The php Function pg_Connect
The php function pg_connect is used to connect to a PostgreSQL database from your PHP program. The function accepts a connection string that contains the necessary parameters to establish a connection. Once a connection is established, you can use PHP to perform database operations like querying and updating data.
To learn more about how to work with the pg_connect function, read our article on PHP and PostgreSQL database connectivity. This guide will cover both basic database connectivity and advanced features such as transactions, stored procedures, and triggers.
In the pg_connect() function, the first parameter is a string that contains the database connection details. This can be a string with multiple attributes (host, port, dbname) or an array of parameters with values separated by whitespace. In the latter case, each parameter must have a value that matches the name it represents. The values are passed to a PostgreSQL server as command line arguments.
If a connection is already open, the function will simply return the existing one. However, if the connection_type argument is set to PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW or PGSQL_CONNECT_ASYNC, the new connection is established asynchronously and its state can be checked via pg_connect_poll() or pg_connection_status().
To test the pg_connect function, make sure Apache is active on your operating system and that it is running in the localhost environment. Then, create a new script in PHP and use the pg_connect function to connect to the database and display its data as an HTML table.