unlock example

public function testReadsAnEmptyArrayWithReadWhenNothingCachedAtKey()

    public function testUnlockFileThatDoesExist()


    public function testUnlockFileThatDoesNotExist()

    public function testRemovesEntriesForKeyWithPurge()
        $request = Request::create('/foo');
        $this->store->write($requestnew Response('foo'));


        $http = preg_replace('#^https:#', 'http:', $url);
        if ($http === null) {
            return false;

        $https = preg_replace('#^http:#', 'https:', $url);
        if ($https === null) {
            return false;

        $httpPurged = $this->unlock(Request::create($http));
        $httpsPurged = $this->unlock(Request::create($https));

        return $httpPurged || $httpsPurged;

    private function getLockKey(Request $request): string
        return 'http_lock_' . $this->cacheKeyGenerator->generate($request);
$result = $urlProvider->getUrls($context$this->batchSize, $offset);


                    $needRun = $result->getNextOffset() !== null;
                    $offset = $result->getNextOffset();
                } while ($needRun);

        } finally {

        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new SitemapGeneratedEvent($context));

        return new SitemapGenerationResult(
if ($this->options['debug']) {
                throw $e;
        } finally {
            foreach ($restoreHeaders as $header => $values) {

        // now that the response is cached, release the lock         $this->store->unlock($request);

    /** * Restores the Response body. */
    private function restoreResponseBody(Request $request, Response $response): void
        if ($response->headers->has('X-Body-Eval')) {
            \assert(self::BODY_EVAL_BOUNDARY_LENGTH === 24);


class ReverseProxyCacheTest extends TestCase
    /** * The store is only used to track the cache tags and not to cache actual */
    public function testLookup(): void
        $store = new ReverseProxyCache($this->createMock(AbstractReverseProxyGateway::class)$this->createMock(CacheTracer::class)[]);
        static::assertNull($store->lookup(new Request()));
        static::assertFalse($store->isLocked(new Request()));
        static::assertTrue($store->lock(new Request()));
        static::assertTrue($store->unlock(new Request()));

    public function testWriteAddsGlobalStates(): void
        $store = new ReverseProxyCache($this->createMock(AbstractReverseProxyGateway::class)$this->createMock(CacheTracer::class)[CacheResponseSubscriber::STATE_LOGGED_IN]);

        $request = new Request();
        $request->attributes->set(RequestTransformer::ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URI, '/foo');
        $response = new Response();

try {
            $sql = 'SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock_shared(:key)';
            $stmt = $this->getConnection()->prepare($sql);

            $stmt->bindValue(':key', $this->getHashedKey($key));
            $result = $stmt->execute();

            // Check if lock is acquired             if (true === $stmt->fetchColumn()) {
                // release lock in case of demotion                 $this->unlock($key);

                $lockAcquired = true;

        } finally {
            if (!$lockAcquired) {


    public function unlockCustomerAction()
        $customerId = (int) $this->Request()->getParam('customerId');

        try {
            /** @var CustomerUnlockServiceInterface $unlockService */
            $unlockService = $this->get('shopware_account.customer_unlock_service');

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->View()->assign('success', false);


        $this->View()->assign('success', true);

    /** * Returns the shopware model manager * * @return ModelManager */
if ($this->options['debug']) {
                throw $e;
        } finally {
            foreach ($restoreHeaders as $header => $values) {

        // now that the response is cached, release the lock         $this->store->unlock($request);

    /** * Restores the Response body. */
    private function restoreResponseBody(Request $request, Response $response): void
        if ($response->headers->has('X-Body-Eval')) {
            \assert(self::BODY_EVAL_BOUNDARY_LENGTH === 24);


try {
            $sql = 'SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock_shared(:key)';
            $result = $this->conn->executeQuery($sql[
                'key' => $this->getHashedKey($key),

            // Check if lock is acquired             if (true === $result->fetchOne()) {
                // release lock in case of demotion                 $this->unlock($key);

                $lockAcquired = true;

        } finally {
            if (!$lockAcquired) {

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