getDebug example

        return $this->appVariable->getSession();

    public function getEnvironment(): string
        return $this->appVariable->getEnvironment();

    public function getDebug(): bool
        return $this->appVariable->getDebug();

    /** * @param string|list<string>|null $types * * @return array<mixed> */
    public function getFlashes(string|array|null $types = null): array
        return $this->appVariable->getFlashes($types);

    public function send(RawMessage $message, Envelope $envelope = null): ?SentMessage
        $exception = null;

        while ($transport = $this->getNextTransport()) {
            try {
                return $transport->send($message$envelope);
            } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
                $exception ??= new TransportException('All transports failed.');
                $exception->appendDebug(sprintf("Transport \"%s\": %s\n", $transport$e->getDebug()));
                $this->deadTransports[$transport] = microtime(true);

        throw $exception ?? new TransportException('No transports found.');

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->getNameSymbol().'('.implode(' ', array_map('strval', $this->transports)).')';


            } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
                throw $e;
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->started = false;
                $this->getLogger()->debug(sprintf('Email transport "%s" stopped', __CLASS__));
                throw $e;
            $this->mtaResult = $this->executeCommand("\r\n.\r\n", [250]);
            $this->lastMessageTime = microtime(true);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            $this->lastMessageTime = 0;
            throw $e;

    /** * @internal since version 6.1, to be made private in 7.0 * * @final since version 6.1, to be made private in 7.0 */

        $this->appVariable = new AppVariable();

    /** * @dataProvider debugDataProvider */
    public function testDebug($debugFlag)


    public static function debugDataProvider()
        return [
            'debug on' => [true],
            'debug off' => [false],

    public function testEnvironment()
$t2 = $this->createMock(TransportInterface::class);
        $e2 = new TransportException();
        $e2->appendDebug('Debug message 2');

        $t = new RoundRobinTransport([$t1$t2]);

        try {
            $t->send(new RawMessage(''));
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            $this->assertStringContainsString('Transport "t1": Debug message 1', $e->getDebug());
            $this->assertStringContainsString('Transport "t2": Debug message 2', $e->getDebug());


        $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown!');

    private function assertTransports(RoundRobinTransport $transport, int $cursor, array $deadTransports)
        $p = new \ReflectionProperty($transport, 'cursor');
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