attributes example

$expected_more_text = 'custom more text';

    $view = Views::getView('test_display_more');

    $output = $view->preview();
    $output = $renderer->renderRoot($output);

    $result = $this->xpath('//div[@class=:class]/a', [':class' => 'more-link']);
    $this->assertEquals(Url::fromRoute('view.test_display_more.page_1')->toString()$result[0]->attributes()->href, 'The right more link is shown.');
    $this->assertEquals($expected_more_texttrim($result[0][0]), 'The right link text is shown.');

    // Test the renderMoreLink method directly. This could be directly unit     // tested.     $more_link = $view->display_handler->renderMoreLink();
    $more_link = $renderer->renderRoot($more_link);
    $result = $this->xpath('//div[@class=:class]/a', [':class' => 'more-link']);
    $this->assertEquals(Url::fromRoute('view.test_display_more.page_1')->toString()$result[0]->attributes()->href, 'The right more link is shown.');
    $this->assertEquals($expected_more_texttrim($result[0][0]), 'The right link text is shown.');


    protected function _processExtends(SimpleXMLElement $element$section, array $config = array())
        if (!isset($element->$section)) {
            throw new Zend_Config_Exception("Section '$section' cannot be found");

        $thisSection  = $element->$section;
        $nsAttributes = $thisSection->attributes(self::XML_NAMESPACE);

        if (isset($thisSection['extends']) || isset($nsAttributes['extends'])) {
            $extendedSection = (string) (isset($nsAttributes['extends']) ? $nsAttributes['extends'] : $thisSection['extends']);

            if (!$this->_skipExtends) {
                $config = $this->_processExtends($element$extendedSection$config);

        $config = $this->_arrayMergeRecursive($config$this->_toArray($thisSection));


  protected function mappedOutputHelper(ViewExecutable $view) {
    $output = $view->preview();
    $rendered_output = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($output);
    $rows = $this->elements->body->div->div;
    $data_set = $this->dataSet();

    $count = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      $attributes = $row->attributes();
      $class = (string) $attributes['class'][0];
      $this->assertStringContainsString('views-row-mapping-test', $class, 'Make sure that each row has the correct CSS class.');

      foreach ($row->div as $field) {
        // Split up the field-level class, the first part is the mapping name         // and the second is the field ID.         $field_attributes = $field->attributes();
        $name = strtok((string) $field_attributes['class'][0], '-');
        $field_id = strtok('-');

        // The expected result is the mapping name and the field value,

        // Attributes are strings. If we're too deep set the         // depth limit to enable parsing them, but no deeper.         if ($this->parser->getDepthLimit() && $this->parser->getDepthLimit() - 2 < $base_obj->depth) {
            $base_obj->depth = $this->parser->getDepthLimit() - 2;

        $attribs = [];

        foreach ($namespaces as $nsAlias => $nsUrl) {
            if ($nsAttribs = $var->attributes($nsUrl)) {
                $cleanAttribs = [];
                foreach ($nsAttribs as $name => $attrib) {
                    $cleanAttribs[(string) $name] = $attrib;

                if (null === $nsUrl) {
                    $obj = clone $base_obj;
                    if ($obj->access_path) {
                        $obj->access_path .= '->attributes()';

$translator->addAttributeMatching($xpath, '', '', '');

    /** @dataProvider getXmlLangTestData */
    public function testXmlLang($css, array $elementsId)
        $translator = new Translator();
        $document = new \SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/Fixtures/lang.xml'));
        $elements = $document->xpath($translator->cssToXPath($css));
        foreach ($elements as $element) {
            $this->assertContains((string) $element->attributes()->id, $elementsId);

    /** @dataProvider getHtmlIdsTestData */
    public function testHtmlIds($css, array $elementsId)
        $translator = new Translator();
        $translator->registerExtension(new HtmlExtension($translator));
        $document = new \DOMDocument();
        $document->strictErrorChecking = false;
        $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
foreach ($attribute->denormalization_context as $node) {
                    $groups = (array) $node->group;
                    $context = $this->parseContext($node->entry);

            if (isset($xml->{'discriminator-map'})) {
                $mapping = [];
                foreach ($xml->{'discriminator-map'}->mapping as $element) {
                    $elementAttributes = $element->attributes();
                    $mapping[(string) $elementAttributes->type] = (string) $elementAttributes->class;

                $classMetadata->setClassDiscriminatorMapping(new ClassDiscriminatorMapping(
                    (string) $xml->{'discriminator-map'}->attributes()->{'type-property'},

            return true;


  public static function findTestCases(\SimpleXMLElement $element, \SimpleXMLElement $parent = NULL) {
    if (!isset($parent)) {
      $parent = $element;

    if ($element->getName() === 'testcase' && (int) $parent->attributes()->tests > 0) {
      // Add the class attribute if the test case does not have one. This is the       // case for tests using a data provider. The name of the parent testsuite       // will be in the format class::method.       if (!$element->attributes()->class) {
        $name = explode('::', $parent->attributes()->name, 2);
        $element->addAttribute('class', $name[0]);
      return [$element];
    $test_cases = [];
    foreach ($element as $child) {
// Setup some random css class.     $view->initStyle();
    $random_name = $this->randomMachineName();
    $view->style_plugin->options['row_class'] = $random_name . " test-token-{{ name }}";

