wp_list_comments example

        ?> </h3> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"><?php previous_comments_link(); ?></div> <div class="alignright"><?php next_comments_link(); ?></div> </div> <ol class="commentlist"> <?php wp_list_comments(); ?> </ol> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"><?php previous_comments_link(); ?></div> <div class="alignright"><?php next_comments_link(); ?></div> </div> <?php else : // This is displayed if there are no comments so far. ?> <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?> <!-- If comments are open, but there are no comments. -->
                    /* translators: %s: Comment count number. */
                    esc_html( _nx( '%s comment', '%s comments', $twenty_twenty_one_comment_count, 'Comments title', 'twentytwentyone' ) ),
                    esc_html( number_format_i18n( $twenty_twenty_one_comment_count ) )
                ?> <?php endif; ?> </h2><!-- .comments-title --> <ol class="comment-list"> <?php             wp_list_comments(
                    'avatar_size' => 60,
                    'style'       => 'ol',
                    'short_ping'  => true,
            ?> </ol><!-- .comment-list --> <?php         the_comments_pagination(
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