subscribeEvent example

    protected $request;

    /** * Register shopware auth resource * create pre-dispatch hook to check backend permissions */
    public function install()
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Bootstrap_InitResource_Auth', 'onInitResourceAuth');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Controller_Action_PreDispatch', 'onPreDispatchBackend');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Bootstrap_InitResource_BackendSession', 'onInitResourceBackendSession');

        $form = $this->Form();
        $parent = $this->Forms()->findOneBy(['name' => 'Core']);
        $form->setElement('select', 'backendLocales', [
            'store' => 'base.Locale',
            'label' => 'Auswählbare Sprachen',
            'value' => [1, 2],

            $menu = $categoryTree;

        $categoryPath = $this->getCategoryPath($activeCategoryId);

        return $this->setActiveFlags($menu$categoryPath);

    private function subscribeEvents(): void



    /** * {@inheritdoc} */
    public function subscribeEvent($event$listener = null, $position = null)
        if ($listener === null && $event instanceof Enlight_Event_Handler) {
        } else {

        return $this;

    /** * Helper function to register a plugin controller. * * If the default event listener is used for the registration of a plugin controller, the following requirements must be fulfilled: * 1. The plugin directory must contain a 'Controllers' subdirectory. * 2. The 'Controllers' directory must contain a subdirectory which corresponds to the module (Frontend, Backend, Widgets or API) * 3. The controller must be filed in this module directory. * 4. The controller file must have the same name as the controller class. * * If all the requirements are fulfilled, the controller is registered automatically. * Additionally, the following plugin namespaces/directories are registered, if available: * 1. The 'Views' plugin directory is added as a template directory. * 2. The 'Snippets' plugin directory is added as a config directory. * 3. The 'Components' plugin directory is added as a component namespace. * * @example * <code> * public function install() { * $this->registerController('Frontend', 'Example1'); * return true; * } * </code> * * @param string $module - Possible values: Frontend, Backend, Widgets, Api * @param string $name - The name of the controller * @param string $listener - Name of the event listener function which will be called * * @throws RuntimeException * * @return $this */
private const CONFIG_NOTIFY_CAPTCHA = 'notificationCaptchaConfig';

    /** * Installation of plugin * Create-Events to include custom code on product detail page * Creates new cronjob "notification" * * @return bool */
    public function install()
$this->Path() . 'Components/'

        return Enlight_Class::Instance('Shopware_Components_SeoIndex');

    /** * Registers all required events for the similar shown articles function. */
    protected function subscribeSearchIndexEvents()

        $this->createCronJob('Refresh search index', 'RefreshSearchIndex', 86400, true);
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_CronJob_RefreshSearchIndex', 'refreshSearchIndex');

    /** * Registers all required events for the also bought articles function. */

class Shopware_Plugins_Core_Cron_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    public function install()


        return true;

    /** * @return string */

class Shopware_Plugins_Core_CronStock_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    public function install()

        return true;

    public function onRun(Enlight_Components_Cron_EventArgs $args)
        $sql = ' SELECT d.ordernumber,, as `articleID`, d.unitID,, a.description, a.description_long, a.shippingtime, a.datum as `added`, a.topseller, a.keywords, a.taxID, a.supplierID, a.changetime as `changed`, as `articledetailsID`, d.ordernumber, d.suppliernumber, d.kind, d.additionaltext, COALESCE(sai.impressions, 0) as impressions, d.sales,, d.instock, d.stockmin, d.weight, d.position, at.attr1, at.attr2, at.attr3, at.attr4, at.attr5, at.attr6, at.attr7, at.attr8, at.attr9, at.attr10, at.attr11, at.attr12, at.attr13, at.attr14, at.attr15, at.attr16, at.attr17, at.attr18, at.attr19, at.attr20, as supplier, u.unit, FROM s_articles a INNER JOIN s_articles_details as d INNER JOIN s_articles_attributes as at LEFT JOIN s_articles_supplier as s ON a.supplierID = LEFT JOIN s_core_units as u ON d.unitID = LEFT JOIN s_core_tax as t ON a.taxID = LEFT JOIN ( SELECT articleId AS id, SUM(s.impressions) AS impressions FROM s_statistics_article_impression s GROUP BY articleId ) sai ON = WHERE d.articleID = AND = at.articledetailsID AND stockmin > instock ';
return $this->Application()->Config()->get(

    /** * Registers all required events for the similar shown articles function. */
    protected function subscribeSimilarShownEvents()
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_Backend_SimilarShown', 'getSimilarShownBackendController');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Bootstrap_InitResource_SimilarShown', 'initSimilarShownResource');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_Plugins_LastArticles_ResetLastArticles', 'afterSimilarShownArticlesReset');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_Modules_Articles_Before_SetLastArticle', 'beforeSetLastArticle');

        $this->createCronJob('Similar shown article refresh', 'RefreshSimilarShown', 86400, true);
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_CronJob_RefreshSimilarShown', 'refreshSimilarShown');

    /** * Registers all required events for the also bought articles function. */

    /** * Install plugin method * * Registers the plugin start event. * * @return bool */
    public function install()

        return true;

    /** * Loads the plugin before the dispatch. */
    public function onStartDispatch(Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)

use Shopware\Models\Config\Element;

class Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_TagCloud_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    public function install()


        return true;

    /** * @return array */
use Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager;
use Shopware\Components\ShopRegistrationServiceInterface;
use Shopware\Models\Customer\Group as CustomerGroup;
use Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop;
use Shopware\Models\Shop\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;

class Shopware_Plugins_Core_Router_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    public function install()


        return true;


    protected $response;

    /** * @var bool */
    protected $isApiCall = false;

    public function install()
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Controller_Front_DispatchLoopStartup', 'onDispatchLoopStartup');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Controller_Front_PreDispatch', 'onFrontPreDispatch');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Enlight_Bootstrap_InitResource_Auth', 'onInitResourceAuth');

        return true;

    public function getCapabilities()
        return [
            'install' => false,
            'enable' => false,

class Shopware_Plugins_Core_System_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    /** * Install plugin method * * @return bool */
    public function install()

'label' => $this->getLabel(),

    /** * Install the plugin. * * @return bool */
    public function install()



class Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_CronRefresh_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
    /** * Defining Cronjob-Events * * @return bool */
    public function install()
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_CronJob_Clearing', 'onCronJobClearing');
        $this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_CronJob_Search', 'onCronJobSearch');

        return true;

    /** * Clear s_emarketing_lastarticles / s_statistics_search / s_core_log in 30 days interval * Delete all entries older then 30 days. * To change this time - modify sql-queries * * @return array */
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