getMaxInputLength example

private function sanitizeWithContext(string $context, string $input): string
        // Text context: early return with HTML encoding         if (W3CReference::CONTEXT_TEXT === $context) {
            return StringSanitizer::encodeHtmlEntities($input);

        // Other context: build a DOM visitor         $this->domVisitors[$context] ??= $this->createDomVisitorForContext($context);

        // Prevent DOS attack induced by extremely long HTML strings         if (\strlen($input) > $this->config->getMaxInputLength()) {
            $input = substr($input, 0, $this->config->getMaxInputLength());

        // Only operate on valid UTF-8 strings. This is necessary to prevent cross         // site scripting issues on Internet Explorer 6. Idea from Drupal (filter_xss).         if (!$this->isValidUtf8($input)) {
            return '';

        // Remove NULL character         $input = str_replace(\chr(0), '', $input);

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