defaultNull example

/** * @param ArrayNodeDefinition $builder */
    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $builder): void
                ->scalarNode('limiter')->info(sprintf('A service id implementing "%s".', RequestRateLimiterInterface::class))->end()
                ->scalarNode('interval')->defaultValue('1 minute')->end()
                ->scalarNode('lock_factory')->info('The service ID of the lock factory used by the login rate limiter (or null to disable locking)')->defaultNull()->end()

    public function createAuthenticator(ContainerBuilder $container, string $firewallName, array $config, string $userProviderId): array
        if (!class_exists(RateLimiterFactory::class)) {
            throw new \LogicException('Login throttling requires the Rate Limiter component. Try running "composer require symfony/rate-limiter".');

        if (!isset($config['limiter'])) {
            $limiterOptions = [
$this->options = [];
        $this->defaultFailureHandlerOptions = [];
        $this->defaultSuccessHandlerOptions = [];

    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node): void

        $builder = $node->children();
                    ->then(fn ($v) => [$v])

                        ->ifTrue(fn ($v) => !\is_array($v))
                        ->then(fn ($v) => ['enabled' => $v])
                        ->then(function D$values) {
                            // inspired by Workflow places                             if (isset($values[0]) && \is_string($values[0])) {
                                return array_map(function Dstring $value) {
                    ->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => ['service' => $v])
                    ->scalarNode('service')->info('The service ID of a custom rememberme token provider.')->end()
                ->info('The service ID of a custom rememberme token verifier.')

        foreach ($this->options as $name => $value) {
            if ('secure' === $name) {
                $builder->enumNode($name)->values([true, false, 'auto'])->defaultValue('auto' === $value ? null : $value);
                    ->info('Max length of displayed strings, -1 means no limit')
                    ->info('A stream URL where dumps should be written to')
                    ->example('php://stderr, or tcp://%env(VAR_DUMPER_SERVER)% when using the "server:dump" command')
                    ->info('Changes the color of the dump() output when rendered directly on the templating. "dark" (default) or "light"')
                    ->values(['dark', 'light'])

        return $treeBuilder;
/** * Generates the configuration tree builder. */
    public function getConfigTreeBuilder(): TreeBuilder
        $tb = new TreeBuilder('security');
        $rootNode = $tb->getRootNode();

                    ->values([SessionAuthenticationStrategy::NONE, SessionAuthenticationStrategy::MIGRATE, SessionAuthenticationStrategy::INVALIDATE])
                ->booleanNode('enable_authenticator_manager')->setDeprecated('symfony/security-bundle', '6.2', 'The "%node%" option at "%path%" is deprecated.')->defaultTrue()->end()
                ->info('An array of properties on your User that are used to sign the link. If any of these change, all existing links will become invalid.')
                ->example(['email', 'password'])
                ->info('The lifetime of the login link in seconds.')
                ->info('Max number of times a login link can be used - null means unlimited within lifetime.')
                ->info('Cache service id used to expired links of max_uses is set.')
                ->info(sprintf('A service id that implements %s.', AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface::class))
                ->info(sprintf('A service id that implements %s.', AuthenticationFailureHandlerInterface::class))

    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
                    ->info('The full entity class name of your user class.')

    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
                                ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $v))->end()
public function getConfigTreeBuilder(): TreeBuilder
        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('acme_root');

                ->scalarNode('scalar_array_defaults')->defaultValue(['elem1', 'elem2'])->end()
                ->scalarNode('scalar_deprecated')->setDeprecated('vendor/package', '1.1')->end()
                ->scalarNode('scalar_deprecated_with_message')->setDeprecated('vendor/package', '1.1', 'Deprecation custom message for "%node%" at "%path%"')->end()
                ->enumNode('enum_with_default')->values(['this', 'that'])->defaultValue('this')->end()
                ->enumNode('enum')->values(['this', 'that', TestEnum::Ccc])->end()
/** * @return void */
    public function addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node)
                    ->beforeNormalization()->ifString()->then(fn ($v) => preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $v))->end()
private function addCsrfSection(ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode): void
                    ->treatFalseLike(['enabled' => false])
                    ->treatTrueLike(['enabled' => true])
                    ->treatNullLike(['enabled' => true])
                        // defaults to framework.session.enabled && !class_exists(FullStack::class) && interface_exists(CsrfTokenManagerInterface::class)                         ->booleanNode('enabled')->defaultNull()->end()

    private function addFormSection(ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode, callable $enableIfStandalone): void

    private function addTwigOptions(ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode): void
                    ->setDeprecated('symfony/twig-bundle', '6.1', 'Option "%node%" at "%path%" is deprecated, use autoescape_service[_method] instead.')
                    ->info('The default path used to load templates')
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