orWhere example

'supplier.description as description',
            $builder->expr()->count('articles.id') . ' as articleCounter',
        $builder->from(Supplier::class, 'supplier');
        $builder->leftJoin('supplier.articles', 'articles');

        if (\is_array($filter) && \array_key_exists(0, $filter) && ($filter[0]['property'] === 'name')) {
            // filter the displayed columns with the passed filter             $builder
                ->where('supplier.name LIKE ?1') // Search only the beginning of the customer number.                 ->orWhere('supplier.description LIKE ?1'); // Full text search for the first name of the customer
            // set the filter parameter for the different columns.             $builder->setParameter(1, '%' . $filter[0]['value'] . '%');


        return $builder;

    /** * Returns an instance of the \Doctrine\ORM\Query object which select a list of article votes. * * @param string|null $filter * @param int|null $offset * @param int|null $limit * @param array|null $order * * @return Query<Vote> */
'log.date as date',
            'log.user as user',
            'log.ipAddress as ip_address',
            'log.userAgent as user_agent',
            'log.value4 as value4'
        )->from(Log::class, 'log');

        if ($filter = $this->Request()->get('filter')) {
            $filter = $filter[0];

            $builder->where('log.user LIKE ?1')
                ->orWhere('log.text LIKE ?1')
                ->orWhere('log.date LIKE ?1')
                ->orWhere('log.ipAddress LIKE ?1')
                ->orWhere('log.key LIKE ?1')
                ->orWhere('log.type LIKE ?1');

            $builder->setParameter(1, '%' . $filter['value'] . '%');


if (empty($ids)) {
            return [];

        $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();


        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $key = 'id' . $id;
            $query->orWhere('category.type != :type AND category.path LIKE :' . $key);
            $query->setParameter($key, '%' . $id . '%');

        $query->setParameter('type', CategoryDefinition::TYPE_LINK);

        $children = $query->executeQuery()->fetchFirstColumn();

        if (!$children) {
            return [];

if (\is_string($templateId)) {
            return $templateId;

        return null;

    private function deleteRowsByReferencedId(string $associatedId, string $table, string $associationField): void
        $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder()
            ->orWhere(\sprintf('%s = :id', $associationField))
            ->setParameter('id', $associatedId, ParameterType::BINARY)

    private function changeDefaultLanguageToDutch(): void
        $languageId = $this->createNewLanguageEntry('nl-NL');
        $this->connection->executeStatement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;');
        $this->connection->executeStatement('DELETE FROM language WHERE id != UNHEX(?)', [Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM]);
        $this->connection->executeStatement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;');
|| (isset($payload['footer_category_id']) && $payload['footer_category_id'] === $categoryId)
                || (isset($payload['service_category_id']) && $payload['service_category_id'] === $categoryId)
            ) {
                return false;

        $result = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder()
            ->where('navigation_category_id = :navigation_id')
            ->orWhere('footer_category_id = :footer_id')
            ->orWhere('service_category_id = :service_id')
            ->setParameter('navigation_id', $categoryId)
            ->setParameter('footer_id', $categoryId)
            ->setParameter('service_id', $categoryId)

        return !$result->fetchOne();
public function getListQueryBuilder($filter = null, $orderBy = null)
        /** @var QueryBuilder $builder */
        $builder = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
        $builder->select(['emotions', 'categories'])
            ->from(Emotion::class, 'emotions')
            ->leftJoin('emotions.categories', 'categories');

        // Filter the displayed columns with the passed filter string         if (!empty($filter)) {
            $builder->where('categories.name LIKE ?2')
                ->orWhere('emotions.name LIKE ?2')
                ->orWhere('emotions.modified LIKE ?2')
                ->setParameter(2, '%' . $filter . '%');
        if (!empty($orderBy)) {

        return $builder;

    /** * @param array|null $filter * @param string|null $filterBy * @param int|null $categoryId * * @return DBALQueryBuilder */
$idSearch = null;
        if (!empty($filters)) {
            foreach ($filters as $item) {
                if ($item['property'] === 'search') {
                    $query->setParameter('search', '%' . $item['value'] . '%');

                    foreach ($this->type->getFields() as $field) {
                        if (!$field->isSearchAble()) {

                        $query->orWhere(sprintf('`%s` LIKE :search', $field->getName()));
                } else {
                    $where = $item['value'];
                    $expression = null;

                    if ($item['property'] === 'id') {
                        $idSearch = \is_array($where) ? $where : [$where];

                    if (isset($item['expression'])) {
                        $expression = $item['expression'];

    private function getLanguageShops(Shop $shop): array
        $parentId = $shop->getParentId() ?: $shop->getId();

        return $this->connection->createQueryBuilder()
            ->addSelect('REPLACE(locale.locale, "_", "-") as locale')
            ->from('s_core_shops', 'shop')
            ->innerJoin('shop', 's_core_locales', 'locale', 'locale.id = shop.locale_id')
            ->where('shop.id = :shopId')
            ->orWhere('shop.main_id = :shopId')
            ->setParameter('shopId', $parentId)

    private function getContext(ShopModel $shop, Config $config): Context
        if (!isset($this->contextCache[$shop->getId()])) {
            $this->contextCache[$shop->getId()] = Context::createFromShop($shop$config);

