The PHP Function Ob_Get_Status
PHP is a server side programming language that provides web developers with a great range of functions to create dynamic websites. One of the features that is very useful to many users is its ability to perform output buffering. This feature allows you to store all the output from a script in an intermediate buffer before it is sent to a browser. This helps to speed up the website and makes it much more responsive.
The php function ob_get_status is used to get information about the status of the output buffer. It returns an associative array that contains the buffer status. This function can also be used to clear the buffer.
You can enable PHP output buffering with a few configuration settings in your config file. This will affect all the PHP scripts in your web server. But it is better to do this on a per-script basis, because output buffering can be quite time consuming when you are performing a lot of output calls like echo().
There are some other output control functions in PHP that can be used to manage the output buffering. These include ob_start(), ob_end_flush(), ob_clean(), and ob_get_status(). These can be called from the callback functions but they should not be called from the actual script code itself, because this would cause undefined behaviour. If you want to delete a buffer then you should return "" (a null string) from the callback function. The ob_end_flush function will then be triggered and the contents of the buffer will be sent to the browser.