PHP Function Long2IP
PHP is a programming language that allows the creation of web applications. It has many built in functions that can help with specific tasks such as string functions, array functions and math functions. For example, the strlen() function returns the length of a string, while the strtolower() function converts a string to lowercase. There are also other useful built in functions such as floatval(), which returns the float value of a variable.
The php function long2ip converts a long integer into its Internet IPv4 address in string format. It is an inbuilt function available on PHP 4.0.0 and later versions. The function accepts one parameter - $ip_in_long, which represents the long integer that is to be converted into an Internet IPv4 address. The function return a string containing the IPv4 address, or false on failure.
You can also get the IP address from a request by using the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable. However, this method is not reliable and requires a proxy server to be set up. Also, this method does not work well for storing IP addresses in a database as it would require too much storage space and consume a lot of CPU resources. It is better to use the ip2long and ip2ipi functions in such cases. These functions translate a dotted decimal IPv4 address into an int and vice versa. The two functions are also compatible with IPv6 addresses, but the unpacking of their contents is slightly different.