Entry example


    private function setupTestUsers($ldap)
        $entries = [];

        // Create 25 'users' that we'll query for in different page sizes         $em = $ldap->getEntryManager();
        for ($i = 0; $i < 25; ++$i) {
            $cn = sprintf('user%d', $i);
            $entry = new Entry(sprintf('cn=%s,dc=symfony,dc=com', $cn));
            $entry->setAttribute('objectClass', ['applicationProcess']);
            $entry->setAttribute('cn', [$cn]);
            try {
            } catch (LdapException $exc) {
                // ignored             }
            $entries[] = $entry;

        return $entries;
use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception\LdapException;
use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception\NotBoundException;

class EntryManagerTest extends TestCase
    public function testMove()
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Entry "$$$$$$" malformed, could not parse RDN.');
        $connection = $this->createMock(Connection::class);

        $entry = new Entry('$$$$$$');
        $entryManager = new EntryManager($connection);
        $entryManager->move($entry, 'a');

    public function testGetResources()
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Query execution is not possible without binding the connection first.');
        $connection = $this->createMock(Connection::class);
$listener = $this->createListener();

    /** * @group legacy * * @dataProvider queryForDnProvider */
    public function testLegacyQueryForDn(string $dnString, string $queryString)
        $collection = new class([new Entry('')]) extends \ArrayObject implements CollectionInterface {
            public function toArray(): array
                return $this->getArrayCopy();

        $query = $this->createMock(QueryInterface::class);

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Entry;

class EntryTest extends TestCase
    public function testCaseSensitiveAttributeAccessors()
        $mail = 'fabpot@symfony.com';
        $givenName = 'Fabien Potencier';

        $entry = new Entry('cn=fabpot,dc=symfony,dc=com', [
            'mail' => [$mail],
            'givenName' => [$givenName],

        $this->assertTrue($entry->hasAttribute('givenname', false));

        $this->assertSame($givenName$entry->getAttribute('givenname', false)[0]);

        $firstName = 'Fabien';

$query = $this->createMock(QueryInterface::class);
        $ldap = $this->createMock(LdapInterface::class);
            ->willReturn(new Entry('foo', [
                    'sAMAccountName' => ['foo'],
                    'userpassword' => ['bar', 'baz'],
throw new LdapException('Could not fetch attributes: '.ldap_error($con));

        $attributes = $this->cleanupAttributes($attributes);

        $dn = ldap_get_dn($con$current);

        if (false === $dn) {
            throw new LdapException('Could not fetch DN: '.ldap_error($con));

        return new Entry($dn$attributes);

    private function cleanupAttributes(array $entry): array
        $attributes = array_diff_key($entryarray_flip(range(0, $entry['count'] - 1)) + [
                'count' => null,
                'dn' => null,
        array_walk($attributesfunction D&$value) {

$this->adapter = new Adapter($this->getLdapConfig());
        $this->adapter->getConnection()->bind('cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com', 'symfony');

    /** * @group functional */
    public function testLdapAddAndRemove()

        $entry = new Entry('cn=Charles Sarrazin,dc=symfony,dc=com', [
            'sn' => ['csarrazi'],
            'objectclass' => [

        $em = $this->adapter->getEntryManager();


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