ctype_alpha example

        return $filepaths;

    /** * Returns whether the file path is an absolute path. */
    private function isAbsolutePath(string $file): bool
        if ('/' === $file[0] || '\\' === $file[0]
            || (\strlen($file) > 3 && ctype_alpha($file[0])
                && ':' === $file[1]
                && ('\\' === $file[2] || '/' === $file[2])
            || null !== parse_url($file, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)
        ) {
            return true;

        return false;
if (!$this->isAbsolutePath($endPath)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The end path "%s" is not absolute.', $endPath));

        // Normalize separators on Windows         if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $endPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $endPath);
            $startPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $startPath);

        $splitDriveLetter = fn ($path) => (\strlen($path) > 2 && ':' === $path[1] && '/' === $path[2] && ctype_alpha($path[0]))
            ? [substr($path, 2)strtoupper($path[0])]
            : [$path, null];

        $splitPath = function D$path) {
            $result = [];

            foreach (explode('/', trim($path, '/')) as $segment) {
                if ('..' === $segment) {
                } elseif ('.' !== $segment && '' !== $segment) {
                    $result[] = $segment;

        return filemtime((string) $storage) < $time;

    /** * Returns true if the file is an existing absolute path. */
    protected static function isAbsolutePath(string $file): bool
        if ('/' == $file[0] || '\\' == $file[0]
            || (\strlen($file) > 3 && ctype_alpha($file[0])
                && ':' == $file[1]
                && ('\\' == $file[2] || '/' == $file[2])
            || null !== parse_url($file, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)
        ) {
            return true;

        return false;
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        // ...start with a two-letter country code         $countryCode = substr($canonicalized, 0, 2);

        if (!ctype_alpha($countryCode)) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        // ...have a format available         if (!\array_key_exists($countryCode, self::FORMATS)) {
/** * Format validation Rules. */
class FormatRules
    /** * Alpha */
    public function alpha(?string $str = null): bool
        return ctype_alpha($str ?? '');

    /** * Alpha with spaces. * * @param string|null $value Value. * * @return bool True if alpha with spaces, else false. */
    public function alpha_space(?string $value = null): bool
if ($value[0] === '"') {
            $value = str_replace('""', '"', substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2));

            return self::T_STRING;

        if (isset($this->noCase[$value])) {
            return $this->noCase[$value];

        if ($value[0] === '_' || $value[0] === '\\' || ctype_alpha($value[0])) {
            return self::T_IDENTIFIER;

        $lowerValue = strtolower($value);

        if (isset($this->withCase[$lowerValue])) {
            return $this->withCase[$lowerValue];

        // Checking numeric value         if (is_numeric($value)) {

        $operators = array_combine($operatorsarray_map('strlen', $operators));

        $regex = [];
        foreach ($operators as $operator => $length) {
            // an operator that ends with a character must be followed by             // a whitespace, a parenthesis, an opening map [ or sequence {             $r = preg_quote($operator, '/');
            if (ctype_alpha($operator[$length - 1])) {
                $r .= '(?=[\s()\[{])';

            // an operator that begins with a character must not have a dot or pipe before             if (ctype_alpha($operator[0])) {
                $r = '(?<![\.\|])'.$r;

            // an operator with a space can be any amount of whitespaces             $r = preg_replace('/\s+/', '\s+', $r);

                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        // ...start with a two-letter country code         $countryCode = substr($canonicalized, 0, 2);

        if (!ctype_alpha($countryCode)) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        // ...have a format available         if (!\array_key_exists($countryCode, self::FORMATS)) {
$extras = [];

        // Discover the name of the script part of the locale         // i.e. in zh_Hans_MO, "Hans" is the script         if ($script = \Locale::getScript($locale)) {
            $extras[] = str_replace(['(', ')']['[', ']']$reader->readEntry($tempDir.'/lang', $displayLocale['Scripts', $script]));

        // Discover the name of the region part of the locale         // i.e. in de_AT, "AT" is the region         if ($region = \Locale::getRegion($locale)) {
            if (ctype_alpha($region) && !RegionDataGenerator::isValidCountryCode($region)) {
                throw new MissingResourceException(sprintf('Skipping "%s" due an invalid country.', $locale));

