hiddenFieldExists example

  public function testForm() {
    // Ensure the proper response code for a _form route.     $this->drupalGet('form-test/object-builder');

    // Ensure the form and text field exist.     $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', 'form#form-test-form-test-object');

    // Check that the hidden field exists and has a specific value.     $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('strawberry');
    $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldValueNotEquals('strawberry', 'brown');
    $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldValueEquals('strawberry', 'red');

    // Check that a hidden field does not exist.     $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldNotExists('bananas');

    $edit = ['bananas' => 'green'];
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save', 'form-test-form-test-object');

$entity_2 = $storage->create();

    $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
    $assert_session = $this->assertSession();

    // Display the 'combined form'.     $this->drupalGet("test-entity-constraints/nested/{$entity_1->id()}/{$entity_2->id()}");
    $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('entity_2[changed]', REQUEST_TIME);

    // Submit the form and check that the entities are updated accordingly.     $assert_session->hiddenFieldExists('entity_2[changed]')
      ->setValue(REQUEST_TIME - 86400);

    $elements = $this->cssSelect('.entity-2.error');
    $this->assertCount(1, $elements, 'The whole nested entity form has been correctly flagged with an error class.');

'isXssSafe' => FALSE,
    $this->assertTrue($editor_settings_present, "Text Editor module's JavaScript settings are on the page.");
    $this->assertSame($expected$settings['editor'], "Text Editor module's JavaScript settings on the page are correct.");
    $this->assertTrue($editor_js_present, 'Text Editor JavaScript is present.');
    $this->assertSession()->elementsCount('xpath', $body, 1);
    $this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('css', 'select.js-filter-list');
    // Verify that a single text format hidden input exists on the page and has     // a "data-editor-for" attribute with the correct value.     $hidden_input = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('body[0][format]');
    $this->assertSame('plain_text', $hidden_input->getValue());
    $this->assertSame('edit-body-0-value', $hidden_input->getAttribute('data-editor-for'));

    // Create an "article" node that uses the full_html text format, then try     // to let the untrusted user edit it.     $this->drupalCreateNode([
      'type' => 'article',
      'body' => [
        ['value' => $this->randomMachineName(32), 'format' => 'full_html'],


    // Add a new managed file.     $file = current($this->getTestFiles('image'));
    $image_file_path = \Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($file->uri);
    $page->attachFileToField('files[custom_logo]', $image_file_path);

    // Assert the new file is uploaded as temporary. This file should not be     // saved as permanent if settings are not submitted.     $image_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('custom_logo[fids]');
    $file = File::load($image_field->getValue());

    $page->pressButton('Save configuration');

    // Assert the uploaded file is saved as permanent.     $image_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('custom_logo[fids]');
    $file = File::load($image_field->getValue());

$config = $this->config('system.performance');
    $config->set('cache.page.max_age', 300);

  /** * Return the build id of the current form. */
  protected function getFormBuildId() {
    // Ensure the hidden 'form_build_id' field is unique.     $this->assertSession()->elementsCount('xpath', '//input[@name="form_build_id"]', 1);
    return (string) $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('form_build_id')->getAttribute('value');

  /** * Build-id is regenerated when validating cached form. */
  public function testValidateFormStorageOnCachedPage() {
    $this->assertSession()->responseHeaderEquals('X-Drupal-Cache', 'MISS');
    $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('No old build id');
    $build_id_initial = $this->getFormBuildId();

/** * Tests form build ID regeneration when loading a cached immutable form. */
  public function testImmutableForm() {
    // Request the form with 'cache' query parameter to enable form caching.     $this->drupalGet('form_test/form-storage', ['query' => ['cache' => 1, 'immutable' => 1]]);

    // Ensure the hidden 'form_build_id' field is unique.     $this->assertSession()->elementsCount('xpath', '//input[@name="form_build_id"]', 1);

    $buildId = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('form_build_id')->getValue();

    // Trigger validation error by submitting an empty title.     $edit = ['title' => ''];
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Continue submit');

    // Verify that the build-id did change.     $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldValueNotEquals('form_build_id', $buildId);

    // Ensure the hidden 'form_build_id' field is unique.     $this->assertSession()->elementsCount('xpath', '//input[@name="form_build_id"]', 1);

$config = $this->config('system.performance');
    $config->set('cache.page.max_age', 300);

