includes_url example

/** * Prints thickbox image paths for Network Admin. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @access private */
function _thickbox_path_admin_subfolder() {
    ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var tb_pathToImage = "<?php echo esc_js( includes_url( 'js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif', 'relative' ) ); ?>"; </script> <?php }

/** * @param array $users * @return bool */
function confirm_delete_users( $users ) {
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    if ( ! is_array( $users ) || empty( $users ) ) {


    $return = array(
        'body' => $parsed,
        'attr' => $wp_embed->last_attr,

    if ( str_contains( $parsed, 'class="wp-embedded-content' ) ) {
        if ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {
            $script_src = includes_url( 'js/wp-embed.js' );
        } else {
            $script_src = includes_url( 'js/wp-embed.min.js' );

        $return['head']    = '<script src="' . $script_src . '"></script>';
        $return['sandbox'] = true;

    wp_send_json_success( $return );

/* * Determine if the block script was registered in a theme, by checking if the script path starts with either * the parent (template) or child (stylesheet) directory path. */
    $is_parent_theme_block = str_starts_with( $script_path_norm$template_path_norm );
    $is_child_theme_block  = str_starts_with( $script_path_norm$stylesheet_path_norm );
    $is_theme_block        = ( $is_parent_theme_block || $is_child_theme_block );

    $script_uri = plugins_url( $script_path$metadata['file'] );
    if ( $is_core_block ) {
        $script_uri = includes_url( str_replace( $wpinc_path_norm, '', $script_path_norm ) );
    } elseif ( $is_theme_block ) {
        // Get the script path deterministically based on whether or not it was registered in a parent or child theme.         $script_uri = $is_parent_theme_block
            ? get_theme_file_uri( str_replace( $template_path_norm, '', $script_path_norm ) )
            : get_theme_file_uri( str_replace( $stylesheet_path_norm, '', $script_path_norm ) );

    $script_asset        = require $script_asset_path;
    $script_dependencies = isset( $script_asset['dependencies'] ) ? $script_asset['dependencies'] : array();
    $result              = wp_register_script(

function register_core_block_style_handles() {
    if ( ! wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets() ) {

    static $core_blocks_meta;
    if ( ! $core_blocks_meta ) {
        $core_blocks_meta = require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/blocks/blocks-json.php';

    $includes_url  = includes_url();
    $includes_path = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/';
    $suffix        = wp_scripts_get_suffix();
    $wp_styles     = wp_styles();
    $style_fields  = array(
        'style'       => 'style',
        'editorStyle' => 'editor',

    /* * Ignore transient cache when the development mode is set to 'core'. Why? To avoid interfering with * the core developer's workflow. */

/** * Returns the URLs for CSS files used in an iframe-sandbox'd TinyMCE media view. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return string[] The relevant CSS file URLs. */
function wpview_media_sandbox_styles() {
    $version        = 'ver=' . get_bloginfo( 'version' );
    $mediaelement   = includes_url( "js/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer-legacy.min.css?$version);
    $wpmediaelement = includes_url( "js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement.css?$version);

    return array( $mediaelement$wpmediaelement );

/** * Registers the personal data exporter for media. * * @param array[] $exporters An array of personal data exporters, keyed by their ID. * @return array[] Updated array of personal data exporters. */

            $icon_dir = apply_filters( 'icon_dir', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/images/media' );

            /** * Filters the icon directory URI. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $uri Icon directory URI. */
            $icon_dir_uri = apply_filters( 'icon_dir_uri', includes_url( 'images/media' ) );

            /** * Filters the array of icon directory URIs. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string[] $uris Array of icon directory URIs keyed by directory absolute path. */
            $dirs       = apply_filters( 'icon_dirs', array( $icon_dir => $icon_dir_uri ) );
            $icon_files = array();
            while ( $dirs ) {

    /** * Returns the TinyMCE base URL. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @return string */
    public static function get_baseurl() {
        if ( empty( self::$baseurl ) ) {
            self::$baseurl = includes_url( 'js/tinymce' );

        return self::$baseurl;

    /** * Returns the default TinyMCE settings. * Doesn't include plugins, buttons, editor selector. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @global string $tinymce_version * * @return array */