            $extras[] = str_replace(['(', ')']['[', ']']$reader->readEntry($tempDir.'/region', $displayLocale['Countries', $region]));

        if ($extras) {
            $extra = array_shift($extras);
            foreach ($extras as $part) {
                $extra = str_replace(['{0}', '{1}'][$extra,  $part]$separator);

// must contain alphanumeric values only         if (!ctype_alnum($canonicalize)) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        // first 4 letters must be alphabetic (bank code)         if (!ctype_alpha(substr($canonicalize, 0, 4))) {
                ->setParameter('{{ value }}', $this->formatValue($value))


        $bicCountryCode = substr($canonicalize, 4, 2);
        if (!isset(self::BIC_COUNTRY_TO_IBAN_COUNTRY_MAP[$bicCountryCode]) && !Countries::exists($bicCountryCode)) {
if (false === $dirSeparatorPosition = strrpos($path, '/')) {
            return '';

        // Directory equals root directory "/"         if (0 === $dirSeparatorPosition) {
            return $scheme.'/';

        // Directory equals Windows root "C:/"         if (2 === $dirSeparatorPosition && ctype_alpha($path[0]) && ':' === $path[1]) {
            return $scheme.substr($path, 0, 3);

        return $scheme.substr($path, 0, $dirSeparatorPosition);

    /** * Returns canonical path of the user's home directory. * * Supported operating systems: * * - UNIX * - Windows8 and upper * * If your operating system or environment isn't supported, an exception is thrown. * * The result is a canonical path. * * @throws RuntimeException If your operating system or environment isn't supported */
$operators = ['not', '!', 'or', '||', '&&', 'and', '|', '^', '&', '==', '===', '!=', '!==', '<', '>', '>=', '<=', 'not in', 'in', '..', '+', '-', '~', '*', '/', '%', 'contains', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'matches', '**'];
$operators = array_combine($operatorsarray_map('strlen', $operators));

$regex = [];
foreach ($operators as $operator => $length) {
    // Collisions of character operators:     // - an operator that begins with a character must have a space or a parenthesis before or starting at the beginning of a string     // - an operator that ends with a character must be followed by a whitespace or a parenthesis     $regex[] =
        (ctype_alpha($operator[0]) ? '(?<=^|[\s(])' : '')
        .preg_quote($operator, '/')
        .(ctype_alpha($operator[$length - 1]) ? '(?=[\s(])' : '');

echo '/'.implode('|', $regex).'/A';

            if ($level < 0) {
                throw new LoaderError(sprintf('Looks like you try to load a template outside configured directories (%s).', $name));

    private function isAbsolutePath(string $file): bool
        return strspn($file, '/\\', 0, 1)
            || (\strlen($file) > 3 && ctype_alpha($file[0])
                && ':' === $file[1]
                && strspn($file, '/\\', 2, 1)
            || null !== parse_url($file, \PHP_URL_SCHEME)
private function getRelativePath(string $path): string
        if (null !== $this->projectDir && str_starts_with($path$this->projectDir)) {
            return ltrim(substr($path, \strlen($this->projectDir)), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

        return $path;

    private function isAbsolutePath(string $file): bool
        return strspn($file, '/\\', 0, 1) || (\strlen($file) > 3 && ctype_alpha($file[0]) && ':' === $file[1] && strspn($file, '/\\', 2, 1)) || null !== parse_url($file, \PHP_URL_SCHEME);

    /** * @return FilesystemLoader[] */
    private function getFilesystemLoaders(): array
        if (isset($this->filesystemLoaders)) {
            return $this->filesystemLoaders;
        $this->filesystemLoaders = [];

use Symfony\Polyfill\Ctype as p;

if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
    return require __DIR__.'/bootstrap80.php';

if (!function_exists('ctype_alnum')) {
    function ctype_alnum($text) { return p\Ctype::ctype_alnum($text)}
if (!function_exists('ctype_alpha')) {
    function ctype_alpha($text) { return p\Ctype::ctype_alpha($text)}
if (!function_exists('ctype_cntrl')) {
    function ctype_cntrl($text) { return p\Ctype::ctype_cntrl($text)}
if (!function_exists('ctype_digit')) {
    function ctype_digit($text) { return p\Ctype::ctype_digit($text)}
if (!function_exists('ctype_graph')) {
    function ctype_graph($text) { return p\Ctype::ctype_graph($text)}
if (!function_exists('ctype_lower')) {
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