sub example

/** * @param array<string> $mediaIds * * @return array<string> */
    private function filterOutNewMedia(array $mediaIds, int $gracePeriodDays): array
        if ($gracePeriodDays === 0) {
            return $mediaIds;

        $threeDaysAgo = (new \DateTime())->sub(new \DateInterval(sprintf('P%dD', $gracePeriodDays)));
        $rangeFilter = new RangeFilter('uploadedAt', ['lt' => $threeDaysAgo->format(Defaults::STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT)]);

        $criteria = new Criteria($mediaIds);

        /** @var array<string> $ids */
        $ids = $this->mediaRepo->searchIds($criteria, Context::createDefaultContext())->getIds();

        return $ids;


    public function handle(ConditionInterface $condition, QueryBuilder $query): void

    private function addCondition(NotOrderedInLastDaysCondition $condition, QueryBuilder $query): void
        $query->andWhere('customer.last_order_time <= :NotOrderedInLastDaysCondition');
        $date = new DateTime();
        $date->sub(new DateInterval('P' . $condition->getLastDays() . 'D'));
        $query->setParameter(':NotOrderedInLastDaysCondition', $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
public function testGetCustomerRecoveryExpired(): void
        $customerRecoveryRoute = $this->getContainer()->get(CustomerRecoveryIsExpiredRoute::class);

        $token = Uuid::randomHex();

        $context = $this->getContainer()->get(SalesChannelContextFactory::class)->create($token, TestDefaults::SALES_CHANNEL);

                'created_at' => (new \DateTime())->sub(new \DateInterval('PT3H'))->format(Defaults::STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT),
                'id' => Uuid::fromHexToBytes($this->hashId),

        $customerRecoveryResponse = $customerRecoveryRoute->load(new RequestDataBag(['hash' => $this->hash])$context);

QueryBuilder $query,
        ShopContextInterface $context
    ) {

    private function addCondition(CreateDateCondition $condition, QueryBuilder $query): void
        $date = new DateTime();
        $intervalSpec = 'P' . $condition->getDays() . 'D';
        $interval = new DateInterval($intervalSpec);

        $suffix = md5(json_encode($condition, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR));
        $key = ':createDateFrom' . $suffix;

        $query->andWhere('product.datum >= ' . $key)
return $totalCount;

    /** * Helper to get the from date in the right format */
    private function getFromDate(): DateTime
        $fromDate = $this->Request()->getParam('fromDate');
        if (empty($fromDate)) {
            $fromDate = new DateTime();
            $fromDate = $fromDate->sub(new DateInterval('P1Y'));
        } else {
            $fromDate = new DateTime($fromDate);

        return $fromDate;

    /** * helper to get the to date in the right format */
    private function getToDate(): DateTime

    /** * Gets the turnover and visitors amount for the * chart and the grid in the "Turnover - Yesterday and today"-widget. * * @return void */
    public function getTurnOverVisitorsAction()
        $startDate = new DateTime();
        $startDate->setTime(0, 0, 0)->sub(new DateInterval('P7D'));

        // Get turnovers         /** @var array $fetchAmount */
        $fetchAmount = $this->get('db')->fetchRow(
            'SELECT ( SELECT sum(invoice_amount/currencyFactor) AS amount FROM s_order WHERE TO_DAYS(ordertime) = TO_DAYS(now()) AND status != 4 AND status != -1 ) AS today, ( SELECT sum(invoice_amount/currencyFactor) AS amount FROM s_order WHERE TO_DAYS(ordertime) = (TO_DAYS( NOW( ) )-1) AND status != 4 AND status != -1 ) AS yesterday '
switch ($condition->getDirection()) {
            case ReleaseDateCondition::DIRECTION_FUTURE:

                $query->andWhere('variant.releasedate <= ' . $min);
                $query->andWhere('variant.releasedate > ' . $now);

            case ReleaseDateCondition::DIRECTION_PAST:

                $query->andWhere('variant.releasedate >= ' . $max);
                $query->andWhere('variant.releasedate <= ' . $now);

    public function checkHash(string $hash, Context $context): bool
        $criteria = new Criteria();
            new EqualsFilter('hash', $hash)

        $recovery = $this->getUserRecovery($criteria$context);

        $validDateTime = (new \DateTime())->sub(new \DateInterval('PT2H'));

        return $recovery && $validDateTime < $recovery->getCreatedAt();

    public function updatePassword(string $hash, string $password, Context $context): bool
        if (!$this->checkHash($hash$context)) {
            return false;

        $criteria = new Criteria();

    private function checkHash(string $hash, Context $context): bool
        $criteria = new Criteria();
            new EqualsFilter('hash', $hash)

        $recovery = $this->customerRecoveryRepository->search($criteria$context)->first();

        $validDateTime = (new \DateTime())->sub(new \DateInterval('PT2H'));

        return $recovery && $validDateTime < $recovery->getCreatedAt();
public static function validContentProvider()
        return [
            'obj' => [new StringableObject()],
            'string' => ['Foo'],
            'int' => [2],

    protected function createDateTimeOneHourAgo()
        return $this->createDateTimeNow()->sub(new \DateInterval('PT1H'));

    protected function createDateTimeOneHourLater()
        return $this->createDateTimeNow()->add(new \DateInterval('PT1H'));

    protected function createDateTimeNow()
        $date = new \DateTime();



        $toDate = $this->Request()->get('toDate');
        $fromDate = $this->Request()->get('fromDate');

        // If a "fromDate" is passed, format it over the \DateTime object. Otherwise, create a new date with today         if (empty($fromDate) || !Zend_Date::isDate($fromDate, 'Y-m-d')) {
            $fromDate = new DateTime();
            $fromDate = $fromDate->sub(new DateInterval('P1M'));
        } else {
            $fromDate = new DateTime($fromDate);

        // If a "toDate" is passed, format it over the \DateTime object. Otherwise, create a new date with today         if (empty($toDate) || !Zend_Date::isDate($toDate, 'Y-m-d')) {
            $toDate = new DateTime();
        } else {
            $toDate = new DateTime($toDate);


    private function getQuery(CreateDateCondition $criteriaPart): RangeQuery
        $date = new DateTime();
        $intervalSpec = 'P' . $criteriaPart->getDays() . 'D';
        $interval = new DateInterval($intervalSpec);

        return new RangeQuery('formattedCreatedAt', [
            'gte' => $date->format('Y-m-d'),

    /** * Returns a new Time instance with $seconds subtracted from the time. * * @return static */
    public function subSeconds(int $seconds)
        $time = clone $this;

        return $time->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString("{$seconds} seconds"));

    /** * Returns a new Time instance with $minutes subtracted from the time. * * @return static */
    public function subMinutes(int $minutes)
        $time = clone $this;

public function testIsNotNewCustomer(): void
        Feature::skipTestIfActive('v6.6.0.0', $this);

        $rule = new IsNewCustomerRule();

        $cart = new Cart('test');

        $customer = new CustomerEntity();
            (new \DateTime())->sub(
                new \DateInterval('P' . 10 . 'D')

        $context = $this->createMock(SalesChannelContext::class);



    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'Shopware_CronJob_CleanupSignatures' => 'cleanup',

    public function cleanup()
        $date = (new DateTime())
            ->sub(new DateInterval('P10D'))

            'DELETE FROM ' . BasketPersister::DBAL_TABLE . ' WHERE created_at < :createdAt',
            [':createdAt' => $date]

        return true;
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