createURIString example

    public function __toString(): string
        $path   = $this->getPath();
        $scheme = $this->getScheme();

        // If the hosts matches then assume this should be relative to baseURL         [$scheme$path] = $this->changeSchemeAndPath($scheme$path);

        return static::createURIString(
            $path, // Absolute URIs should use a "/" for an empty path             $this->getQuery(),

    /** * Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL * should be relative to the project's configuration. * * @deprecated This method will be deleted. */
// Ignore non-HTML responses         if (strpos($this->response->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'), 'text/html') === false) {

        // This is mainly needed during testing...         if (is_string($uri)) {
            $uri = new URI($uri);

        if (isset($_SESSION)) {
            $_SESSION['_ci_previous_url'] = URI::createURIString(

    /** * Modifies the Request Object to use a different method if a POST * variable called _method is found. */
$query = array_intersect_key($_GETarray_flip($this->only));

            if ($segment) {
                $query[$this->groups[$group]['pageSelector']] = $page;


        return ($returnObject === true)
            ? $uri
            : URI::createURIString(

    /** * Returns the full URI to the next page of results, or null. * * @return string|null */
$baseURL = config(App::class)->baseURL;

        if (strpos($baseURL, 'https://') === 0) {
            $authority = substr($baseURLstrlen('https://'));
        } elseif (strpos($baseURL, 'http://') === 0) {
            $authority = substr($baseURLstrlen('http://'));
        } else {
            $authority = $baseURL;

        $uri = URI::createURIString(
            $request->getUri()->getPath(), // Absolute URIs should use a "/" for an empty path             $request->getUri()->getQuery(),

        // Set an HSTS header         $response->setHeader('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=' . $duration)

    function current_url(bool $returnObject = false, ?IncomingRequest $request = null)
        $request ??= Services::request();
        /** @var CLIRequest|IncomingRequest $request */
        $uri = $request->getUri();

        return $returnObject ? $uri : URI::createURIString($uri->getScheme()$uri->getAuthority()$uri->getPath());

if (function_exists('previous_url')) {
    /** * Returns the previous URL the current visitor was on. For security reasons * we first check in a saved session variable, if it exists, and use that. * If that's not available, however, we'll use a sanitized url from $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] * which can be set by the user so is untrusted and not set by certain browsers/servers. * * @return string|URI */

    protected function prepareURL(string $url): string
        // If it's a full URI, then we have nothing to do here...         if (strpos($url, '://') !== false) {
            return $url;

        $uri = $this->baseURI->resolveRelativeURI($url);

        // Create the string instead of casting to prevent baseURL muddling         return URI::createURIString(

    /** * Get the request method. Overrides the Request class' method * since users expect a different answer here. * * @param bool|false $upper Whether to return in upper or lower case. */
return null;

        $uri = clone $this->uri;

        if ($this->segment === 0) {
            $uri->addQuery($this->pageSelector, $this->first - 1);
        } else {
            $uri->setSegment($this->segment, $this->first - 1);

        return URI::createURIString(

    /** * Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page. */

    public function getRoutePath(): string
        return $this->routePath;

    /** * Formats the URI as a string. */
    public function __toString(): string
        return static::createURIString(

    /** * Sets the route path (and segments). * * @return $this */
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