' . $this->generateHash($js_asset) . '.js';
          $uri = 'assets://js/' . $filename;
          $js_assets[$order]['data'] = $this->fileUrlGenerator->generateString($uri) . '?' . UrlHelper::buildQuery($query);

    return $js_assets;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
$ajax_page_state = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->get('ajax_page_state');
    $already_loaded = isset($ajax_page_state) ? explode(',', $ajax_page_state['libraries']) : [];
    if ($already_loaded) {
      $query_args['exclude'] = UrlHelper::compressQueryParameter(implode(',', $this->dependencyResolver->getMinimalRepresentativeSubset($already_loaded)));

    // Generate a URL for each group of assets, but do not process them inline,     // this is done using optimizeGroup() when the asset path is requested.     foreach ($css_assets as $order => $css_asset) {
      if (!empty($css_asset['preprocessed'])) {
        $query = ['delta' => "$order"] + $query_args;
        $filename = 'css_' . $this->generateHash($css_asset) . '.css';
        $uri = 'assets://css/' . $filename;
        $css_assets[$order]['data'] = $this->fileUrlGenerator->generateString($uri) . '?' . UrlHelper::buildQuery($query);

    return $css_assets;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
$exclude_string = UrlHelper::uncompressQueryParameter($request->query->get('exclude'));
      if (!$exclude_string) {
        throw new BadRequestHttpException('The libraries to exclude are encoded incorrectly.');
      $attached_assets->setAlreadyLoadedLibraries(explode(',', $exclude_string));
    $groups = $this->getGroups($attached_assets$request);

    $group = $this->getGroup($groups$request->query->get('delta'));
    // Generate a hash based on the asset group, this uses the same method as     // the collection optimizer does to create the filename, so it should match.     $generated_hash = $this->generateHash($group);
    $data = $this->optimizer->optimizeGroup($group);

    // However, the hash from the library definitions in code may not match the     // hash from the URL. This can be for three reasons:     // 1. Someone has requested an outdated URL, i.e. from a cached page, which     // matches a different version of the code base.     // 2. Someone has requested an outdated URL during a deployment. This is     // the same case as #1 but a much shorter window.     // 3. Someone is attempting to craft an invalid URL in order to conduct a     // denial of service attack on the site.     // Dump the optimized group into an aggregate file, but only if the
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