bind example

$_SERVER['argv'] = ['cli.php', 'foo'];
        $input = new ArgvInput();
        $r = new \ReflectionObject($input);
        $p = $r->getProperty('tokens');

        $this->assertEquals(['foo']$p->getValue($input), '__construct() automatically get its input from the argv server variable');

    public function testParseArguments()
        $input = new ArgvInput(['cli.php', 'foo']);
        $input->bind(new InputDefinition([new InputArgument('name')]));
        $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'foo']$input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses required arguments');

        $input->bind(new InputDefinition([new InputArgument('name')]));
        $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'foo']$input->getArguments(), '->parse() is stateless');

    /** * @dataProvider provideOptions */
    public function testParseOptions($input$options$expectedOptions$message)
foreach ($propertyScopes as $key => [$scope$name$readonlyScope]) {
            $propertyScopes[$k = "\0$scope\0$name"] ?? $propertyScopes[$k = "\0*\0$name"] ?? $k = $name;

            if ($k === $key && "\0$class\0lazyObjectState" !== $k) {
                $classProperties[$readonlyScope ?? $scope][$name] = $key;

        $resetters = [];
        foreach ($classProperties as $scope => $properties) {
            $resetters[] = \Closure::bind(static function D$instance$skippedProperties$onlyProperties = null) use ($properties) {
                foreach ($properties as $name => $key) {
                    if (!\array_key_exists($key$skippedProperties) && (null === $onlyProperties || \array_key_exists($key$onlyProperties))) {
            }, null, $scope);

        $resetters[] = static function D$instance$skippedProperties$onlyProperties = null) {
            foreach ((array) $instance as $name => $value) {
                if ("\0" !== ($name[0] ?? '') && !\array_key_exists($name$skippedProperties) && (null === $onlyProperties || \array_key_exists($name$onlyProperties))) {
private ?CacheItem $cacheItemPrototype = null;
    private static \Closure $packCacheItem;

    public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $pool)
        $this->pool = $pool;

        if (!$pool instanceof AdapterInterface) {
        $cacheItemPrototype = &$this->cacheItemPrototype;
        $createCacheItem = \Closure::bind(
            static function D$key$value$allowInt = false) use (&$cacheItemPrototype) {
                $item = clone $cacheItemPrototype;
                $item->poolHash = $item->innerItem = null;
                if ($allowInt && \is_int($key)) {
                    $item->key = (string) $key;
                } else {
                    \assert('' !== CacheItem::validateKey($key));
                    $item->key = $key;
                $item->value = $value;
                $item->isHit = false;


    public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(['--version', '-V'], true)) {

            return 0;

        try {
            // Makes ArgvInput::getFirstArgument() able to distinguish an option from an argument.             $input->bind($this->getDefinition());
        } catch (ExceptionInterface) {
            // Errors must be ignored, full binding/validation happens later when the command is known.         }

        $name = $this->getCommandName($input);
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(['--help', '-h'], true)) {
            if (!$name) {
                $name = 'help';
                $input = new ArrayInput(['command_name' => $this->defaultCommand]);
            } else {
                $this->wantHelps = true;
 elseif (
                && $command->getName() !== $completionInput->getCompletionValue()
                && !\in_array($completionInput->getCompletionValue()$command->getAliases(), true)
            ) {
                $this->log(' No command found, completing using the Application class.');

                // expand shortcut names ("cache:cl<TAB>") into their full name ("cache:clear")                 $suggestions->suggestValues(array_filter(array_merge([$command->getName()]$command->getAliases())));
            } else {

                if (CompletionInput::TYPE_OPTION_NAME === $completionInput->getCompletionType()) {
                    $this->log(' Completing option names for the <comment>'.($command instanceof LazyCommand ? $command->getCommand() : $command)::class.'</> command.');

                } else {
                        ' Completing using the <comment>'.($command instanceof LazyCommand ? $command->getCommand() : $command)::class.'</> class.',
                        ' Completing <comment>'.$completionInput->getCompletionType().'</> for <comment>'.$completionInput->getCompletionName().'</>',
                    if (null !== $compval = $completionInput->getCompletionValue()) {
public function testMissingKnownTags()
        if (\dirname((new \ReflectionClass(ContainerBuilder::class))->getFileName(), 3) !== \dirname(__DIR__, 5)) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Tests are not run from the root symfony/symfony metapackage.');

        $this->assertSame(UnusedTagsPassUtils::getDefinedTags()$this->getKnownTags(), 'The src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/UnusedTagsPass.php file must be updated; run src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/bin/check-unused-known-tags.php.');

    private function getKnownTags(): array
        $tags = \Closure::bind(
            fn () => UnusedTagsPass::KNOWN_TAGS,

        return $tags;

    public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(['--version', '-V'], true)) {

            return 0;

        try {
            // Makes ArgvInput::getFirstArgument() able to distinguish an option from an argument.             $input->bind($this->getDefinition());
        } catch (ExceptionInterface) {
            // Errors must be ignored, full binding/validation happens later when the command is known.         }

