HttpTransportException example

$endpoint = sprintf('%s/v3/%s/messages', $this->getEndpoint()urlencode($this->domain));
        $response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$endpoint[
            'auth_basic' => 'api:'.$this->key,
            'headers' => $headers,
            'body' => $body->bodyToIterable(),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Mailgun server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);


        return $response;
'headers' => [
                'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'auth_basic' => $this->publicKey.':'.$this->privateKey,
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: "%s" (code %d).', $response->getContent(false)$statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Mailjet server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            $errorDetails = $result['Messages'][0]['Errors'][0]['ErrorMessage'] ?? $response->getContent(false);

            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: "%s" (code %d).', $errorDetails$statusCode)$response);

        // The response needs to contains a 'Messages' key that is an array
protected function doSendApi(SentMessage $sentMessage, Email $email, Envelope $envelope): ResponseInterface
        $response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$this->getEndpoint().'/v3/mail/send', [
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),
            'auth_bearer' => $this->key,

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Sendgrid server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (202 !== $statusCode) {
            try {
                $result = $response->toArray(false);

                throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.implode('; ', array_column($result['errors'], 'message')).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
            } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface $e) {
                throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response, 0, $e);

'to' => array_map(fn (Address $recipient): string => $recipient->getAddress()$envelope->getRecipients()),
                'from_email' => $envelope->getSender()->getAddress(),
                'from_name' => $envelope->getSender()->getName(),
                'raw_message' => $message->toString(),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Mandrill server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            if ('error' === ($result['status'] ?? false)) {
                throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $result['code'])$response);

            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email (code %d).', $result['code'])$response);

$response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$this->getEndpoint().'/v3/smtp/email', [
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),
            'headers' => [
                'api-key' => $this->key,

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Sendinblue server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (201 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);


        return $response;
$response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$this->getEndpoint().$path[
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),
            'headers' => [
                'X-Auth-Token' => $this->token,

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Scaleway server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);


        return $response;
$response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$this->getEndpoint().'/v3/smtp/email', [
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),
            'headers' => [
                'api-key' => $this->key,

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Brevo server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (201 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);


        return $response;
'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),
            'headers' => [
                'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$this->key,

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $content = $response->getContent(false);
            $headers = $response->getHeaders(false);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote MailerSend server.', $response, 0, $e);

        try {
            $result = '' !== $content ? $response->toArray(false) : null;
        } catch (JsonException $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: "%s" (code %d).', $content$statusCode)$response, 0, $e);

        if (202 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.($result['message'] ?? '').sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);

protected function doSendApi(SentMessage $sentMessage, Email $email, Envelope $envelope): ResponseInterface
        $response = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://'.$this->getEndpoint().'/api/1.0/messages/send.json', [
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Mandrill server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            if ('error' === ($result['status'] ?? false)) {
                throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $result['code'])$response);

            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email (code %d).', $result['code'])$response);

'OhMySMTP-Server-Token' => $this->key,
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                'User-Agent' => 'OhMySMTP Symfony Mailer',
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote OhMySMTP endpoint.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false)$response);


        return $response;
            sprintf('https://%s/email/%s/send', $this->getEndpoint(), self::API_VERSION),
                'headers' => $headers,
                'body' => $formData->bodyToIterable(),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Infobip server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: "%s" (code %d).', $response->getContent(false)$statusCode)$response);

        try {
            $result = $response->toArray();
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: "%s" (code %d).', $response->getContent(false)$statusCode)$response, 0, $e);

'MailPace-Server-Token' => $this->key,
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                'User-Agent' => 'MailPace Symfony Mailer',
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response, 0, $e);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote MailPace endpoint.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            $errorMessage = 'Unable to send an email: ';
            if (isset($result['error'])) {
                $errorMessage .= $result['error'];
            } elseif (isset($result['errors'])) {
                $errors = [];
                foreach ($result['errors'] as $key => $val) {

    protected function doSend(SentMessage $message): void
        $result = $this->sesClient->sendEmail($this->getRequest($message));
        $response = $result->info()['response'];

        try {
            $message->appendDebug($response->getInfo('debug') ?? '');
        } catch (HttpException $e) {
            $exception = new HttpTransportException(sprintf('Unable to send an email: %s (code %s).', $e->getAwsMessage() ?: $e->getMessage()$e->getAwsCode() ?: $e->getCode())$e->getResponse()$e->getCode()$e);
            $exception->appendDebug($e->getResponse()->getInfo('debug') ?? '');

            throw $exception;

    protected function getRequest(SentMessage $message): SendEmailRequest
        $request = [
            'Destination' => new Destination([
                'ToAddresses' => $this->stringifyAddresses($message->getEnvelope()->getRecipients()),
'headers' => [
                'Accept' => 'application/json',
                'X-Postmark-Server-Token' => $this->key,
            'json' => $this->getPayload($email$envelope),

        try {
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
            $result = $response->toArray(false);
        } catch (DecodingExceptionInterface) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$response->getContent(false).sprintf(' (code %d).', $statusCode)$response);
        } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Could not reach the remote Postmark server.', $response, 0, $e);

        if (200 !== $statusCode) {
            throw new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: '.$result['Message'].sprintf(' (code %d).', $result['ErrorCode'])$response);


        return $response;
$client = new MockHttpClient($response);

        $transport = new MailjetApiTransport(self::USER, self::PASSWORD, $client);

        $email = new Email();

            new HttpTransportException('Unable to send an email: "cannot-be-decoded" (code 200).', $response)


    public function testSendWithTransportException()
        $response = new MockResponse('', ['error' => 'foo']);

        $client = new MockHttpClient($response);

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