debugResource example

/** * Returns a debug stream based on the provided variable. * * @param mixed $value Optional value * * @return resource * * @deprecated debug_resource will be removed in guzzlehttp/guzzle:8.0. Use Utils::debugResource instead. */
function debug_resource($value = null)
    return Utils::debugResource($value);

/** * Chooses and creates a default handler to use based on the environment. * * The returned handler is not wrapped by any default middlewares. * * @return callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface Returns the best handler for the given system. * * @throws \RuntimeException if no viable Handler is available. * * @deprecated choose_handler will be removed in guzzlehttp/guzzle:8.0. Use Utils::chooseHandler instead. */
        static $args = ['severity', 'message', 'message_code', 'bytes_transferred', 'bytes_max'];

        $value = Utils::debugResource($value);
        $ident = $request->getMethod().' '.$request->getUri()->withFragment('');
            static function Dint $code, ...$passed) use ($ident$value$map$args): void {
                \fprintf($value, '<%s> [%s] ', $ident$map[$code]);
                foreach (\array_filter($passed) as $i => $v) {
                    \fwrite($value$args[$i].': "'.$v.'" ');
                \fwrite($value, "\n");
$progress = $options['progress'];
            if (!\is_callable($progress)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('progress client option must be callable');
            $conf[\CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS] = false;
            $conf[\CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION] = static function D$resource, int $downloadSize, int $downloaded, int $uploadSize, int $uploaded) use ($progress) {

        if (!empty($options['debug'])) {
            $conf[\CURLOPT_STDERR] = Utils::debugResource($options['debug']);
            $conf[\CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = true;

    /** * This function ensures that a response was set on a transaction. If one * was not set, then the request is retried if possible. This error * typically means you are sending a payload, curl encountered a * "Connection died, retrying a fresh connect" error, tried to rewind the * stream, and then encountered a "necessary data rewind wasn't possible" * error, causing the request to be sent through curl_multi_info_read() * without an error status. * * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler */
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