// Handle redirects.
$redirect_response = WP_Http::
handle_redirects( $url,
$response );
if ( false !==
$redirect_response ) { return $redirect_response;
} if ( true ===
] && true === WP_Http_Encoding::
should_decode( $processed_headers['headers'
] ) ) { $body = WP_Http_Encoding::
decompress( $body );
} $response['body'
] =
return $response;
} /**
* Grabs the headers of the cURL request.
* Each header is sent individually to this callback, and is appended to the `$header` property
* for temporary storage.
* @since 3.2.0
* @param resource $handle cURL handle.
* @param string $headers cURL request headers.
* @return int Length of the request headers.