the_permalink_rss example

<?php if ( post_password_required( $comment_post ) ) : ?> <content type="html" xml:base="<?php comment_link(); ?>"><![CDATA[<?php echo get_the_password_form(); ?>]]></content> <?php else : ?> <content type="html" xml:base="<?php comment_link(); ?>"><![CDATA[<?php comment_text(); ?>]]></content> <?php endif; // End if post_password_required(). ?> <?php         // Return comment threading information (         if ( 0 == $comment->comment_parent ) : // This comment is top-level.             ?> <thr:in-reply-to ref="<?php the_guid(); ?>" href="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>" type="<?php bloginfo_rss( 'html_type' ); ?>" /> <?php         else : // This comment is in reply to another comment.             $parent_comment = get_comment( $comment->comment_parent );
            /* * The rel attribute below and the id tag above should be GUIDs, * but WP doesn't create them for comments (unlike posts). * Either way, it's more important that they both use the same system. */
            ?> <thr:in-reply-to ref="<?php comment_guid( $parent_comment ); ?>" href="<?php echo get_comment_link( $parent_comment ); ?>" type="<?php bloginfo_rss( 'html_type' ); ?>" /> <?php
/** * Print the permalink to the RSS feed. * * @since 0.71 * @deprecated 2.3.0 Use the_permalink_rss() * @see the_permalink_rss() * * @param string $deprecated */
function permalink_single_rss($deprecated = '') {
    _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.3.0', 'the_permalink_rss()' );

/** * Gets the links associated with category. * * @since 1.0.1 * @deprecated 2.1.0 Use wp_list_bookmarks() * @see wp_list_bookmarks() * * @param string $args a query string * @return null|string */

    do_action( 'rdf_header' );
    ?> <items> <rdf:Seq> <?php         while ( have_posts() ) :
            ?> <rdf:li rdf:resource="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>"/> <?php endwhile; ?> </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> <?php rewind_posts();
while ( have_posts() ) :
    ?> <item rdf:about="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>"> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?></title> <link>

    do_action( 'rss_head' );
    ?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) :
    ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?></title> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></description> <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?></link> <?php         /** * Fires at the end of each RSS feed item. * * @since 2.0.0 */
        do_action( 'rss_item' );
        ?> </item> <?php endwhile; ?> </channel> </rss>

                $excerpt = wxr_cdata( apply_filters( 'the_excerpt_export', $post->post_excerpt ) );

                $is_sticky = is_sticky( $post->ID ) ? 1 : 0;
                ?> <item> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?></link> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', true ), false ); ?></pubDate> <dc:creator><?php echo wxr_cdata( get_the_author_meta( 'login' ) ); ?></dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?></guid> <description></description> <content:encoded><?php echo $content; ?></content:encoded> <excerpt:encoded><?php echo $excerpt; ?></excerpt:encoded> <wp:post_id><?php echo (int) $post->ID; ?></wp:post_id> <wp:post_date><?php echo wxr_cdata( $post->post_date ); ?></wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt><?php echo wxr_cdata( $post->post_date_gmt ); ?></wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:post_modified><?php echo wxr_cdata( $post->post_modified ); ?></wp:post_modified> <wp:post_modified_gmt><?php echo wxr_cdata( $post->post_modified_gmt ); ?></wp:post_modified_gmt> <wp:comment_status>

    do_action( 'rss2_head' );

    while ( have_posts() ) :
        ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?></title> <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?></link> <?php if ( get_comments_number() || comments_open() ) : ?> <comments><?php comments_link_feed(); ?></comments> <?php endif; ?> <dc:creator><![CDATA[<?php the_author(); ?>]]></dc:creator> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', true ), false ); ?></pubDate> <?php the_category_rss( 'rss2' ); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?></guid> <?php if ( get_option( 'rss_use_excerpt' ) ) : ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></description>
/** * Fires at the end of each Atom feed author entry. * * @since 3.2.0 */
            do_action( 'atom_author' );
            ?> </author> <title type="<?php html_type_rss(); ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_title_rss(); ?>]]></title> <link rel="alternate" type="<?php bloginfo_rss( 'html_type' ); ?>" href="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>" /> <id><?php the_guid(); ?></id> <updated><?php echo get_post_modified_time( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', true ); ?></updated> <published><?php echo get_post_time( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', true ); ?></published> <?php the_category_rss( 'atom' ); ?> <summary type="<?php html_type_rss(); ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></summary> <?php if ( ! get_option( 'rss_use_excerpt' ) ) : ?> <content type="<?php html_type_rss(); ?>" xml:base="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_content_feed( 'atom' ); ?>]]></content> <?php endif; ?>
printf( ent2ncr( __( 'Comments on: %s' ) )get_the_title_rss() );
    } elseif ( is_search() ) {
        /* translators: Comments feed title. 1: Site title, 2: Search query. */
        printf( ent2ncr( __( 'Comments for %1$s searching on %2$s' ) )get_bloginfo_rss( 'name' )get_search_query() );
    } else {
        /* translators: Comments feed title. %s: Site title. */
        printf( ent2ncr( __( 'Comments for %s' ) )get_wp_title_rss() );
    ?> </title> <atom:link href="<?php self_link(); ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link><?php ( is_single() ) ? the_permalink_rss() : bloginfo_rss( 'url' ); ?></link> <description><?php bloginfo_rss( 'description' ); ?></description> <lastBuildDate><?php echo get_feed_build_date( 'r' ); ?></lastBuildDate> <sy:updatePeriod> <?php         /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/feed-rss2.php */
        echo apply_filters( 'rss_update_period', 'hourly' );
    ?> </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> <?php         /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/feed-rss2.php */
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