IdSearchResult example

foreach ($data as $key => $val) {

    public function testCustomFields(): void
        $addressRepository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);
            ->willReturn(new IdSearchResult(1, [['data' => ['address-1'], 'primaryKey' => 'address-1']]new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext()));

        $result = $this->createMock(EntitySearchResult::class);
            ->willReturn(new CustomerAddressEntity());


static::assertEquals('4', $result->getProduct()->getCmsPageId());
        static::assertEquals('mainVariant', $result->getProduct()->getUniqueIdentifier());

    public function testLoadBestVariant(): void
        $productEntity = new SalesChannelProductEntity();

        $idsSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(
                    'primaryKey' => $this->idsCollection->get('product1'),
                    'data' => [],
            new Criteria(),
            ->with(['filter' => $filter])

        $data = [
            ['primaryKey' => ['productId' => 'product-1', 'categoryId' => 'category-1'], 'data' => []],
            ['primaryKey' => ['productId' => 'product-1', 'categoryId' => 'category-2'], 'data' => []],
            ['primaryKey' => ['productId' => 'product-2', 'categoryId' => 'category-1'], 'data' => []],
            ['primaryKey' => ['productId' => 'product-2', 'categoryId' => 'category-2'], 'data' => []],

        $ids = new IdSearchResult(4, $datanew Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext());


        $service = new SyncService(
            new StaticDefinitionInstanceRegistry(

        if (!\is_array($result)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid mock repository configuration');

        // flat array of ids         if (\array_key_exists(0, $result) && \is_string($result[0])) {
            $result = \array_map(fn (string $id) => ['primaryKey' => $id, 'data' => []]$result);

        return new IdSearchResult(\count($result)$result$criteria$context);

    /** * @experimental */
    public function create(array $data, Context $context): EntityWrittenContainerEvent
        $writeResults = $this->getDummyWriteResults($data, EntityWriteResult::OPERATION_INSERT, $context);
        /** @var EntityWrittenEvent $entityWrittenEvent */
        $entityWrittenEvent = $writeResults->first();

        $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('product.optionIds', $this->ids->get('option1')));
        $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('product.optionIds', $this->ids->get('option2')));

        $context = Context::createDefaultContext();

                new IdSearchResult(
                            'primaryKey' => $this->ids->get('found1'),
                            'data' => [],
                            'primaryKey' => $this->ids->get('found2'),
                            'data' => [],
public function testValidateShippingAddressWithMixedItems(): void
        $cart = new Cart('test');
        $cart->add((new LineItem('a', 'test'))->setStates([State::IS_DOWNLOAD]));
        $context = $this->createMock(SalesChannelContext::class);

        $country = new CountryEntity();

        $idSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(
            [['data' => $country->getId(), 'primaryKey' => $country->getId()]],
            new Criteria(),

        $shippingLocation = new ShippingLocation($country, null, null);

        $errorCollection = new ErrorCollection();
->willReturn(new ProductCollection([$productEntity$productEntity2$productEntity3$productEntity4]));

        $searcher = $this->createMock(EntitySearcherInterface::class);
        $data = [
            'test-1' => ['data' => ['fullText' => 'foo'], 'primaryKey' => 'test-1'],
            'test-2' => ['data' => [], 'primaryKey' => 'test-2'],
            'test-3' => ['data' => [], 'primaryKey' => 'test-3'],
            ->willReturn(new IdSearchResult(4, $datanew Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext()));

        $aggregator = $this->createMock(EntityAggregatorInterface::class);

        $repo = new EntityRepository(
            new ProductDefinition(),
#[Package('core')] class ElasticsearchEntitySearchHydrator extends AbstractElasticsearchSearchHydrator
    public function getDecorated(): AbstractElasticsearchSearchHydrator
        throw new DecorationPatternException(self::class);

    public function hydrate(EntityDefinition $definition, Criteria $criteria, Context $context, array $result): IdSearchResult
        if (!isset($result['hits'])) {
            return new IdSearchResult(0, []$criteria$context);

