getMajorVersion example

  public function getCoverageInfo() {
    if (empty($this->releases[$this->existingVersion])) {
      // If the existing version does not have a release, we cannot get the       // security coverage information.       return [];
    $info = [];
    $existing_release_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($this->existingVersion);

    // Check if the installed version has a specific end date defined.     $version_suffix = $existing_release_version->getMajorVersion() . '_' . $this->getSemanticMinorVersion($this->existingVersion);
    if (defined("self::SECURITY_COVERAGE_END_DATE_$version_suffix")) {
      $info['security_coverage_end_date'] = constant("self::SECURITY_COVERAGE_END_DATE_$version_suffix");
      $info['security_coverage_ending_warn_date'] =
          ? constant("self::SECURITY_COVERAGE_ENDING_WARN_DATE_$version_suffix")
          : NULL;
    elseif ($security_coverage_until_version = $this->getSecurityCoverageUntilVersion()) {
      $info['security_coverage_end_version'] = $security_coverage_until_version;
      $info['additional_minors_coverage'] = $this->getAdditionalSecurityCoveredMinors($security_coverage_until_version);

  public function testGetMajorVersion(string $version, array $expected_version_info): void {
    $version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($version);

  /** * @covers ::getMinorVersion * * @dataProvider providerVersionInfos * * @param string $version * The version string to test. * @param array $expected_version_info * The expected version information. */
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to generate next version number, supplied version seems invalid (' . $version . ')');

        $superVersion = (int) $superVersion;
        $majorVersion = (int) $majorVersion;

        return $superVersion . '.' . ($majorVersion + 1);

    protected function getTargetUpgradeFile(string $version, bool $realPath = true): string
        return ($realPath ? $this->getUpgradeDir() . '/' : '') . \sprintf('', $this->getMajorVersion($version));

    /** * @internal */
    protected function getTargetNextMajorUpgradeFile(string $version, bool $realPath = true): string
        return ($realPath ? $this->getUpgradeDir() . '/' : '') . \sprintf('', $this->getNextMajorVersion($version));

    /** * Prepare the list of changelog files which need to process */
foreach ($insecure_versions as $insecure_version) {
          try {
            $insecure_project_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($insecure_version);
          catch (\UnexpectedValueException $exception) {
            // An invalid version string should not halt the evaluation of valid             // versions in $insecure_versions. Version numbers that start with             // core prefix besides '8.x-' are allowed in $insecure_versions,             // but will never match and will throw an exception.             continue;
          if ($existing_project_version->getMajorVersion() === $insecure_project_version->getMajorVersion()) {
            if ($existing_project_version->getMinorVersion() === NULL) {
              // If the dev version doesn't specify a minor version, matching on               // the major version alone is considered a match.               return TRUE;
            if ($existing_project_version->getMinorVersion() === $insecure_project_version->getMinorVersion()) {
              // If the dev version specifies a minor version, then the insecure               // version must match on the minor version.               return TRUE;

      if (empty($project['recommended'])) {
        // If we don't know what to recommend they upgrade to, we should skip         // the project entirely.         continue;

      $recommended_release = ProjectRelease::createFromArray($project['releases'][$project['recommended']]);
      $recommended_version = '{{ release_version }} (<a href="{{ release_link }}" title="{{ project_title }}">{{ release_notes }}</a>)';
      $recommended_version_parser = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($recommended_release->getVersion());
      if ($recommended_version_parser->getMajorVersion() != $project['existing_major']) {
        $recommended_version .= '<div title="{{ major_update_warning_title }}" class="update-major-version-warning">{{ major_update_warning_text }}</div>';

      $recommended_version = [
        '#type' => 'inline_template',
        '#template' => $recommended_version,
        '#context' => [
          'release_version' => $recommended_release->getVersion(),
          'release_link' => $recommended_release->getReleaseUrl(),
          'project_title' => $this->t('Release notes for @project_title', ['@project_title' => $project['title']]),
          'major_update_warning_title' => $this->t('Major upgrade warning'),
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