The php Function pg_field_name()
The php function pg_field_name() is used to retrieve the field (column) name of a given row in a PostgreSQL result. It is also used by the pg_fetch_row() member function to return a value from a given row in a table row. The function also provides field name information to pg_fetch_array(), which returns an associative array of column names and values that are numerically indexed and associated.
The size of the data sent to the server, in bytes. Used by pg_lo_seek() and pg_result_status().
Currently only supported by the PG 9.2 C client.
EXPERIMENTAL. The function and its documentation may change without notice in a future version of PHP. Use at your own risk.
A string indicating the PostgreSQL field type of a given field in a result instance (returned by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_execute()). This function used to be called pg_fieldtype().
An int representing the row number of the PostgreSQL query result to fetch, if known. Otherwise, the next available row is fetched.
An indication of the context in which an error occurred. Currently, this includes a call stack traceback of active procedural language functions and internally-generated queries, but it might be extended in the future. The cursor position in the original statement text where the error occurred. This is useful for debugging. Whether the error was a fatal or nonfatal.