comment_author_link example

    protected function ping( $comment$depth$args ) {
        $tag = ( 'div' === $args['style'] ) ? 'div' : 'li';
        ?> <<?php echo $tag; ?> id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" <?php comment_class( '', $comment ); ?>> <div class="comment-body"> <?php _e( 'Pingback:' ); ?> <?php comment_author_link( $comment ); ?> <?php edit_comment_link( __( 'Edit' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?> </div> <?php     }

    /** * Filters the comment text. * * Removes links from the pending comment's text if the commenter did not consent * to the comment cookies. * * @since 5.4.2 * * @param string $comment_text Text of the current comment. * @param WP_Comment|null $comment The comment object. Null if not found. * @return string Filtered text of the current comment. */

                } else {
                        /* translators: 1: Type of comment, 2: Notification if the comment is pending. */
                        _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'dashboard' ),
                        '<span class="approve">' . __( '[Pending]' ) . '</span>'
                ?> </p> <p class="comment-author"><?php comment_author_link( $comment ); ?></p> <?php endif; // comment_type ?> <blockquote><p><?php comment_excerpt( $comment ); ?></p></blockquote> <?php if ( $actions_string ) : ?> <p class="row-actions"><?php echo $actions_string; ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div> </li> <?php     $GLOBALS['comment'] = null;

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