addXmlContent example

        $crawler = $this->createCrawler();
        // gbk encode of <html><p>中文</p></html>         $crawler->addHtmlContent($this->getDoctype().base64_decode('PGh0bWw+PHA+1tDOxDwvcD48L2h0bWw+'), 'gbk');

        $this->assertEquals('中文', $crawler->filterXPath('//p')->text());

    public function testAddXmlContent()
        $crawler = $this->createCrawler();
        $crawler->addXmlContent($this->getDoctype().'<html><div class="foo"></div></html>', 'UTF-8');

        $this->assertEquals('foo', $crawler->filterXPath('//div')->attr('class'), '->addXmlContent() adds nodes from an XML string');

    public function testAddXmlContentCharset()
        $crawler = $this->createCrawler();
        $crawler->addXmlContent($this->getDoctype().'<html><div class="foo">Tiếng Việt</div></html>', 'UTF-8');

        $this->assertEquals('Tiếng Việt', $crawler->filterXPath('//div')->text());

$this->assertEquals("Tag nav invalid\n", $errors[0]->message);


    public function testAddXmlContentWithErrors()
        $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);

        $crawler = $this->createCrawler();
        $crawler->addXmlContent(<<<'EOF' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html> <head> </head> <body> <nav><a href="#"><a href="#"></nav> </body> </html> EOF
            , 'UTF-8');

//         //         $content = preg_replace_callback('/(charset *= *["\']?)([a-zA-Z\-0-9_:.]+)/i', function D$m) use (&$charset) {
            if ('charset=' === $this->convertToHtmlEntities('charset=', $m[2])) {
                $charset = $m[2];

            return $m[1].$charset;
        }$content, 1);

        if ('x' === $xmlMatches[1]) {
        } else {

    /** * Adds an HTML content to the list of nodes. * * The libxml errors are disabled when the content is parsed. * * If you want to get parsing errors, be sure to enable * internal errors via libxml_use_internal_errors(true) * and then, get the errors via libxml_get_errors(). Be * sure to clear errors with libxml_clear_errors() afterward. * * @return void */
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