        $hits = $this->extractHits($result);

        $data = [];
        foreach ($hits as $hit) {
            $id = $hit['_id'];

            $data[$id] = [
                'primaryKey' => $id,
                'data' => array_merge(

        $dataBag = new DataBag();
        $dataBag->set('tos', true);
        $context = $this->createMock(SalesChannelContext::class);

        $cart = new Cart('test');
        $cart->add((new LineItem('a', 'test'))->setStates([State::IS_PHYSICAL]));


        $idSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(0, []new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext());


        $cart->add((new LineItem('b', 'test'))->setStates([State::IS_DOWNLOAD]));

        try {

            static::fail('Did not throw exception');
        } catch (\Throwable $exception) {

        $result = $this->createMock(EntitySearchResult::class);
        $customerEntity = new CustomerEntity();

        $salutationId = Uuid::randomHex();

        $idSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(
            [['data' => $salutationId, 'primaryKey' => $salutationId]],
            new Criteria(),

        $customerRepository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);
$customerRepository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);
            ->with(static::callback(function Darray $data) use ($salutationId) {
                static::assertCount(1, $data);

                return true;

        $idSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(
            [['data' => $salutationId, 'primaryKey' => $salutationId]],
            new Criteria(),

        $salutationRepository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);

        $change = new ChangeCustomerProfileRoute(
            new EntitySearchResult(
                new EntityCollection([$address]),
                new Criteria(),

        $idSearchResult = new IdSearchResult(
            [['data' => $salutationId, 'primaryKey' => $salutationId]],
            new Criteria(),

        $salutationRepository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);

        $systemConfigService = $this->createMock(SystemConfigService::class);

yield 'with snippetSetId input' => [
            'snippetSetId' => 'snippetSetId',
            'isoCode' => null,
            'idSearchResult' => [],
            'exception' => null,

        yield 'with valid isoCode' => [
            'snippetSetId' => null,
            'isoCode' => 'de-DE',
            'idSearchResult' => [
                new IdSearchResult(1, [['primaryKey' => 'snippetSetId', 'data' => []]]new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext()),
            'exception' => null,

        yield 'with not found isoCode, use en-GB as fallback' => [
            'snippetSetId' => null,
            'isoCode' => 'nl-NL',
            'idSearchResult' => [
                new IdSearchResult(0, []new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext()),
                new IdSearchResult(1, [['primaryKey' => 'snippetSetId', 'data' => []]]new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext()),

        if (!\is_array($result)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid mock repository configuration');

        // flat array of ids         if (\array_key_exists(0, $result) && \is_string($result[0])) {
            $result = \array_map(fn (string $id) => ['primaryKey' => $id, 'data' => []]$result);

        return new IdSearchResult(\count($result)$result$criteria$context);

    /** * @experimental */
    public function create(array $data, Context $context): EntityWrittenContainerEvent
        $writeResults = $this->getDummyWriteResults($data, EntityWriteResult::OPERATION_INSERT, $context);
        /** @var EntityWrittenEvent $entityWrittenEvent */
        $entityWrittenEvent = $writeResults->first();

yield 'test not active' => [false, true, true];
        yield 'test not shipping available' => [true, false, true];
        yield 'test not assigned for sales channel' => [true, true, false];
        yield 'test not active and not shipping available' => [false, false, true];
        yield 'test not active, not shipping available, not assigned' => [false, false, false];
        yield 'test is valid' => [true, true, true];

    private function getSearchResultStub(?bool $assigned = true, ?string $id = null): IdSearchResult
        if ($assigned) {
            return new IdSearchResult(0, [['primaryKey' => $id ?? Uuid::randomHex(), 'data' => []]]new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext());

        return new IdSearchResult(0, []new Criteria(), Context::createDefaultContext());

    private function getRepositoryMock(?IdSearchResult $result): EntityRepository&MockObject
        $repository = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);


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