    $output = $view->preview();
    $html_dom = $this->getHtmlDom($this->container->get('renderer')->renderRoot($output));

    $rows = $html_dom->body->div->div;
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      $attributes = $row->attributes();
      $class = (string) $attributes['class'][0];

      // Check token replacement.       $name = $view->field['name']->getValue($view->result[$count]);
      $this->assertStringContainsString("test-token-$name", $class);



    private function extractXliff1(\DOMDocument $dom, MessageCatalogue $catalogue, string $domain): void
        $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
        $encoding = $dom->encoding ? strtoupper($dom->encoding) : null;

        $namespace = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2';
        $xml->registerXPathNamespace('xliff', $namespace);

        foreach ($xml->xpath('//xliff:file') as $file) {
            $fileAttributes = $file->attributes();

            $file->registerXPathNamespace('xliff', $namespace);

            foreach ($file->xpath('.//xliff:prop') as $prop) {
                $catalogue->setCatalogueMetadata($prop->attributes()['prop-type'](string) $prop$domain);

            foreach ($file->xpath('.//xliff:trans-unit') as $translation) {
                $attributes = $translation->attributes();

                if (!(isset($attributes['resname']) || isset($translation->source))) {

  protected function assertFieldAttributes(EntityInterface $entity, array $attributes) {
    $view_builder = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getViewBuilder($entity->getEntityTypeId());
    $build = $view_builder->view($entity);

    $actual = array_map(function D\SimpleXMLElement $element) {
      return (string) $element->attributes();

if (\is_array($imageSize)) {
                        [$width$height] = $imageSize;

                    // no break                 case Media::TYPE_VECTOR:
                    if ($media->getExtension() === 'svg'
                        && $xml = simplexml_load_string($mediaService->read($media->getPath()))
                    ) {
                        /** @var SimpleXMLElement|null $attr */
                        $attr = $xml->attributes();

                        if ((int) $attr->width > 0 && (int) $attr->height > 0) {
                            $width = (int) $attr->width;
                            $height = (int) $attr->height;
                        } elseif ($attr->viewBox && \count($size = explode(' ', $attr->viewBox)) === 4) {
                            $width = (int) $size[2];
                            $height = (int) $size[3];


    if ($slash != '') {
      return "</$elem>";

    // Is there a closing XHTML slash at the end of the attributes?     $attributes = preg_replace('%(\s?)/\s*$%', '\1', $attributes, -1, $count);
    $xhtml_slash = $count ? ' /' : '';

    // Clean up attributes.     $attr2 = implode(' ', $class::attributes($attributes));
    $attr2 = preg_replace('/[<>]/', '', $attr2);
    $attr2 = strlen($attr2) ? ' ' . $attr2 : '';

    return "<$elem$attr2$xhtml_slash>";

  /** * Processes a string of HTML attributes. * * @param string $attributes * The html attribute to process. * * @return string * Cleaned up version of the HTML attributes. */
public function testDefaultRowClasses() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_view');
    $output = $view->preview();

    $rows = $this->elements->body->div->div;
    $count = 0;
    $count_result = count($view->result);
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      $attributes = $row->attributes();
      $class = (string) $attributes['class'][0];
      $this->assertStringContainsString('views-row', $class, 'Make sure that the views row class is set right.');

foreach ($attribute->denormalization_context as $node) {
                    $groups = (array) $node->group;
                    $context = $this->parseContext($node->entry);

            if (isset($xml->{'discriminator-map'})) {
                $mapping = [];
                foreach ($xml->{'discriminator-map'}->mapping as $element) {
                    $elementAttributes = $element->attributes();
                    $mapping[(string) $elementAttributes->type] = (string) $elementAttributes->class;

                $classMetadata->setClassDiscriminatorMapping(new ClassDiscriminatorMapping(
                    (string) $xml->{'discriminator-map'}->attributes()->{'type-property'},

            return true;

public function testTranslationSelection($text_langcode$expected_title_langcode) {
    $text = $this->createEmbedCode([
      'data-entity-type' => 'media',
      'data-entity-uuid' => static::EMBEDDED_ENTITY_UUID,

    $result = $this->processText($text$text_langcode['media_embed']);

      (string) $this->cssSelect('img')[0]->attributes()['alt']
    // Verify that the filtered text does not vary by translation-related cache     // contexts: a particular translation of the embedded entity is selected     // based on the host entity's language, which should require a cache context     // to be associated. (The host entity's language may itself be selected     // based on the request context, but that is of no concern to this filter.)     $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($result->getCacheContexts()['timezone', 'user.permissions']);

  /** * Data provider for testTranslationSelection(). */
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