addJoin example

$def['type'] = empty($this->options['required']) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
    else {
      // If vocabularies are supplied join a subselect instead       $def['left_table'] = $this->tableAlias;
      $def['left_field'] = 'nid';
      $def['field'] = 'nid';
      $def['type'] = empty($this->options['required']) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
      $def['adjusted'] = TRUE;

      $query = Database::getConnection()->select('taxonomy_term_field_data', 'td');
      $query->addJoin($def['type'], 'taxonomy_index', 'tn', '[tn].[tid] = [td].[tid]');
      $query->condition('td.vid', array_filter($this->options['vids']), 'IN');
      if (empty($this->query->options['disable_sql_rewrite'])) {
      $query->fields('tn', ['nid']);
      $def['table formula'] = $query;

    $join = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.views.join')->createInstance('standard', $def);

'direction' => LanguageInterface::DIRECTION_LTR,
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Add custom language');

    // Build the JavaScript translation file.
    // Retrieve the source string of the first string available in the     // {locales_source} table and translate it.     $query = Database::getConnection()->select('locales_source', 's');
    $query->addJoin('INNER', 'locales_location', 'l', '[s].[lid] = [l].[lid]');
    $source = $query->fields('s', ['source'])
      ->condition('l.type', 'javascript')
      ->range(0, 1)

    $search = [
      'string' => $source,
      'langcode' => $langcode,
      'translation' => 'all',

  protected function ensureEntityTable($index_prefix$property$type$langcode$base_table$id_field$entity_tables) {
    foreach ($entity_tables as $table => $mapping) {
      if (isset($mapping[$property])) {
        // Ensure a table joined multiple times through different index prefixes         // has unique entityTables entries by concatenating the index prefix         // and the base table alias. In this way i.e. if we join to the same         // entity table several times for different entity reference fields,         // each join gets a separate alias.         $key = $index_prefix . ($base_table === 'base_table' ? $table : $base_table);
        if (!isset($this->entityTables[$key])) {
          $this->entityTables[$key] = $this->addJoin($type$table, "[%alias].[$id_field] = [$base_table].[$id_field]", $langcode);
        return $this->entityTables[$key];
    throw new QueryException("'$property' not found");

  /** * Ensure the field table is joined if necessary. * * @param string $index_prefix * The table array index prefix. For a base table this will be empty, * for a target entity reference like '' * this will be 'entity:taxonomy_term.target_id.'. * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface &$field * The field storage definition for the field being joined. * @param string $type * The join type. * @param string $langcode * The langcode we use on the join. * @param string $base_table * The table to join to. It can be either the table name, its alias or the * 'base_table' placeholder. * @param string $entity_id_field * The name of the ID field/property for the current entity. For instance: * tid, nid, etc. * @param string $field_id_field * The column representing the id for the field. For example, 'revision_id' * or 'entity_id'. * @param string $delta * A delta which should be used as additional condition. * * @return string * The alias of the joined table. */

  public function __construct(Connection $connection$table$alias = NULL, $options = []) {
    // @todo Remove $options['return'] in Drupal 11.     // @see     $options['return'] = Database::RETURN_STATEMENT;
    $conjunction = $options['conjunction'] ?? 'AND';
    $this->condition = $this->connection->condition($conjunction);
    $this->having = $this->connection->condition($conjunction);
    $this->addJoin(NULL, $table$alias);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function addTag($tag) {
    $this->alterTags[$tag] = 1;
    return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
if (isset($this->baseTablesEntityType[$base_table])) {
        $entity_type_id = $this->baseTablesEntityType[$base_table];
        $revision_key = $this->entityTypeManager->getActiveDefinition($entity_type_id)->getKey('revision');

        if ($id_field === $revision_key || $id_field === 'revision_id') {
          $workspace_association_table = $this->contentWorkspaceTables[$base_table];
          $join_condition = "{$condition_parts[0]} = COALESCE($workspace_association_table.target_entity_revision_id, {$condition_parts[1]})";

    return parent::addJoin($type$table$join_condition$langcode$delta);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function addNextBaseTable(EntityType $entity_type$table$sql_column, FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_storage) {
    $next_base_table_alias = parent::addNextBaseTable($entity_type$table$sql_column$field_storage);

