getCharset example

  protected static function flattenResponse(ResourceResponse $response, Request $request) {
    $final_response = ($response instanceof CacheableResponseInterface && $request->isMethodCacheable()) ? new CacheableResponse() : new Response();
    if ($charset = $response->getCharset()) {
    $final_response->headers = clone $response->headers;
    if ($final_response instanceof CacheableResponseInterface) {
    return $final_response;


    protected function _encodeHeader($value)
        if (Zend_Mime::isPrintable($value) === false) {
            if ($this->getHeaderEncoding() === Zend_Mime::ENCODING_QUOTEDPRINTABLE) {
                $value = Zend_Mime::encodeQuotedPrintableHeader($value$this->getCharset(), Zend_Mime::LINELENGTH, Zend_Mime::LINEEND);
            } else {
                $value = Zend_Mime::encodeBase64Header($value$this->getCharset(), Zend_Mime::LINELENGTH, Zend_Mime::LINEEND);

        return $value;

    /** * Add a header to the message * * Adds a header to this message. If append is true and the header already * exists, raises a flag indicating that the header should be appended. * * @param string $headerName * @param string $value * @param bool $append */
        $maxValueLength = $this->getMaxLineLength() - \strlen($name.'=*N"";') - 1;
        $firstLineOffset = 0;

        // If it's not already a valid parameter value...         if (!preg_match('/^'.self::TOKEN_REGEX.'$/D', $value)) {
            // TODO: text, or something else??             // ... and it's not ascii             if (!preg_match('/^[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]*$/D', $value)) {
                $encoded = true;
                // Allow space for the indices, charset and language                 $maxValueLength = $this->getMaxLineLength() - \strlen($name.'*N*="";') - 1;
                $firstLineOffset = \strlen($this->getCharset()."'".$this->getLanguage()."'");

            if (\in_array($name['name', 'filename'], true) && 'form-data' === $this->getValue() && 'content-disposition' === strtolower($this->getName()) && preg_match('//u', $value)) {
                // WHATWG HTML living standard 2 specifies:                 // For field names and filenames for file fields, the result of the                 // encoding in the previous bullet point must be escaped by replacing                 // any 0x0A (LF) bytes with the byte sequence `%0A`, 0x0D (CR) with `%0D`                 // and 0x22 (") with `%22`.                 // The user agent must not perform any other escapes.                 $value = str_replace(['"', "\r", "\n"]['%22', '%0D', '%0A']$value);

return [
            'kernel.project_dir' => realpath($this->getProjectDir()) ?: $this->getProjectDir(),
            'kernel.environment' => $this->environment,
            'kernel.runtime_environment' => '%env(default:kernel.environment:APP_RUNTIME_ENV)%',
            'kernel.debug' => $this->debug,
            'kernel.build_dir' => realpath($buildDir = $this->warmupDir ?: $this->getBuildDir()) ?: $buildDir,
            'kernel.cache_dir' => realpath($cacheDir = ($this->getCacheDir() === $this->getBuildDir() ? ($this->warmupDir ?: $this->getCacheDir()) : $this->getCacheDir())) ?: $cacheDir,
            'kernel.logs_dir' => realpath($this->getLogDir()) ?: $this->getLogDir(),
            'kernel.bundles' => $bundles,
            'kernel.bundles_metadata' => $bundlesMetadata,
            'kernel.charset' => $this->getCharset(),
            'kernel.container_class' => $this->getContainerClass(),

    /** * Builds the service container. * * @throws \RuntimeException */
    protected function buildContainer(): ContainerBuilder
/** * Filters the Response. */
    public function onKernelResponse(ResponseEvent $event): void
        if (!$event->isMainRequest()) {

        $response = $event->getResponse();

        if (null === $response->getCharset()) {

        if ($this->addContentLanguageHeader && !$response->isInformational() && !$response->isEmpty() && !$response->headers->has('Content-Language')) {
            $response->headers->set('Content-Language', $event->getRequest()->getLocale());

        if ($event->getRequest()->attributes->get('_vary_by_language')) {
            $response->setVary('Accept-Language', false);

public function humanize(string $text): string
        return ucfirst(strtolower(trim(preg_replace(['/([A-Z])/', '/[_\s]+/']['_$1', ' ']$text))));

    /** * @internal */
    public function encodeCurrency(Environment $environment, string $text, string $widget = ''): string
        if ('UTF-8' === $charset = $environment->getCharset()) {
            $text = htmlspecialchars($text, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');
        } else {
            $text = htmlentities($text, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');
            $text = iconv('UTF-8', $charset$text);
            $widget = iconv('UTF-8', $charset$widget);

        return str_replace('{{ widget }}', $widget$text);

  protected function flattenResponse(ResourceResponseInterface $response) {
    $final_response = ($response instanceof CacheableResponseInterface) ? new CacheableResponse() : new Response();
    if ($response->getCharset()) {
    $final_response->headers = clone $response->headers;
    if ($final_response instanceof CacheableResponseInterface) {
    return $final_response;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
$max = $max;

        return mt_rand((int) $min(int) $max);

    if (\is_string($values)) {
        if ('' === $values) {
            return '';

        $charset = $env->getCharset();

        if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) {
            $values = twig_convert_encoding($values, 'UTF-8', $charset);