    $compressed = $compress_scripts && $concatenate_scripts && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] )
        && false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip' ) && ! $force_uncompressed;

    /* * Load tinymce.js when running from /src, otherwise load wp-tinymce.js.gz (in production) * or tinymce.min.js (when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true). */
    if ( $compressed ) {
        $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . 'wp-tinymce.js', array()$tinymce_version );
    } else {
        $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce-root', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . "tinymce$dev_suffix.js", array()$tinymce_version );
        $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . "plugins/compat3x/plugin$dev_suffix.js", array( 'wp-tinymce-root' )$tinymce_version );

    $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce-lists', includes_url( "js/tinymce/plugins/lists/plugin$suffix.js" ), array( 'wp-tinymce' )$tinymce_version );

/** * Registers all the WordPress vendor scripts that are in the standardized * `js/dist/vendor/` location. * * For the order of `$scripts->add` see `wp_default_scripts`. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale WordPress date and time locale object. * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object. */

/** * Prints the necessary markup for the site title in an embed template. * * @since 4.5.0 */
function the_embed_site_title() {
    $site_title = sprintf(
        '<a href="%s" target="_top"><img src="%s" srcset="%s 2x" width="32" height="32" alt="" class="wp-embed-site-icon" /><span>%s</span></a>',
        esc_url( home_url() ),
        esc_url( get_site_icon_url( 32, includes_url( 'images/w-logo-blue.png' ) ) ),
        esc_url( get_site_icon_url( 64, includes_url( 'images/w-logo-blue.png' ) ) ),
        esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) )

    $site_title = '<div class="wp-embed-site-title">' . $site_title . '</div>';

    /** * Filters the site title HTML in the embed footer. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string $site_title The site title HTML. */

    /** * Filters the Smiley image URL before it's used in the image element. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param string $smiley_url URL for the smiley image. * @param string $img Filename for the smiley image. * @param string $site_url Site URL, as returned by site_url(). */
    $src_url = apply_filters( 'smilies_src', includes_url( "images/smilies/$img)$imgsite_url() );

    return sprintf( '<img src="%s" alt="%s" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />', esc_url( $src_url )esc_attr( $smiley ) );

/** * Converts text equivalent of smilies to images. * * Will only convert smilies if the option 'use_smilies' is true and the global * used in the function isn't empty. * * @since 0.71 * * @global string|array $wp_smiliessearch * * @param string $text Content to convert smilies from text. * @return string Converted content with text smilies replaced with images. */

function do_favicon() {
    /** * Fires when serving the favicon.ico file. * * @since 5.4.0 */
    do_action( 'do_faviconico' );

    wp_redirect( get_site_icon_url( 32, includes_url( 'images/w-logo-blue-white-bg.png' ) ) );

/** * Determines whether WordPress is already installed. * * The cache will be checked first. If you have a cache plugin, which saves * the cache values, then this will work. If you use the default WordPress * cache, and the database goes away, then you might have problems. * * Checks for the 'siteurl' option for whether WordPress is installed. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @return bool Whether the site is already installed. */
if ( empty( $title ) ) {
            $title = ! empty( $desc ) ? $desc : __( 'Unknown Feed' );

        /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-pages.php */
        $title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $title$instance$this->id_base );

        if ( $title ) {
            $feed_link = '';
            $feed_url  = strip_tags( $url );
            $feed_icon = includes_url( 'images/rss.png' );
            $feed_link = sprintf(
                '<a class="rsswidget rss-widget-feed" href="%1$s"><img class="rss-widget-icon" style="border:0" width="14" height="14" src="%2$s" alt="%3$s"%4$s /></a> ',
                esc_url( $feed_url ),
                esc_url( $feed_icon ),
                esc_attr__( 'RSS' ),
                ( wp_lazy_loading_enabled( 'img', 'rss_widget_feed_icon' ) ? ' loading="lazy"' : '' )

            /** * Filters the classic RSS widget's feed icon link. * * Themes can remove the icon link by using `add_filter( 'rss_widget_feed_link', '__return_empty_string' );`. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param string|false $feed_link HTML for link to RSS feed. * @param array $instance Array of settings for the current widget. */
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