prepareAddressData example

        if (isset($data['cleared'])) {
            $data['paymentStatus'] = $this->getManager()->find(Status::class$data['cleared']);
        } else {

        // The documents will be created over the "createDocumentAction" so we have to unset the array element, otherwise the         // created documents models would be overwritten.         // For now the paymentInstances information is not editable, so it's just discarded at this point         unset($data['documents']$data['paymentInstances']);

        $data['billing'] = $this->prepareAddressData($data['billing'][0]);
        $data['shipping'] = $this->prepareAddressData($data['shipping'][0]);

        // Unset calculated values         unset($data['invoiceAmountNet']$data['invoiceAmountEuro']);

        // At last, we return the prepared associated data         return $data;

    /** * Creates the status mail order for the passed order id and new status object. * * @return array{mail: Enlight_Components_Mail, data: array<string, mixed>}|null */
$customer = $this->getContainer()->get(ModelManager::class)->find(CustomerModel::class$customerId);
        if (!$customer) {
            throw new NotFoundException(sprintf('Customer by id %s not found', $customerId));


        if (!$params['country']) {
            throw new CustomValidationException('A country is required.');

        $params = $this->prepareAddressData($params);

        $address = new AddressModel();


        if (!empty($params['__options_set_default_billing_address'])) {

        if (!empty($params['__options_set_default_shipping_address'])) {

    private function createAddress(?array $data = null): ?AddressModel
        if (empty($data)) {
            return null;

        if (empty($data['country'])) {
            throw new CustomValidationException('A country is required.');

        $data = $this->prepareAddressData($data);

        $address = new AddressModel();

        return $address;

    /** * Resolves ids to models * * @param array<string, mixed> $data * * @return array<string, mixed> */
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