prototype example

public function getConfigTreeBuilder(): TreeBuilder
        $tb = new TreeBuilder('add_to_list');
        $rootNode = $tb->getRootNode();
                                    ->example('page 1')
                                    ->defaultValue(['number' => 1, 'content' => ''])
                                "this is a long\n".
                                "multi-line info text\n".
                                'which should be indented'
                            ->example('example setting')
                    ->example(['foo', 'bar'])
                    ->prototype('scalar')->info('Parameter name')->end()
/** * Sets a prototype for child nodes. */
    public function prototype(string $type): NodeDefinition
        return $this->prototype = $this->getNodeBuilder()->node(null, $type)->setParent($this);

    public function variablePrototype(): VariableNodeDefinition
        return $this->prototype('variable');

    public function scalarPrototype(): ScalarNodeDefinition
        return $this->prototype('scalar');

    public function booleanPrototype(): BooleanNodeDefinition
        return $this->prototype('boolean');

                    ->values(['php', 'x-sendfile', 'x-accel'])

        return $rootNode;
public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
                    ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $v))->end()
return $tb;

    private function addRoleHierarchySection(ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode): void
            ->fixXmlConfig('role', 'role_hierarchy')
                        ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => ['value' => $v])->end()
                            ->ifTrue(fn ($v) => \is_array($v) && isset($v['value']))
                            ->then(fn ($v) => preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $v['value']))
'cannotBeEmpty', []],
            ['useAttributeAsKey', ['foo']],

    public function testConcreteNodeSpecificOption()
        $node = new ArrayNodeDefinition('root');

    public function testPrototypeNodesCantHaveADefaultValueWhenUsingDefaultChildren()
        $node = new ArrayNodeDefinition('root');
->node('foo', 'scalar')->end()
                    ->node('bar', 'scalar')->end()
                    ->node('unsettable', 'array')
                            ->node('foo', 'scalar')->end()
                            ->node('bar', 'scalar')->end()
                    ->node('unsetted', 'array')

        $a = [
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'unsettable' => [
                'foo' => 'a',
                'bar' => 'b',
                    ->info('Whether to use the Accept-Language HTTP header to set the Request locale (only when the "_locale" request attribute is not passed).')
                    ->info('Whether to set the Content-Language HTTP header on the Response using the Request locale.')
                    ->info('Defines the possible locales for the application. This list is used for generating translations files, but also to restrict which locales are allowed when it is set from Accept-Language header (using "set_locale_from_accept_language").')
                    ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => [$v])->end()
                    ->defaultValue(['x-forwarded-for', 'x-forwarded-port', 'x-forwarded-proto'])
                    ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => $v ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $v)) : [])->end()

        return $tb;
return 'custom_authenticators';

    /** * @param ArrayNodeDefinition $builder */
    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $builder): void
            ->info('An array of service ids for all of your "authenticators"')

        // get the parent array node builder ("firewalls") from inside the children builder         $factoryRootNode = $builder->end()->end();
                ->ifTrue(fn ($v) => isset($v['custom_authenticators']) && empty($v['custom_authenticators']))
                ->then(function D$v) {

                    return $v;
$definition = $builder->getRootNode()->children()->booleanNode('boolean');


    public function testPrototypedArrayNodeUseTheCustomNodeBuilder()
        $builder = new TreeBuilder('override', 'array', new CustomNodeBuilder());

        $root = $builder->getRootNode();


    public function testAnExtendedNodeBuilderGetsPropagatedToTheChildren()
        $builder = new TreeBuilder('propagation');

                ->setNodeClass('extended', 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\BooleanNodeDefinition')

    public function testNormalizeEncoders($denormalized)
        $tb = new TreeBuilder('root_name', 'array');
        $tree = $tb
                    ->node('encoders', 'array')
                            ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => ['algorithm' => $v])->end()
                                ->node('algorithm', 'scalar')->end()

                ->info('Route that will validate the login link - e.g. "app_login_link_verify".')
                ->info('If true, only HTTP POST requests to "check_route" will be handled by the authenticator.')
                ->info('An array of properties on your User that are used to sign the link. If any of these change, all existing links will become invalid.')
                ->example(['email', 'password'])
                ->info('The lifetime of the login link in seconds.')
                ->info('Max number of times a login link can be used - null means unlimited within lifetime.')
class ScalarNormalizedTypes implements ConfigurationInterface
    public function getConfigTreeBuilder(): TreeBuilder
        $tb = new TreeBuilder('scalar_normalized_types');
        $rootNode = $tb->getRootNode();
                    ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => [$v])->end()
                            ->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => [$v])
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