'test' => 'https_status',
if ( !
wp_is_using_https() ) { /*
* If the website is not using HTTPS, provide more information
* about whether it is supported and how it can be enabled.
] = 'recommended';
] =
__( 'Your website does not use HTTPS'
if ( wp_is_site_url_using_https() ) { if ( is_ssl() ) { $result['description'
] =
sprintf( '<p>%s</p>',
sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to Settings > General > Site Address. */
__( 'You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your <a href="%s">Site Address</a> is not set up to use HTTPS by default.'
esc_url( admin_url( 'options-general.php'
) . '#home'
) ) );
} else { $result['description'
] =