        // unicode version of str_split()         // split at all positions, but not after the start and not before the end         $values = preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $values);

        if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) {
            foreach ($values as $i => $value) {

    public function getAddressStrings(): array
        $strings = [];
        foreach ($this->addresses as $address) {
            $str = $address->getEncodedAddress();
            if ($name = $address->getName()) {
                $str = $this->createPhrase($this$name$this->getCharset(), !$strings).' <'.$str.'>';
            $strings[] = $str;

        return $strings;

    public function getBodyAsString(): string
        return implode(', ', $this->getAddressStrings());

/* -- RFC 2047, 2. An 'encoded-word' is defined by the following ABNF grammar. The notation of RFC 822 is used, with the exception that white space characters MUST NOT appear between components of an 'encoded-word'. encoded-word = "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?=" */

        $nonAsciiChar = pack('C', 0x8F);
        $header = new UnstructuredHeader('X-Test', $nonAsciiChar);
        $this->assertEquals('X-Test: =?'.$header->getCharset().'?Q?=8F?=', $header->toString());

    public function testEncodedWordsAreUsedToEncodedNonPrintableAscii()
        // SPACE and TAB permitted         $nonPrintableBytes = array_merge(range(0x00, 0x08)range(0x10, 0x19)[0x7F]);
        foreach ($nonPrintableBytes as $byte) {
            $char = pack('C', $byte);
            $encodedChar = sprintf('=%02X', $byte);
            $header = new UnstructuredHeader('X-A', $char);
return $safe_response;

  /** * Copies over the values from the given response. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse $response * The redirect response object. */
  protected function fromResponse(RedirectResponse $response) {
    if ($response->getCharset()) {
    // Cookies are separate from other headers and have to be copied over     // directly.     foreach ($response->headers->getCookies() as $cookie) {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
return [
            'kernel.project_dir' => realpath($this->getProjectDir()) ?: $this->getProjectDir(),
            'kernel.environment' => $this->environment,
            'kernel.runtime_environment' => '%env(default:kernel.environment:APP_RUNTIME_ENV)%',
            'kernel.debug' => $this->debug,
            'kernel.build_dir' => realpath($buildDir = $this->warmupDir ?: $this->getBuildDir()) ?: $buildDir,
            'kernel.cache_dir' => realpath($cacheDir = ($this->getCacheDir() === $this->getBuildDir() ? ($this->warmupDir ?: $this->getCacheDir()) : $this->getCacheDir())) ?: $cacheDir,
            'kernel.logs_dir' => realpath($this->getLogDir()) ?: $this->getLogDir(),
            'kernel.bundles' => $bundles,
            'kernel.bundles_metadata' => $bundlesMetadata,
            'kernel.charset' => $this->getCharset(),
            'kernel.container_class' => $this->getContainerClass(),

    /** * Builds the service container. * * @throws \RuntimeException */
    protected function buildContainer(): ContainerBuilder
$this->assertEquals('Fabien Potencier <>', $header->getBodyAsString());

        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address('', 'Fabien Potencier, "from Symfony"'));
        $this->assertEquals('"Fabien Potencier, \"from Symfony\"" <>', $header->getBodyAsString());

        $header = new MailboxHeader('From', new Address('', 'Fabien Potencier, \\escaped\\'));
        $this->assertEquals('"Fabien Potencier, \\\\escaped\\\\" <>', $header->getBodyAsString());

        $name = 'P'.pack('C', 0x8F).'tencier';
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address('', 'Fabien '.$name));
        $this->assertEquals('Fabien =?'.$header->getCharset().'?Q?P=8Ftencier?= <>', $header->getBodyAsString());

    public function testUtf8CharsInLocalPart()
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address('fabï'));
        $this->assertSame('fabï', $header->getBodyAsString());

    public function testToString()
        $header = new MailboxHeader('Sender', new Address(''));
public function getFunctions(): array
        return [
            new TwigFunction('profiler_dump', $this->dumpData(...)['is_safe' => ['html'], 'needs_environment' => true]),
            new TwigFunction('profiler_dump_log', $this->dumpLog(...)['is_safe' => ['html'], 'needs_environment' => true]),

    public function dumpData(Environment $env, Data $data, int $maxDepth = 0): string
        $this->dumper->dump($data, null, [
            'maxDepth' => $maxDepth,

        $dump = stream_get_contents($this->output, -1, 0);
        ftruncate($this->output, 0);

        return str_replace("\n</pre", '</pre', rtrim($dump));


        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', [new Address('')new Address('')]);
        $this->assertEquals(['', '']$header->getAddressStrings());

    public function testNameIsEncodedIfNonAscii()
        $name = 'C'.pack('C', 0x8F).'rbyn';
        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', [new Address('', 'Chris '.$name)]);
        $addresses = $header->getAddressStrings();
        $this->assertEquals('Chris =?'.$header->getCharset().'?Q?C=8Frbyn?= <>', array_shift($addresses));

    public function testEncodingLineLengthCalculations()
        /* -- RFC 2047, 2. An 'encoded-word' may not be more than 75 characters long, including 'charset', 'encoding', 'encoded-text', and delimiters. */

        $name = 'C'.pack('C', 0x8F).'rbyn';
        $header = new MailboxListHeader('From', [new Address('', 'Chris '.$name)]);
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