fetch example

public function preDispatch()
        $this->module = Shopware()->Modules()->Basket();
        $this->session = Shopware()->Session();
        $this->Response()->setHeader('x-robots-tag', 'noindex');

    public function infoAction()
        $view = $this->View();

        $view->assign('userInfo', $this->get('shopware_account.store_front_greeting_service')->fetch());
        $view->assign('sBasketQuantity', isset($this->session->sBasketQuantity) ? $this->session->sBasketQuantity : 0);
        $view->assign('sBasketAmount', isset($this->session->sBasketAmount) ? $this->session->sBasketAmount : 0);
        $view->assign('sNotesQuantity', isset($this->session->sNotesQuantity) ? $this->session->sNotesQuantity : $this->module->sCountNotes());
        $view->assign('sUserLoggedIn', !empty(Shopware()->Session()->get('sUserId')));
        $view->assign('sOneTimeAccount', $this->session->sOneTimeAccount);

                'queryBuilder' => $queryBuilder,
                'amount' => $amount,
                'amount_net' => $amount_net,

        $basket = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if ($basket === false) {
            return false;

        $basket['max_tax'] = $this->moduleManager->Basket()->getMaxTax();

        $postPaymentId = $this->front->Request()->getPost('sPayment');
        $sessionPaymentId = $this->session->offsetGet('sPaymentID');

        if (!empty($paymentID)) {
abstract protected function getDescriptor();

    abstract protected function getFormat();

    private function getObjectDescription($object, array $options)
        $output = new BufferedOutput(BufferedOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, $options['decorated']);
        $io = new SymfonyStyle(new ArrayInput([])$output);


        return $output->fetch();

    private function getExpectedDescription($name)
        return file_get_contents($this->getFixtureFilename($name));

    private function getFixtureFilename($name)
        return sprintf('%s/../../Fixtures/Descriptor/%s.%s', __DIR__, $name$this->getFormat());

    public function fetch($style = null, $cursor = 0, $offset = 0)
        if ($style === null) {
            $style = $this->_fetchMode;
        try {
            return $this->_stmt->fetch($style$cursor$offset);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            throw new Zend_Db_Statement_Exception($e->getMessage()$e->getCode()$e);

    /** * Required by IteratorAggregate interface * * @return IteratorIterator */

    public function testFetchExistingState()
        $cacheItem = $this->createMock(CacheItemInterface::class);
        $window = new Window('test', 10, 20);



    public function testFetchExistingJunk()
        $cacheItem = $this->createMock(CacheItemInterface::class);



$this->addressRepository = $this->get(ModelManager::class)->getRepository(Address::class);
        $this->addressService = $this->get(AddressServiceInterface::class);

        $this->View()->assign('sUserLoggedIn', $this->admin->sCheckUser());

        if (!$this->View()->getAssign('sUserLoggedIn')) {
            $this->forward('index', 'register', 'frontend', $this->getForwardParameters());


        $this->View()->assign('userInfo', $this->get('shopware_account.store_front_greeting_service')->fetch());
        $this->View()->assign('sUserData', $this->admin->sGetUserData());
        $this->View()->assign('sAction', $this->Request()->getActionName());

    /** * Address listing */
    public function indexAction()
        $addresses = $this->addressRepository->getListArray(

  public function prepareRow(Row $row) {
    foreach (unserialize($row->getSourceProperty('data')) as $key => $value) {

    $field_definition = $this->select('field_config', 'fc')
      ->condition('id', $row->getSourceProperty('field_id'))
    $row->setSourceProperty('field_definition', $field_definition);

    // Determine the translatable setting.     $translatable = FALSE;
    if ($row->getSourceProperty('entity_type') == 'node') {
      $language_content_type_bundle = (int) $this->variableGet('language_content_type_' . $row->getSourceProperty('bundle'), 0);
      // language_content_type_[bundle] may be       // - 0: no language support       // - 1: language assignment support       // - 2: node translation support       // - 4: entity translation support
$definition = $getClassesCommand->getDefinition();
        $input = new ArrayInput(
        $output = new BufferedOutput();

        $refMethod = ReflectionHelper::getMethod(SummarizeCoverageReports::class, 'execute');

        return $output->fetch();

    private function getProjectDir(): string
        $vendorDir = key(ClassLoader::getRegisteredLoaders());

        return \dirname($vendorDir);
public function testGet() {
    $file_cache = FileCacheFactory::get('test_foo_settings', []);

    // Ensure the right backend and configuration is used.     $filename = __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/llama-23.txt';
    $realpath = realpath($filename);
    $cid = 'prefix:test-23:' . $realpath;

    $file_cache->set($filename, 23);

