// Detect updated field storage definitions.
foreach (array_intersect_key($storage_definitions,
$original_storage_definitions) as $field_name =>
$storage_definition) { // @todo Support non-storage-schema-changing definition updates too:
// https://www.drupal.org/node/2336895. So long as we're checking
// based on schema change requirements rather than definition
// equality, skip the check if the entity type itself needs to be
// updated, since that can affect the schema of all fields, so we
// want to process that update first without reporting false
// positives here.
if (!
]) &&
$original_storage_definitions[$field_name])) { $field_changes[$field_name] =
} } if ($field_changes) { $change_list[$entity_type_id]['field_storage_definitions'
] =
} } } }