  /** * Return the build id of the current form. */
  protected function getFormBuildId() {
    // Ensure the hidden 'form_build_id' field is unique.     $this->assertSession()->elementsCount('xpath', '//input[@name="form_build_id"]', 1);
    return $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('form_build_id')->getValue();

  /** * Create a simple form, then submit the form via AJAX to change to it. */
  public function testSimpleAJAXFormValue() {
    $build_id_initial = $this->getFormBuildId();

    // Changing the value of a select input element, triggers an AJAX     // request/response. The callback on the form responds with three AJAX
$file_field_name = $multiple ? 'files[' . $input_base_name . '][]' : 'files[' . $input_base_name . ']';

          // Submit without a file.           $this->drupalGet($path);
          $this->submitForm([], 'Save');
          $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains("The file ids are .");

          // Submit with a file, but with an invalid form token. Ensure the file           // was not saved.           $last_fid_prior = $this->getLastFileId();
          $form_token_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists('form_token');
          $form_token_field->setValue('invalid token');
          $edit = [
            $file_field_name => \Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($test_file->getFileUri()),
          $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
          $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('The form has become outdated.');
          $last_fid = $this->getLastFileId();
          $this->assertEquals($last_fid_prior$last_fid, 'File was not saved when uploaded with an invalid form token.');

          // Submit a new file, without using the Upload button.           $last_fid_prior = $this->getLastFileId();

  public function hiddenFieldValueEquals($field$value, TraversableElement $container = NULL) {
    $node = $this->hiddenFieldExists($field$container);
    $actual = $node->getValue();
    $regex = '/^' . preg_quote($value, '/') . '$/ui';
    $message = "The hidden field '$field' value is '$actual', but '$value' expected.";
    $this->assert((bool) preg_match($regex$actual)$message);

  /** * Checks that specific hidden field doesn't have the provided value. * * @param string $field * One of id|name|value for the hidden field. * @param string $value * The hidden field value that needs to be checked. * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\TraversableElement $container * (optional) The document to check against. Defaults to the current page. * * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException */
'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][term][depth]' => 0,
      'terms[tid:' . $term3->id() . ':0][term][tid]' => $term3->id(),
      'terms[tid:' . $term3->id() . ':0][term][parent]' => $term2->id(),
      'terms[tid:' . $term3->id() . ':0][term][depth]' => 1,
      'terms[tid:' . $term1->id() . ':0][term][tid]' => $term1->id(),
      'terms[tid:' . $term1->id() . ':0][term][parent]' => 0,
      'terms[tid:' . $term1->id() . ':0][term][depth]' => 0,
    // Because we can't post hidden form elements, we have to change them in     // code here, and then submit.     foreach ($hidden_edit as $field => $value) {
      $node = $assert->hiddenFieldExists($field);
    // Edit non-hidden elements within submitForm().     $edit = [
      'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][weight]' => 0,
      'terms[tid:' . $term3->id() . ':0][weight]' => 1,
      'terms[tid:' . $term1->id() . ':0][weight]' => 2,
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

// Indent the second term under the first one.     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/' . $this->vocabulary->get('vid') . '/overview');
    $hidden_edit = [
      'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][term][tid]' => 2,
      'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][term][parent]' => 1,
      'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][term][depth]' => 1,
    // Because we can't post hidden form elements, we have to change them in     // code here, and then submit.     foreach ($hidden_edit as $field => $value) {
      $node = $assert->hiddenFieldExists($field);
    $edit = [
      'terms[tid:' . $term2->id() . ':0][weight]' => 1,
    // Submit the edited form and check for HTML indentation element presence.     $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $this->assertSession()->responseMatches('|<div class="js-indentation indentation">&nbsp;</div>|');

    // Check explicitly that term 2's parent is term 1.     $parents = $taxonomy_storage->loadParents($term2->id());
$this->assertEquals($attacker_user->id()$node_file->getOwnerId(), 'New file belongs to the attacker.');

    // Ensure the file can be downloaded.     $this->drupalGet($node_file->createFileUrl());

    // "Click" the remove button (emulating either a nojs or js submission).     // In this POST request, the attacker "guesses" the fid of the victim's     // temporary file and uses that to remove this file.     $this->drupalGet($node->toUrl('edit-form'));

    $file_id_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists($field_name . '[0][fids]');
    $file_id_field->setValue((string) $victim_tmp_file->id());
    $this->submitForm([], 'Remove');

    // The victim's temporary file should not be removed by the attacker's     // POST request.     $this->assertFileExists($victim_tmp_file->getFileUri());

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