    $active_workspace_id = $this->sqlQuery->getMetaData('active_workspace_id');
    if ($active_workspace_id && $this->workspaceManager->isEntityTypeSupported($entity_type)) {
/** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function leftJoin($table$alias = NULL, $condition = NULL, $arguments = []) {
    return $this->query->leftJoin($table$alias$condition$arguments);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function addJoin($type$table$alias = NULL, $condition = NULL, $arguments = []) {
    return $this->query->addJoin($type$table$alias$condition$arguments);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function orderBy($field$direction = 'ASC') {
    return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
// Notify anyone listening of the message we've saved.     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new MigrateIdMapMessageEvent($this->migration, $source_id_values$message$level), MigrateEvents::IDMAP_MESSAGE);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getMessages(array $source_id_values = []$level = NULL) {
    $query = $this->getDatabase()->select($this->messageTableName(), 'msg');
    $condition = sprintf('[msg].[%s] = [map].[%s]', $this::SOURCE_IDS_HASH, $this::SOURCE_IDS_HASH);
    $query->addJoin('LEFT', $this->mapTableName(), 'map', $condition);
    // Explicitly define the fields we want. The order will be preserved: source     // IDs, destination IDs (if possible), and then the rest.     foreach ($this->sourceIdFields() as $id => $column_name) {
      $query->addField('map', $column_name, "src_$id");
    foreach ($this->destinationIdFields() as $id => $column_name) {
      $query->addField('map', $column_name, "dest_$id");
    $query->fields('msg', ['msgid', $this::SOURCE_IDS_HASH, 'level', 'message']);
    if ($source_id_values) {
      $query->condition('msg.' . $this::SOURCE_IDS_HASH, $this->getSourceIdsHash($source_id_values));
    // failures with database drivers that override the     // Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select class. We build a dynamic query via     // the db API to check that its SQL matches the one generated by the     // EntityQuery. This way we ensure that the database driver is free to     // create its own comparable SQL statement.     $connection = Database::getConnection();
    $expected = $connection->select("entity_test_mulrev", "base_table");
    $expected->addField("base_table", "revision_id", "revision_id");
    $expected->addField("base_table", "id", "id");
    $expected->join("entity_test_mulrev__$figures", "entity_test_mulrev__$figures", '[entity_test_mulrev__' . $figures . '].[entity_id] = [base_table].[id]');
    $expected->join("entity_test_mulrev__$figures", "entity_test_mulrev__{$figures}_2", '[entity_test_mulrev__' . $figures . '_2].[entity_id] = [base_table].[id]');
    $expected->addJoin("LEFT", "entity_test_mulrev__$figures", "entity_test_mulrev__{$figures}_3", '[entity_test_mulrev__' . $figures . '_3].[entity_id] = [base_table].[id]');
    $expected->condition("entity_test_mulrev__$figures.{$figures}_color", ["blue"], "IN");
    $expected->condition("entity_test_mulrev__{$figures}_2.{$figures}_color", ["red"], "IN");

    // Apply table prefixes and quote identifiers for the expected SQL.     $expected_string = $connection->prefixTables((string) $expected);
    $expected_string = $connection->quoteIdentifiers($expected_string);
    // Resolve placeholders in the expected SQL to their values.     $quoted = [];
    foreach ($expected->getArguments() as $key => $value) {
$left_table = NULL;

    $condition = "$left_field " . $this->configuration['operator'] . " $table[alias].$this->field";
    $arguments = [];

    // Tack on the extra.     if (isset($this->extra)) {

    $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table$table['alias']$condition$arguments);

  /** * Adds the extras to the join condition. * * @param array $arguments * Array of query arguments. * @param string $condition * The condition to be built. * @param array $table * The right table. * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $select_query * The current select query being built. * @param array $left_table * The left table. */

          else {
            $condition .= ' AND (' . implode(' ' . $this->extraOperator . ' ', $extras) . ')';
      elseif ($this->extra && is_string($this->extra)) {
        $condition .= " AND ($this->extra)";

    $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table$table['alias']$condition$arguments);


  protected function addNodeRankings(SelectExtender $query) {
    if ($ranking = $this->getRankings()) {
      $tables = &$query->getTables();
      foreach ($ranking as $rank => $values) {
        if (isset($this->configuration['rankings'][$rank]) && !empty($this->configuration['rankings'][$rank])) {
          $node_rank = $this->configuration['rankings'][$rank];
          // If the table defined in the ranking isn't already joined, then add it.           if (isset($values['join']) && !isset($tables[$values['join']['alias']])) {
          $arguments = $values['arguments'] ?? [];

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
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