getSetup example

    protected function forEachInstalledApp(Context $context, callable $callback): void
        $manifests = $this->appLoader->load();
        /** @var AppCollection $apps */
        $apps = $this->appRepository->search(new Criteria()$context)->getEntities();

        foreach ($manifests as $manifest) {
            $app = $this->getAppForManifest($manifest$apps);

            if (!$app || !$manifest->getSetup()) {


    protected function reRegisterApp(Manifest $manifest, AppEntity $app, Context $context): void
        $secret = AccessKeyHelper::generateSecretAccessKey();

$appSecret = 'dont_tell';
        $appResponseBody = $this->buildAppResponse($manifest$appSecret);

        $this->appendNewResponse(new Response(200, []$appResponseBody));
        $this->appendNewResponse(new Response(200, []));

        $this->registrator->registerApp($manifest$id$secretAccessKey, Context::createDefaultContext());

        $registrationRequest = $this->getPastRequest(0);

        $setup = $manifest->getSetup();

        $uriWithoutQuery = $registrationRequest->getUri()->withQuery('');
        static::assertEquals($setup->getRegistrationUrl()(string) $uriWithoutQuery);

        $secret = $setup->getSecret();


    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $shopUrl,
        private readonly ShopIdProvider $shopIdProvider,
        private readonly StoreClient $storeClient,
        private readonly string $shopwareVersion
    ) {

    public function create(Manifest $manifest): AppHandshakeInterface
        $setup = $manifest->getSetup();
        $metadata = $manifest->getMetadata();
        $appName = $metadata->getName();

        if (!$setup) {
            throw AppException::registrationFailed(
                sprintf('No setup for registration provided in manifest for app "%s".', $metadata->getName())

        $privateSecret = $setup->getSecret();


        $app = $this->loadApp($id$context);



        // If the app has no secret yet, but now specifies setup data we do a registration to get an app secret         // this mostly happens during install, but may happen in the update case if the app previously worked without an external server         if (!$app->getAppSecret() && $manifest->getSetup()) {
            try {
            } catch (AppRegistrationException $e) {

                throw $e;

        // Refetch app to get secret after registration         $app = $this->loadApp($id$context);

private readonly HandshakeFactory $handshakeFactory,
        private readonly Client $httpClient,
        private readonly EntityRepository $appRepository,
        private readonly string $shopUrl,
        private readonly ShopIdProvider $shopIdProvider,
        private readonly string $shopwareVersion
    ) {

    public function registerApp(Manifest $manifest, string $id, string $secretAccessKey, Context $context): void
        if (!$manifest->getSetup()) {

        try {
            $appName = $manifest->getMetadata()->getName();
            $appResponse = $this->registerWithApp($manifest$context);

            $secret = $appResponse['secret'];
            $confirmationUrl = $appResponse['confirmation_url'];


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