pressInsertSelected example

$this->assertTrue($menu->hasLink('Type One'));
    $this->assertTrue($menu->hasLink('Type Two'));
    $this->assertTrue($menu->hasLink('Type Three'));
    $this->assertTrue($menu->hasLink('Type Four'));
    $this->assertTrue($menu->hasLink('Type Five'));

    // Insert media to test validation with null target_bundles.     $this->switchToMediaType('One');
    $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('Showing Type One media.'));
    $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');

    // Assert that the media type menu is not available when only 1 type is     // configured for the field.     $this->openMediaLibraryForField('field_single_media_type', '#media-library-wrapper');
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('.media-library-selected-count', '0 of 1 item selected');

    // Select a media item, assert the hidden selection field contains the ID of     // the selected item.     $this->selectMediaItem(0);
    $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('media-library-modal-selection', '4');
    $this->assertSelectedMediaCount('1 of 1 item selected');
$this->assertCount(24, $this->getCheckboxes());
    $page->clickLink('Next page');
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('.js-media-library-view .js-pager__items > li:nth-of-type(2)', 'Page 2');
    $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-view .js-pager__items > li:nth-of-type(1) a');
    $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-view .js-pager__items > li:nth-of-type(2) a');
    $this->assertCount(1, $this->getCheckboxes());
    $page->clickLink('Previous page');
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('.js-media-library-view .js-pager__items > li:nth-of-type(1)', 'Page 1');
    $this->assertCount(24, $this->getCheckboxes());

    $page->checkField('Select Bear');
    $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');


    // Assert the 'Apply filter' button is not moved to the button pane.     $assert_session->buttonExists('Insert selected', $button_pane);
    $assert_session->buttonNotExists('Apply filters', $button_pane);
'view media',

    // Ensure the widget works as an anonymous user.     $this->drupalGet('node/add/basic_page');

    // Add to the unlimited cardinality field.     $this->openMediaLibraryForField('field_unlimited_media');

    // Select the first media item (should be Dog).     $this->selectMediaItem(0);
    $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');

    // Ensure that the selection completed successfully.     $this->waitForText('Dog');

    // Add to the unlimited cardinality field.     $this->openMediaLibraryForField('field_unlimited_media');

    // Select the second media item (should be Cat).     $this->selectMediaItem(1);
    $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');

$added_media = array_pop($media_items);

    // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically     // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the     // add form.     $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
    $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());

    // Assert the created oEmbed video is correctly added to the widget.     $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');

    // Open the media library again for the unlimited field and go to the tab     // for media type five.     $this->openMediaLibraryForField('field_unlimited_media');
    // Assert the video is available on the tab.     $assert_session->pageTextContains($youtube_title);

    // Assert we can only add supported URLs.     $page->fillField('Add Type Five via URL', '');
// Save the media items and ensure that the user is warned that they have     // selected too many items.     if ($selected_operation) {
    else {
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('.messages--warning', 'There are currently 5 items selected. The maximum number of items for the field is 2. Please remove 3 items from the selection.');
    // If the user tries to insert the selected items anyway, they should get     // an error.     $this->pressInsertSelected(NULL, FALSE);
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('.messages--error', 'There are currently 5 items selected. The maximum number of items for the field is 2. Please remove 3 items from the selection.');
    $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.messages--warning');
    // Once the extra items are deselected, all should be well.     $this->deselectMediaItem(2);
    $this->pressInsertSelected('Added 2 media items.');

  /** * Tests that unlimited fields' selection count is not constrained. * * @param string|null $selected_operation * The operation of the button to click. For example, if this is "insert", * the "Save and insert" button will be pressed. If NULL, the "Save" button * will be pressed. * * @dataProvider providerWidgetOverflow */
$added_media = array_pop($media_items);
    // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically     // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the     // add form.     $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
    $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());
    $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 of 2 items selected');
    $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $added_media->id());
    // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.     $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');

    // Remove the item.     $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', '.field--name-field-twin-media', $png_image->filename);
    $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.field--name-field-twin-media')->pressButton('Remove');
    $this->waitForElementTextContains('#drupal-live-announce', $png_image->filename . ' has been removed');
    $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', '.field--name-field-twin-media', $png_image->filename);

    $png_uri_2 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
$this->assertElementExistsAfterWait('css', '[name="settings[handler_settings][target_bundles][type_three]"][checked="checked"]');
    $page->pressButton('Save settings');
    $assert_session->pageTextContains('Saved Shatner configuration.');

    $this->assertElementExistsAfterWait('css', "#field_shatner-media-library-wrapper-default_value_input")
      ->pressButton('Add media');
    $this->waitForText('Add or select media');

    $page->pressButton('Save settings');
    $assert_session->pageTextContains('Saved Shatner configuration.');


    // Create a new instance of an existing field storage and assert that it     // automatically uses the media library.     $this->drupalGet('/admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/reuse');
    $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', "input[value=Re-use][name=field_shatner]");
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