    $static_cache = new StaticFileCacheBackend(['bin' => 'dog']);
    $result = $static_cache->fetch([$cid]);

    // Cleanup static caches.     $file_cache->delete($filename);

  /** * @covers ::get */
  public function testGetNoPrefix() {
$builder = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
        $builder->andWhere('username = :username');
        $builder->setParameter('username', $value);

        if ($userId !== null) {
            $builder->andWhere('id != :userId');
            $builder->setParameter('userId', $userId);

        $id = $builder->execute()->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

        return $id == 1;

    /** * @param array $snippet with namespace, name and default value * * @return string */
    private function getSnippet(array $snippet)

  public function runComposer($cmd$cwd) {
    $input = new StringInput($cmd);
    $output = new BufferedOutput();
    $application = new Application();
    $exitCode = $application->run($input$output);
    $output = $output->fetch();
    if ($exitCode != 0) {
      throw new \Exception("Fixtures::runComposer failed to set up fixtures.\n\nCommand: '{$cmd}'\nExit code: {$exitCode}\nOutput: \n\n$output");
    return $output;


    public function populateTimestamp(Smarty_Template_Cached $cached)
        $mtime = $this->fetchTimestamp($cached->filepath, $cached->source->name, $cached->cache_id, $cached->compile_id);
        if ($mtime !== null) {
            $cached->timestamp = $mtime;
            $cached->exists = !!$cached->timestamp;
        $timestamp = null;
        $this->fetch($cached->filepath, $cached->source->name, $cached->cache_id, $cached->compile_id, $cached->content, $timestamp);
        $cached->timestamp = isset($timestamp) ? $timestamp : false;
        $cached->exists = !!$cached->timestamp;

    /** * Read the cached template and process the header * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $cached cached object * @return booelan true or false if the cached content does not exist */
$tpl->tpl_vars = &$this->tpl_vars;
        } else {
            $tpl->tpl_vars = &$scope_ptr->tpl_vars;
        $tpl->config_vars = $this->config_vars;
        if (!empty($data)) {
            // set up variable values             foreach ($data as $_key => $_val) {
                $tpl->tpl_vars[$_key] = new Smarty_variable($_val);
        return $tpl->fetch(null, null, null, null, false, false, true);

    /** * Template code runtime function to set up an inline subtemplate * * @param string $template the resource handle of the template file * @param mixed $cache_id cache id to be used with this template * @param mixed $compile_id compile id to be used with this template * @param integer $caching cache mode * @param integer $cache_lifetime life time of cache data * @param array $vars optional variables to assign * @param int $parent_scope scope in which {include} should execute * @param string $hash nocache hash code * @return string template content */

        $connection = $this->getConnection();

        $indexer = new CategoryAdminSearchIndexer(

        $id = '809c1844f4734243b6aa04aba860cd45';
        $documents = $indexer->fetch([$id]);


        $document = $documents[$id];

        static::assertSame('809c1844f4734243b6aa04aba860cd45 category tag', $document['text']);

    private function getConnection(): Connection

use Shopware\Components\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

class Migrations_Migration1703 extends AbstractMigration
    public function up($modus)
        $elementExists = $this->connection
            ->query('SELECT id FROM `s_core_config_elements` WHERE `name` = "ignore_trailing_slash" AND form_id = (SELECT id FROM s_core_config_forms WHERE name = "Frontend100") LIMIT 1')

        if (\is_string($elementExists)) {

        $sql = <<<'EOD' SET @parent = (SELECT id FROM s_core_config_forms WHERE name = 'Frontend100'); INSERT INTO `s_core_config_elements` (`form_id`, `name`, `value`, `label`, `description`, `type`, `required`, `position`, `scope`, `options`) VALUES (@parent, 'ignore_trailing_slash', 'b:1;', 'URLs ohne abschließenden Slash weiterleiten', 'Wenn aktiv, werden URLs, die normalerweise auf einen Slash (“/”) enden und ohne diesen aufgerufen werden, mittels http-code 301 auf die korrekte Seite mit Slash weitergeleitet. Der Canonical zeigt dabei immer auf die korrekte Seite mit Slash', 'boolean', 1, 0, 0, NULL); SET @elementId = (SELECT id FROM `s_core_config_elements` WHERE `name` = 'ignore_trailing_slash' AND form_id = @parent LIMIT 1); INSERT INTO `s_core_config_element_translations` (`element_id`, `locale_id`, `label`, `description`) VALUES (@elementId, '2', 'Redirect urls without trailing slash', 'If active, URLs that normally end in a slash ("/") and are called without it are forwarded to the correct page with slash via http-code 301. The Canonical always points to the correct page with slash.' );
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