waitForOffCanvasToOpen example

    foreach (['1', '2', '1'] as $link_index) {
      $this->assertOffCanvasDialog($link_index, 'side');
      $header_text = $this->getOffCanvasDialog()->find('css', '.ui-dialog-title')->getText();
      if ($link_index == '2') {
        // Check no title behavior.         $web_assert->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog-empty-title');
        $this->assertEquals(' ', $header_text);

        $style = $page->find('css', '.ui-dialog-off-canvas')->getAttribute('style');
        $this->assertStringContainsString('width: 555px;', $style, 'Dialog width respected.');
        $page->clickLink("Open side panel 1");
        $style = $page->find('css', '.ui-dialog-off-canvas')->getAttribute('style');
        $this->assertStringNotContainsString('width: 555px;', $style, 'Dialog width reset to default.');
      else {
        // Check that header is correct.         $this->assertEquals("Thing $link_index", $header_text);
        $web_assert->elementNotExists('css', '.ui-dialog-empty-title');

    // Test the off_canvas_top tray.

  /** * Check the status of the announcements when the feed is updated and removed. */
  public function testAnnounceFeedUpdatedAndRemoved() {
    $page_html = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getHtml();
    $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Only 10 - Drupal 106 is available and this feed is Updated', $page_html);

    // Change the feed url and reset temp storage.     AnnounceTestHttpClientMiddleware::setAnnounceTestEndpoint('/announce-feed-json/updated');

    $page_html = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getHtml();
    $this->assertStringContainsString('Only 10 - Drupal 106 is available and this feed is Updated', $page_html);
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
    $assert_session = $this->assertSession();

    // Set size for horizontal toolbar.     $this->getSession()->resizeWindow(1200, 600);
    // Wait for toolbar to appear.     $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'body.toolbar-horizontal'));

    // Open workspace canvas.     $page->clickLink('Switch workspace');
    $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.workspaces-dialog');

    // Close Canvas.     $page->pressButton('Close');
    $assert_session->assertNoElementAfterWait('css', '.workspaces-dialog');

  /** * Tests workspace switch and landing page behavior. */
    // to open the off-canvas dialog in edit mode.     $contextual_link = $this->assertSession()->waitForElement('css', "$contextual_link_container .contextual-links a");
    // When page first loads Edit Mode is not triggered until first contextual     // link is added.     $this->assertElementVisibleAfterWait('css', '.dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas.js-settings-tray-edit-mode');
    // Ensure that all other Ajax activity is completed.     $this->assertSession()->assertWaitOnAjaxRequest();
    $block = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $block_selector);

  /** * Enables edit mode by pressing edit button in the toolbar. */
  protected function enableEditMode() {

public function testEditModeEnableDisable() {
    foreach ($this->getTestThemes() as $theme) {
      $block = $this->placeBlock('system_powered_by_block');
      foreach (['contextual_link', 'toolbar_link'] as $enable_option) {
        switch ($enable_option) {
          // Enable Edit mode.           case 'contextual_link':
            $this->clickContextualLink($this->getBlockSelector($block), "Quick edit");

          case 'toolbar_link':

        // Make another page request to ensure Edit mode is still disabled.         $this->drupalGet('user');
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