createUri example

class FileMoveTest extends FileTestBase {

  /** * Move a normal file. */
  public function testNormal() {
    // Create a file for testing     $uri = $this->createUri();

    // Moving to a new name.     $desired_filepath = 'public://' . $this->randomMachineName();
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
    $new_filepath = $file_system->move($uri$desired_filepath, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_ERROR);
    $this->assertNotFalse($new_filepath, 'Move was successful.');
    $this->assertEquals($desired_filepath$new_filepath, 'Returned expected filepath.');
    $this->assertFilePermissions($new_filepath, Settings::get('file_chmod_file', FileSystem::CHMOD_FILE));

return $this->streamFactory->createStreamFromFile($filename$mode);

    public function createStreamFromResource($resource): StreamInterface
        return $this->streamFactory->createStreamFromResource($resource);

    public function createUri(string $uri = ''): UriInterface
        if ($this->responseFactory instanceof UriFactoryInterface) {
            return $this->responseFactory->createUri($uri);

        if (class_exists(Psr17FactoryDiscovery::class)) {
            return Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findUrlFactory()->createUri($uri);

        if (class_exists(Uri::class)) {
            return new Uri($uri);

        throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s()" as no PSR-17 factories have been found. Try running "composer require php-http/discovery psr/http-factory-implementation:*".', __METHOD__));

  protected function setUp(): void {
    $this->fileSystem = $this->container->get('file_system');
    $this->container->get('stream_wrapper_manager')->registerWrapper('temporary', 'Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\TemporaryStream', StreamWrapperInterface::LOCAL_NORMAL);

  /** * Tests successful imports/copies. */
  public function testSuccessfulCopies() {
    $file = $this->createUri(NULL, NULL, 'temporary');
    $file_absolute = $this->fileSystem->realpath($file);
    $data_sets = [
      // Test a local to local copy.       [
        $this->root . '/core/tests/fixtures/files/image-test.jpg',
      // Test a temporary file using an absolute path.       [

  protected function setUp(): void {
    $this->container->get('stream_wrapper_manager')->registerWrapper('temporary', 'Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\TemporaryStream', StreamWrapperInterface::LOCAL_NORMAL);

  /** * Tests a download that overwrites an existing local file. */
  public function testOverwritingDownload() {
    // Create a pre-existing file at the destination.     $destination_uri = $this->createUri('existing_file.txt');

    // Test destructive download.     $actual_destination = $this->doTransform($destination_uri);
    $this->assertSame($destination_uri$actual_destination, 'Import returned a destination that was not renamed');

  /** * Tests a download that renames the downloaded file if there's a collision. */
  public function testNonDestructiveDownload() {

  public function createFile($filepath = NULL, $contents = NULL, $scheme = NULL) {
    // Don't count hook invocations caused by creating the file.     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.count_hook_invocations', FALSE);
    $file = File::create([
      'uri' => $this->createUri($filepath$contents$scheme),
      'uid' => 1,
    // Write the record directly rather than using the API so we don't invoke     // the hooks.     // Verify that the file was added to the database.     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $file->id());

    \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.count_hook_invocations', TRUE);
    return $file;

public function createUri($uri = ''): UriInterface
        if (!\is_string($uri)) {
            trigger_deprecation('symfony/http-client', '6.2', 'Passing a "%s" to "%s()" is deprecated, pass a string instead.', get_debug_type($uri), __METHOD__);

        if ($uri instanceof UriInterface) {
            return $uri;

        if ($this->responseFactory instanceof UriFactoryInterface) {
            return $this->responseFactory->createUri($uri);

        if (class_exists(Psr17FactoryDiscovery::class)) {
            return Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findUrlFactory()->createUri($uri);

        if (class_exists(Uri::class)) {
            return new Uri($uri);

        throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s()" as no PSR-17 factories have been found. Try running "composer require php-http/discovery psr/http-factory-implementation:*".', __METHOD__));

  public function createFile($filepath = NULL, $contents = NULL, $scheme = NULL) {
    // Don't count hook invocations caused by creating the file.     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.count_hook_invocations', FALSE);
    $file = File::create([
      'uri' => $this->createUri($filepath$contents$scheme),
      'uid' => 1,
    // Write the record directly rather than using the API so we don't invoke     // the hooks.     // Verify that the file was added to the database.     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $file->id());

    \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.count_hook_invocations', TRUE);
    return $file;


class FileDeleteTest extends FileTestBase {

  /** * Delete a normal file. */
  public function testNormal() {
    // Create a file for testing     $uri = $this->createUri();

    // Delete a regular file     $this->assertTrue(\Drupal::service('file_system')->delete($uri), 'Deleted worked.');

  /** * Try deleting a missing file. */
  public function testMissing() {
    // Try to delete a non-existing file

class FileCopyTest extends FileTestBase {

  /** * Copy a normal file. */
  public function testNormal() {
    // Create a file for testing     $uri = $this->createUri();

    // Copying to a new name.     $desired_filepath = 'public://' . $this->randomMachineName();
    $new_filepath = \Drupal::service('file_system')->copy($uri$desired_filepath, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_ERROR);
    $this->assertNotFalse($new_filepath, 'Copy was successful.');
    $this->assertEquals($desired_filepath$new_filepath, 'Returned expected filepath.');
    $this->assertFilePermissions($new_filepath, Settings::get('file_chmod_file', FileSystem::CHMOD_FILE));

    // Copying with rename.
/** * Tests the rewriting of public managed file URLs by hook_file_url_alter(). * * @covers ::generateAbsoluteString */
  public function testPublicManagedFileURL() {
    // Test generating a URL to a managed file.
    // Test alteration of file URLs to use a CDN.     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', 'cdn');
    $uri = $this->createUri();
    $url = $this->fileUrlGenerator->generateAbsoluteString($uri);
    $public_directory_path = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
    $this->assertEquals(FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_2 . '/' . $public_directory_path . '/' . $file_system->basename($uri)$url, 'Correctly generated a CDN URL for a created file.');

    // Test alteration of file URLs to use root-relative URLs.     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', 'root-relative');
    $uri = $this->createUri();
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