getJsSettingsAssets example

      // loaded, get the JavaScript settings assets, and convert them into a       // single "regular" JavaScript asset.       $libraries_to_load = $this->getLibrariesToLoad($assets);
      $settings_required = in_array('core/drupalSettings', $libraries_to_load) || in_array('core/drupalSettings', $this->libraryDependencyResolver->getLibrariesWithDependencies($assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries()));
      $settings_have_changed = count($libraries_to_load) > 0 || count($assets->getSettings()) > 0;

      // Initialize settings to FALSE since they are not needed by default. This       // distinguishes between an empty array which must still allow       // hook_js_settings_alter() to be run.       $settings = FALSE;
      if ($settings_required && $settings_have_changed) {
        $settings = $this->getJsSettingsAssets($assets);
        // Allow modules to add cached JavaScript settings.         $this->moduleHandler->invokeAllWith('js_settings_build', function Dcallable $hook, string $module) use (&$settings$assets) {
      $settings_in_header = in_array('core/drupalSettings', $header_js_libraries);
      $this->cache->set($cid[$js_assets_header$js_assets_footer$settings$settings_in_header], CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, ['library_info']);

    if ($settings !== FALSE) {
      // Attached settings override both library definitions and
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