'COUNT(children.id) as childrenCount',
            ->setParameter('localeId', $locale->getId())
            ->setParameter('fallbackId', $fallback)

        // Search forms         if (isset($filter[0]['property']) && $filter[0]['property'] === 'search') {
            $builder->where('form.name LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('form.label LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('translation.label LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('translationFallback.label LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('element.name LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('element.label LIKE :search')
                ->orWhere('elementTranslation.label LIKE :search')
                ->setParameter('search', $filter[0]['value']);
            $builder->having('childrenCount = 0')
                ->andWhere('form.parentId IS NOT NULL');
        } elseif (!$node) { // Main forms             $builder->where('form.parentId IS NULL');
            $builder->having('childrenCount > 0');
'customer.firstname as firstName',
            'customer.lastname as lastName',
            'customer.number as number',
        $builder->from(Code::class, 'codes')
            ->leftJoin('codes.customer', 'customer')
            ->where('codes.voucherId = ?1')
            ->setParameter(1, $voucherId);
        // Search for values         if (!empty($filter)) {
            $builder->andWhere('codes.code LIKE ?2')
                ->orWhere('customer.firstname LIKE ?2')
                ->orWhere('customer.lastname LIKE ?2')
                ->orWhere('customer.number LIKE ?2')
                ->setParameter(2, '%' . $filter . '%');
        if (!empty($order)) {

        return $builder;


            $exprParameterKey = ':' . $parameterKey;
            if (\is_array($where)) {
                $exprParameterKey = '(' . $exprParameterKey . ')';

            $expression = new Comparison($exprKey$expression$where !== null ? $exprParameterKey : null);

            if (isset($operator)) {
            } else {

            if ($where !== null) {

        return $this;

->from($this->getEntityName(), 'blog')
            ->leftJoin('blog.comments', 'comments', Join::WITH, 'comments.active != 1')

        if (!empty($blogCategoryIds)) {
            $builder->where('blog.categoryId IN (:blogCategoryIds)')
                ->setParameter('blogCategoryIds', $blogCategoryIds, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);

        if (!empty($filter) && $filter[0]['property'] === 'filter' && !empty($filter[0]['value'])) {
            $builder->andWhere('blog.title LIKE ?1')
                    ->orWhere('blog.views LIKE ?1')
                    ->setParameter(1, '%' . $filter[0]['value'] . '%');

        if (!empty($order)) {

        return $builder;

    /** * Returns an instance of the \Doctrine\ORM\Query object which select the blog article for the detail page * * @param int $blogArticleId * @param int|null $shopId * * @return Query<Blog> */
return array_values($translations);

    private function getEmotionTranslation($emotionId, array $elementIds)
        return $this->modelManager->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder()
            ->select('translation.objectkey, translation.objecttype, translation.objectdata, locale.locale, shop.name as shop')
            ->from('s_core_translations', 'translation')
            ->leftJoin('translation', 's_core_shops', 'shop', 'translation.objectlanguage = shop.id')
            ->leftJoin('shop', 's_core_locales', 'locale', 'shop.locale_id = locale.id')
            ->where('translation.objecttype = "emotion" AND translation.objectkey = :emotionId')
            ->orWhere('translation.objectkey IN (:ids)')
            ->setParameter('emotionId', $emotionId)
            ->setParameter('ids', $elementIds, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
'user.username as username',
            'user.lastLogin as lastLogin',
            'user.name as name',
            'role.name as groupname',
            'user.active as active',
            'user.email as email',
        $builder->from(User::class, 'user');
        $builder->join('user.role', 'role');
        if (!empty($filter)) {
            $builder->where('user.username LIKE ?1')
                    ->orWhere('user.name LIKE ?1')
                    ->setParameter(1, '%' . $filter . '%');

        return $builder;

    /** * Returns an instance of the \Doctrine\ORM\Query object which select a list of roles. * * @param int|null $offset * @param int|null $limit * * @return Query<Role> */
            'customer.id as id',
            'customer.number as customerNumber',
            "CONCAT(CONCAT(customer.firstname, ' '), customer.lastname) as fullName",
            'billing.company as company',
            'customer.email as email',
        $builder->from(Customer::class, 'customer')
                ->leftJoin('customer.defaultBillingAddress', 'billing')
                ->where('customer.accountMode = 0')
                ->andWhere('customer.email = ?0')
                ->orWhere('customer.number = ?1')
                ->orWhere('customer.id = ?2');
        $builder->setParameter(0, $mappingValue);
        $builder->setParameter(1, $mappingValue);
        $builder->setParameter(2, $mappingValue);

        return $builder;

    /** * Returns an instance of the \Doctrine\ORM\Query object to validate the Tracking-Code because the Tracking-Code has to be unique * * @param string $trackingCode * @param int $partnerId * * @return Query<Partner> */
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