PHP Function Sodium_Crypto_Ristretto255_Is_Valued_Point
PHP function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point
A function is a block of instructions that can be called from within another code block. A function is defined by using the keyword function followed by the name of the function, parentheses which contain the parameters for the function and curly braces which contain the actual code for the function.
When writing a function, it is important to give it a meaningful name. A meaningful name is helpful for understanding what the function does and where it is used in the code. It is also good practice to use camel case when writing a function name, as it is easier to read than if the letter were capitalized each time.
Tip: Whenever possible, try to use arguments when calling functions. This allows the function to return multiple values in one call and reduces repetition in your code.
Alternatively, you can pass variables by reference to the function. This will create a new entry in the PHP symbol table that references an internal data structure containing the variable type and value.