        $name = $this->getCommandName($input);
        if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(['--help', '-h'], true)) {
            if (!$name) {
                $name = 'help';
                $input = new ArrayInput(['command_name' => $this->defaultCommand]);
            } else {
                $this->wantHelps = true;
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Resetting a non-lazy manager service is not supported. Declare the "%s" service as lazy.', $name));

        if (!$manager instanceof LazyLoadingInterface) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Resetting a non-lazy manager service is not supported. Declare the "%s" service as lazy.', $name));
        if ($manager instanceof GhostObjectInterface) {
            throw new \LogicException('Resetting a lazy-ghost-object manager service is not supported.');
            function D&$wrappedInstance, LazyLoadingInterface $manager) use ($name) {
                if (isset($this->aliases[$name])) {
                    $name = $this->aliases[$name];
                if (isset($this->fileMap[$name])) {
                    $wrappedInstance = $this->load($this->fileMap[$name], false);
                } else {
                    $wrappedInstance = $this->{$this->methodMap[$name]}(false);



    private function executeConfiguratorCallback(ContainerBuilder $container, \Closure $callback, ConfigurableExtensionInterface $subject): void
        $env = $container->getParameter('kernel.environment');
        $loader = $this->createContainerLoader($container$env);
        $file = (new \ReflectionObject($subject))->getFileName();
        $bundleLoader = $loader->getResolver()->resolve($file);
        if (!$bundleLoader instanceof PhpFileLoader) {
            throw new \LogicException('Unable to create the ContainerConfigurator.');
        $instanceof = &\Closure::bind(fn &() => $this->instanceof, $bundleLoader$bundleLoader)();

        try {
            $callback(new ContainerConfigurator($container$bundleLoader$instanceof$file$file$env));
        } finally {
            $instanceof = [];

    private function createContainerLoader(ContainerBuilder $container, string $env): DelegatingLoader
return $this->changeUser($this->inner->refreshUser($user));

    public function supportsClass($class): bool
        return $this->inner->supportsClass($class);

    private function changeUser(UserInterface $user): UserInterface
        if (self::$changePassword) {
            $alterUser = \Closure::bind(function DInMemoryUser $user) { $user->password = 'changed!'; }, null, class_exists(User::class) ? User::class D InMemoryUser::class);

        return $user;
 elseif (
                && $command->getName() !== $completionInput->getCompletionValue()
                && !\in_array($completionInput->getCompletionValue()$command->getAliases(), true)
            ) {
                $this->log(' No command found, completing using the Application class.');

                // expand shortcut names ("cache:cl<TAB>") into their full name ("cache:clear")                 $suggestions->suggestValues(array_filter(array_merge([$command->getName()]$command->getAliases())));
            } else {

                if (CompletionInput::TYPE_OPTION_NAME === $completionInput->getCompletionType()) {
                    $this->log(' Completing option names for the <comment>'.($command instanceof LazyCommand ? $command->getCommand() : $command)::class.'</> command.');

                } else {
                        ' Completing using the <comment>'.($command instanceof LazyCommand ? $command->getCommand() : $command)::class.'</> class.',
                        ' Completing <comment>'.$completionInput->getCompletionType().'</> for <comment>'.$completionInput->getCompletionName().'</>',
                    if (null !== $compval = $completionInput->getCompletionValue()) {
/** * @author Maxime Steinhausser <> * * @final */
class OptionsResolverIntrospector
    private \Closure $get;

    public function __construct(OptionsResolver $optionsResolver)
        $this->get = \Closure::bind(function D$property$option$message) {
            /** @var OptionsResolver $this */
            if (!$this->isDefined($option)) {
                throw new UndefinedOptionsException(sprintf('The option "%s" does not exist.', $option));

            if (!\array_key_exists($option$this->{$property})) {
                throw new NoConfigurationException($message);

            return $this->{$property}[$option];
return $this->container;

        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $kernelContainer = $kernel->getContainer();

        if (!$kernel->isDebug() || !$kernelContainer->getParameter('debug.container.dump') || !(new ConfigCache($kernelContainer->getParameter('debug.container.dump'), true))->isFresh()) {
            if (!$kernel instanceof Kernel) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('This command does not support the application kernel: "%s" does not extend "%s".', get_debug_type($kernel), Kernel::class));

            $buildContainer = \Closure::bind(function D): ContainerBuilder {

                return $this->buildContainer();
            $container = $buildContainer();
        } else {
            if (!$kernelContainer instanceof Container) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('This command does not support the application container: "%s" does not extend "%s".', get_debug_type($kernelContainer), Container::class));

            (new XmlFileLoader($container = new ContainerBuilder($parameterBag = new EnvPlaceholderParameterBag())new FileLocator()))->load($kernelContainer->getParameter('debug.container.dump'));

/** @var resource */
    protected $stream;
    protected $options = [];
    protected $arguments = [];
    protected $interactive = true;

    public function __construct(InputDefinition $definition = null)
        if (null === $definition) {
            $this->definition = new InputDefinition();
        } else {

    /** * @return void */
    public function bind(InputDefinition $definition)
        $this->arguments = [];
        $this->options = [];
public function testTag()
        $item = new CacheItem();
        $r = new \ReflectionProperty($item, 'isTaggable');
        $r->setValue($item, true);

        $this->assertSame($item$item->tag(['bar', 'baz']));
        $this->assertSame($item$item->tag(new StringableTag('qux')));
        $this->assertSame($item$item->tag([new StringableTag('quux')new StringableTag('quuux')]));

        (\Closure::bind(function D) use ($item) {
            $this->assertSame(['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'baz', 'qux' => 'qux', 'quux' => 'quux', 'quuux' => 'quuux']$item->newMetadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS]);
        }$this, CacheItem::class))();

    /** * @dataProvider provideInvalidKey */
    public function testInvalidTag($tag)
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cache tag');
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