PHP Function LDAP_Get_Attributes
php function ldap_get_attributes is used for retrieving attribute values and associated groups from LDAP entries. This is a very common use of LDAP, particularly for applications that "browse" directory entries and don't care about the structure of the entries (for example you might search for an email address or surname but won't care where it's held).
The ldap_get_attributes call returns the attributes in a multidimensional array. This call works a bit like the read entry function. It passes the ber_identifier as an internal pointer to memory to the ldap_next_attribute() function which reads the attributes from the entry one by one.
LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is a way of talking to "Directory Servers" which are special databases that hold information in a tree-like structure, much as your hard disk directory structures. The top level of the LDAP structure is "The World", lower down are directory entries for countries and organisations, then people and other stuff such as equipment or documents.
PHP is a scripting language that supports the LDAP protocol and has many features that make it suitable for Web development. You can write very complex scripts in PHP, and it runs on a wide range of operating systems including Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Windows. PHP is also written in C, and there are several libraries that you can add to the language for additional functionality. It's worth mentioning here that, as with all shared memory languages, your operating system must support it to work.