getTransitionBlockerList example

$workflow = new Workflow($definitionnew MethodMarkingStore());
        $context = [
            'lorem' => 'ipsum',

        try {
            $workflow->apply($subject, 't2', $context);

            $this->fail('Should throw an exception');
        } catch (NotEnabledTransitionException $e) {
            $this->assertSame('Transition "t2" is not enabled for workflow "unnamed".', $e->getMessage());
            $this->assertCount(1, $e->getTransitionBlockerList());
            $list = iterator_to_array($e->getTransitionBlockerList());
            $this->assertSame('The marking does not enable the transition.', $list[0]->getMessage());
            $this->assertSame($e->getTransitionName(), 't2');

    public function testApply()
$subject = new Subject();

        // There may be multiple transitions with the same name. Make sure that all transitions         // that are enabled by the marking are evaluated.         // see
        try {
            $net->apply($subject, 't1');
        } catch (NotEnabledTransitionException $e) {
            $blockers = iterator_to_array($e->getTransitionBlockerList());
            $this->assertSame('Transition blocker of place a', $blockers[0]->getMessage());
            $this->assertSame('blocker', $blockers[0]->getCode());


        if (null === $this->dispatcher) {
            return new TransitionBlockerList();

        $event = $this->guardTransition($subject$marking$transition);

        if ($event->isBlocked()) {
            return $event->getTransitionBlockerList();

        return new TransitionBlockerList();

    private function guardTransition(object $subject, Marking $marking, Transition $transition): ?GuardEvent
        if (null === $this->dispatcher) {
            return null;

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