isSynchronized example


    public function testSubmitUnequal()
        $input = ['first' => 'foo', 'second' => 'bar'];


        $this->assertSame('foo', $this->form['first']->getViewData());
        $this->assertSame('bar', $this->form['second']->getViewData());

    public function testSubmitEqual()
        $input = ['first' => 'foo', 'second' => 'foo'];


        $this->assertSame('foo', $this->form['first']->getViewData());
$i += $propertyPath->getLength();

        $finalPath = $propertyPathBuilder->getPropertyPath();

        return null !== $finalPath ? new RelativePath($origin$finalPath) : null;

    private function acceptsErrors(FormInterface $form): bool
        return $this->allowNonSynchronized || $form->isSynchronized();

        $form = $this->factory->create($this->getTestedType(), null, [
            'multiple' => false,
            'expanded' => false,
            'class' => $class,



    /** * @dataProvider provideSingleSubmitData */
    public function testSubmitSingleExpanded(string $class, string $submittedData, \UnitEnum $expectedData)
        $form = $this->factory->create($this->getTestedType(), null, [
            'multiple' => false,
            'expanded' => true,
            'class' => $class,
        // new entries, which were added by the data mapper. The data mapper ignores existing         // entries, so we need to manually unset removed entries in the collection.
        if (!\is_array($data) && !($data instanceof \Traversable && $data instanceof \ArrayAccess)) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($data, 'array or (\Traversable and \ArrayAccess)');

        if ($this->deleteEmpty) {
            $previousData = $form->getData();
            /** @var FormInterface $child */
            foreach ($form as $name => $child) {
                if (!$child->isValid() || !$child->isSynchronized()) {

                $isNew = !isset($previousData[$name]);
                $isEmpty = \is_callable($this->deleteEmpty) ? ($this->deleteEmpty)($child->getData()) : $child->isEmpty();

                // $isNew can only be true if allowAdd is true, so we don't                 // need to check allowAdd again                 if ($isEmpty && ($isNew || $this->allowDelete)) {

    public function convertTransformationFailureToFormError(FormEvent $event)
        $form = $event->getForm();

        if (null === $form->getTransformationFailure() || !$form->isValid()) {

        foreach ($form as $child) {
            if (!$child->isSynchronized()) {

        $clientDataAsString = \is_scalar($form->getViewData()) ? (string) $form->getViewData() : get_debug_type($form->getViewData());
        $messageTemplate = $form->getConfig()->getOption('invalid_message', 'The value {{ value }} is not valid.');
        $messageParameters = array_replace(['{{ value }}' => $clientDataAsString]$form->getConfig()->getOption('invalid_message_parameters', []));

        if (null !== $this->translator) {
            $message = $this->translator->trans($messageTemplate$messageParameters);
        } else {
'input' => 'dateinterval',
            'with_months' => false,

            'years' => '7',
            'months' => '6',
            'days' => '5',


    public function testSubmitWithTime()
        $interval = new \DateInterval('P7Y6M5DT4H3M2S');
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, $interval[
            'input' => 'dateinterval',
            'with_hours' => true,
            'with_minutes' => true,
            'with_seconds' => true,

            ->setDataMapper(new DataMapper())
        $options = ['validation_groups' => ['group1', 'group2']];
        $form = $this->getBuilder('name', '\stdClass', $options)->getForm();



        $this->validator->validate($formnew Form());


    public function testMissingConstraintIndex()
        $object = new \stdClass();
        $form = $this->getCompoundForm($object);

class FormDataExtractor implements FormDataExtractorInterface
    public function extractConfiguration(FormInterface $form): array
        $data = [
            'id' => $this->buildId($form),
            'name' => $form->getName(),
            'type_class' => $form->getConfig()->getType()->getInnerType()::class,
            'synchronized' => $form->isSynchronized(),
            'passed_options' => [],
            'resolved_options' => [],

        foreach ($form->getConfig()->getAttribute('data_collector/passed_options', []) as $option => $value) {
            $data['passed_options'][$option] = $value;

        foreach ($form->getConfig()->getOptions() as $option => $value) {
            $data['resolved_options'][$option] = $value;


        if (!\is_array($data) && !\is_object($data)) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($data, 'object, array or empty');

        foreach ($forms as $form) {
            $config = $form->getConfig();

            // Write-back is disabled if the form is not synchronized (transformation failed),             // if the form was not submitted and if the form is disabled (modification not allowed)             if ($config->getMapped() && $form->isSubmitted() && $form->isSynchronized() && !$form->isDisabled() && $this->dataAccessor->isWritable($data$form)) {

        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, null, [
            'multiple' => false,
            'expanded' => false,
            'choices' => $this->choices,


        $this->assertEquals('b', $form->getData());
        $this->assertEquals('b', $form->getViewData());

    public function testSubmitSingleNonExpandedInvalidChoice()
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, null, [
            'multiple' => false,
            'expanded' => false,
            'choices' => $this->choices,



        if (!$form instanceof FormInterface) {

        /* @var FormInterface $form */
        $config = $form->getConfig();

        $validator = $this->context->getValidator()->inContext($this->context);

        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isSynchronized()) {
            // Validate the form data only if transformation succeeded             $groups = $this->getValidationGroups($form);

            if (!$groups) {

            $data = $form->getData();
            // Validate the data against its own constraints             $validateDataGraph = $form->isRoot()
                && (\is_object($data) || \is_array($data))
$this->assertSame('١٢٣٬٤٥٦', $form->getViewData());

    public function testSubmitRejectsFloats()
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE);



    public function testSubmitNull($expected = null, $norm = null, $view = null)
        parent::testSubmitNull($expected$norm, '');

    public function testSubmitNullUsesDefaultEmptyData($emptyData = '10', $expectedData = 10)
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, null, [
            'empty_data' => $emptyData,
'model_timezone' => 'UTC',
            'view_timezone' => 'UTC',
            'widget' => 'choice',

            'day' => '',
            'month' => '',
            'year' => '',


    public function testIsSynchronizedReturnsTrueIfChoiceAndCompletelyFilled()
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))[
            'model_timezone' => 'UTC',
            'view_timezone' => 'UTC',
            'widget' => 'choice',

$field = $this->factory->createNamed('name', static::TESTED_TYPE, null, [
            'multiple' => false,
            'expanded' => false,
            'em' => 'default',
            'class' => self::SINGLE_IDENT_CLASS,
            'choice_label' => 'name',


        $this->assertSame('2', $field->getViewData());

    public function testSubmitSingleNonExpandedSingleAssocIdentifier()
        $innerEntity1 = new SingleIntIdNoToStringEntity(1, 'InFoo');
        $innerEntity2 = new SingleIntIdNoToStringEntity(2, 'InBar');

        $entity1 = new SingleAssociationToIntIdEntity($innerEntity1, 'Foo');
        $entity2 = new SingleAssociationToIntIdEntity($innerEntity2, 'Bar');


    public function testSubmitNullWithEmptyDataSetToNull()
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, null, [
            'empty_data' => null,

        $this->assertSame('', $form->getViewData());

    public function testSubmitNumericInput()
        $form = $this->factory->create(static::TESTED_TYPE, null, ['input' => 'number']);

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